Search results:

The pahtway p2223 has 69 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 40 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3422IDI1IPP1 | IPPI1isopentenyl-diphosphate delta isomerase 110p15.3
6387CXCL12IRH | PBSF | SCYB12 | SDF1 | TLSF | TPAR1C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 1210q11.1
5728PTEN10q23del | BZS | CWS1 | DEC | GLM2 | MHAM | MMAC1 | PTEN1 | TEP1phosphatase and tensin homolog10q23.3
4046LSP1WP34 | pp52lymphocyte-specific protein 111p15.5
9958USP15UNPH-2 | UNPH4ubiquitin specific peptidase 1512q14
3034HALHIS | HSTDhistidine ammonia-lyase12q23.1
3169FOXA1HNF3A | TCF3Aforkhead box A114q21.1
8522GAS7MLL/GAS7growth arrest specific 717p13.1
6354CCL7FIC | MARC | MCP-3 | MCP3 | NC28 | SCYA6 | SCYA7C-C motif chemokine ligand 717q11.2-q12
1628DBPDABPD site of albumin promoter (albumin D-box) binding protein19q13.3
6280S100A960B8AG | CAGB | CFAG | CGLB | L1AG | LIAG | MAC387 | MIF | MRP14 | NIF | P14S100 calcium binding protein A91q21
3075CFHAHUS1 | AMBP1 | ARMD4 | ARMS1 | CFHL3 | FH | FHL1 | HF | HF1 | HF2 | HUScomplement factor H1q32
3290HSD11B111-DH | 11-beta-HSD1 | CORTRD2 | HDL | HSD11 | HSD11B | HSD11L | SDR26C1hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 11q32-q41
5105PCK1PEPCK-C | PEPCK1 | PEPCKCphosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 120q13.31
80781COL18A1KNO | KNO1 | KScollagen type XVIII alpha 121q22.3
5297PI4KAPI4K-ALPHA | PIK4CA | PMGYCHA | pi4K230phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase alpha22q11.21
3625INHBB-inhibin beta B2cen-q13
5068REG3AHIP | HIP/PAP | INGAP | PAP | PAP-H | PAP1 | PBCGF | REG-III | REG3regenerating family member 3 alpha2p12
7850IL1R2CD121b | CDw121b | IL-1R-2 | IL-1RT-2 | IL-1RT2 | IL1R2c | IL1RBinterleukin 1 receptor type 22q12
8685MARCOSCARA2macrophage receptor with collagenous structure2q14.2
316AOX1AO | AOH1aldehyde oxidase 12q33
6533SLC6A6TAUTsolute carrier family 6 member 63p25.1
347APOD-apolipoprotein D3q29
5156PDGFRACD140A | GAS9 | PDGFR-2 | PDGFR2 | RHEPDGFRAplatelet derived growth factor receptor alpha4q12
79071ELOVL6FACE | FAE | LCEELOVL fatty acid elongase 64q25
4883NPR3ANP-C | ANPR-C | ANPRC | C5orf23 | GUCY2B | NPR-C | NPRCnatriuretic peptide receptor 35p13.3
1958EGR1AT225 | G0S30 | KROX-24 | NGFI-A | TIS8 | ZIF-268 | ZNF225early growth response 15q31.1
4888NPY6RNPY1RL | NPY6RP | PP2 | Y2Bneuropeptide Y receptor Y6 (pseudogene)5q31.2
7124TNFDIF | TNF-alpha | TNFA | TNFSF2 | TNLG1Ftumor necrosis factor6p21.3
7058THBS2TSP2thrombospondin 26q27
6424SFRP4FRP-4 | FRPHE | sFRP-4secreted frizzled-related protein 47p14.1
7291TWIST1ACS3 | BPES2 | BPES3 | CRS | CRS1 | CSO | SCS | TWIST | bHLHa38twist family bHLH transcription factor 17p21.2
5764PTNHARP | HBGF8 | HBNF | NEGF1pleiotrophin7q33
4481MSR1CD204 | SCARA1 | SR-A | SRA | phSR1 | phSR2macrophage scavenger receptor 18p22
1508CTSBAPPS | CPSBcathepsin B8p22
5179PENKPE | PENK-Aproenkephalin8q12.1
8434RECKST15reversion inducing cysteine rich protein with kazal motifs9p13.3
9314KLF4EZF | GKLFKruppel-like factor 4 (gut)9q31
6611SMSMRSR | SPMSY | SRS | SpSspermine synthaseXp22.1

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