Search results:

The pahtway p2404 has 48 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 22 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
143662MUC15MUC-15 | PAS3 | PASIIImucin 15, cell surface associated11p14.3
6857SYT1P65 | SVP65 | SYTsynaptotagmin 112cen-q21
1690COCHCOCH-5B2 | COCH5B2 | DFNA9cochlin14q11.2-q13
9369NRXN3C14orf60neurexin 314q31
148203ZNF738-zinc finger protein 73819p12
1311COMPEDM1 | EPD1 | MED | PSACH | THBS5cartilage oligomeric matrix protein19p13.1
1301COL11A1CO11A1 | COLL6 | STL2collagen type XI alpha 11p21
54102CLIC6CLIC1Lchloride intracellular channel 621q22.12
1281COL3A1EDS4Acollagen type III alpha 12q31
5746PTH2RPTHR2parathyroid hormone 2 receptor2q33
152404IGSF11BT-IgSF | CT119 | CXADRL1 | Igsf13 | VSIG3immunoglobulin superfamily member 113q13.32
7545ZIC1CRS6 | ZIC | ZNF201Zic family member 13q24
590BCHECHE1 | CHE2 | E1butyrylcholinesterase3q26.1-q26.2
7368UGT8CGT | UGT4UDP glycosyltransferase 84q26
81578COL21A1COLA1L | FP633collagen type XXI alpha 16p12.3-p11.2|6p12.3-p11.2
3117HLA-DQA1CD | CELIAC1 | DQ-A1 | GSE | HLA-DQAmajor histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ alpha 16p21.3
51299NRN1NRN | dJ380B8.2neuritin 16p25.1
6424SFRP4FRP-4 | FRPHE | sFRP-4secreted frizzled-related protein 47p14.1
26047CNTNAP2AUTS15 | CASPR2 | CDFE | NRXN4 | PTHSL1contactin associated protein-like 27q35
1029CDKN2AARF | CDK4I | CDKN2 | CMM2 | INK4 | INK4A | MLM | MTS-1 | MTS1 | P14 | P14ARF | P16 | P16-INK4A | P16INK4 | P16INK4A | P19 | P19ARF | TP16cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A9p21
4958OMDOSAD | SLRR2Costeomodulin9q22.31
55859BEX1BEX2 | HBEX2 | HGR74-hbrain expressed X-linked 1Xq22.1|Xq22

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