Search results:

The pahtway p2853 has 48 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 26 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
10771ZMYND11BRAM1 | BS69 | MRD30zinc finger MYND-type containing 1110p14
5214PFKPATP-PFK | PFK-C | PFK-P | PFKFphosphofructokinase, platelet10p15.3-p15.2
143PARP4ADPRTL1 | ARTD4 | PARP-4 | PARPL | PH5P | VAULT3 | VPARP | VWA5C | p193poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 413q11
2971GTF3AAP2 | TFIIIAgeneral transcription factor IIIA13q12.3-q13.1
7528YY1DELTA | INO80S | NF-E1 | UCRBP | YIN-YANG-1YY1 transcription factor14q
10972TMED10P24(DELTA) | S31I125 | S31III125 | TMP21 | Tmp-21-I | p23 | p24d1transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 1014q24.3
57149LYRM1A211C6.1LYR motif containing 116p11.2
9403SEP15-15 kDa selenoprotein1p31
3192HNRNPUHNRNPU-AS1 | HNRPU | SAF-A | SAFA | U21.1 | hnRNP Uheterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U (scaffold attachment factor A)1q44
6647SOD1ALS | ALS1 | HEL-S-44 | IPOA | SOD | hSod1 | homodimersuperoxide dismutase 1, soluble21q22.11
64976MRPL40L40mt | MRP-L22 | MRP-L40 | MRPL22 | NLVCF | URIMmitochondrial ribosomal protein L4022q11.2
7494XBP1TREB-5 | TREB5 | XBP-1 | XBP2X-box binding protein 122q12.1|22q12
23492CBX7-chromobox 722q13.1
7514XPO1CRM1 | emb | exp1exportin 12p15
10971YWHAQ14-3-3 | 1C5 | HS1tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein theta2p25.1
23228PLCL2PLCE2phospholipase C like 23p24.3
5217PFN2D3S1319E | PFLprofilin 23q25.1
5504PPP1R2IPP-2 | IPP2protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 23q29
7322UBE2D2E2(17)KB2 | PUBC1 | UBC4 | UBC4/5 | UBCH4 | UBCH5Bubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 D25q31.2
2739GLO1GLOD1 | GLYI | HEL-S-74glyoxalase I6p21.3-p21.1
3720JARID2JMJjumonji and AT-rich interaction domain containing 26p24-p23
157680VPS13BCHS1 | COH1vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog B (yeast)8q22.2
22882ZHX2AFR1 | RAFzinc fingers and homeoboxes 28q24.13
11046SLC35D2HFRC1 | SQV7L | UGTrel8 | hfrcsolute carrier family 35 member D29q22.32
9550ATP6V1G1ATP6G | ATP6G1 | ATP6GL | ATP6J | Vma10ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit G19q32
5090PBX3-pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 39q33.3

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