Search results:

The pahtway p2874 has 48 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 32 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
8325FZD8FZ-8 | hFZ8frizzled class receptor 810p11.21
221061FAM171A1C10orf38family with sequence similarity 171 member A110p13
84858ZNF503NOLZ-1 | NOLZ1 | Nlz2zinc finger protein 50310q22.2
7003TEAD1AA | NTEF-1 | REF1 | TCF-13 | TCF13 | TEAD-1 | TEF-1TEA domain transcription factor 111p15.2
4013VWA5ABCSC-1 | BCSC1 | LOH11CR2Avon Willebrand factor A domain containing 5A11q24.1
83700JAM3JAM-2 | JAM-3 | JAM-C | JAMCjunctional adhesion molecule 311q25
57460PPM1HARHCL1 | NERPP-2C | URCC2protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1H12q14.1
10253SPRY2IGAN3 | hSPRY2sprouty RTK signaling antagonist 213q31.1
2535FZD2Fz2 | fz-2 | fzE2 | hFz2frizzled class receptor 217q21.31
25925ZNF521EHZF | Evi3zinc finger protein 52118q11.2
1837DTNAD18S892E | DRP3 | DTN | DTN-A | LVNC1dystrobrevin alpha18q12
5087PBX1-pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 11q23
4139MARK1MARK | Par-1c | Par1cmicrotubule affinity regulating kinase 11q41
25893TRIM58BIA2tripartite motif containing 581q44
1471CST3ARMD11 | HEL-S-2cystatin C20p11.21
8204NRIP1RIP140nuclear receptor interacting protein 121q11.2
54102CLIC6CLIC1Lchloride intracellular channel 621q22.12
25825BACE2AEPLC | ALP56 | ASP1 | ASP21 | BAE2 | CDA13 | CEAP1 | DRAPbeta-site APP-cleaving enzyme 221q22.3
5270SERPINE2GDN | GDNPF | PI-7 | PI7 | PN-1 | PN1 | PNIserpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 22q36.1
116987AGAP1AGAP-1 | CENTG2 | GGAP1 | cnt-g2ArfGAP with GTPase domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 12q37
4286MITFCMM8 | MI | WS2 | WS2A | bHLHe32microphthalmia-associated transcription factor3p13
9223MAGI1AIP-3 | AIP3 | BAIAP1 | BAP-1 | BAP1 | MAGI-1 | Magi1d | TNRC19 | WWP3membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 13p14.1
25924MYRIPSLAC2-C | SLAC2Cmyosin VIIA and Rab interacting protein3p22.1
2261FGFR3ACH | CD333 | CEK2 | HSFGFR3EX | JTK4fibroblast growth factor receptor 34p16.3
7468WHSC1MMSET | NSD2 | REIIBP | TRX5 | WHSWolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 14p16.3
23022PALLDCGI-151 | CGI151 | MYN | PNCA1 | SIH002palladin, cytoskeletal associated protein4q32.3
4651MYO10-myosin X5p15.1
154661RUNDC3BRPIB9 | RPIP9RUN domain containing 3B7q21.12
29967LRP12ST7LDL receptor related protein 128q22.2
5125PCSK5PC5 | PC6 | PC6A | SPC6proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 59q21.3
90293KLHL13BKLHD2kelch like family member 13Xq23-q24

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