Search results:

The pahtway p3056 has 44 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 29 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
51008ASCC1ASC1p50 | CGI-18 | p50activating signal cointegrator 1 complex subunit 110pter-q25.3
4791NFKB2CVID10 | H2TF1 | LYT-10 | LYT10 | NF-kB2 | p100 | p49/p100 | p52nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 210q24
8861LDB1CLIM2 | NLILIM domain binding 110q24-q25
83759RBM4BRBM30 | RBM4L | ZCCHC15 | ZCCHC21B | ZCRB3BRNA binding motif protein 4B11q13
55191NADSYN1-NAD synthetase 111q13.4
283209PGM2L1BM32A | PMMLPphosphoglucomutase 2-like 111q13.4
10082GPC6OMIMD1glypican 613q32
1778DYNC1H1CMT2O | DHC1 | DHC1a | DNCH1 | DNCL | DNECL | DYHC | Dnchc1 | HL-3 | SMALED1 | p22dynein cytoplasmic 1 heavy chain 114q32
4091SMAD6AOVD2 | HsT17432 | MADH6 | MADH7SMAD family member 615q22.31
10845CLPX-caseinolytic mitochondrial matrix peptidase chaperone subunit15q22.31
1009CDH11CAD11 | CDHOB | OB | OSF-4cadherin 1116q21
1014CDH16-cadherin 1616q22.1
6517SLC2A4GLUT4solute carrier family 2 member 417p13
8741TNFSF13APRIL | CD256 | TALL-2 | TALL2 | TNLG7B | TRDL-1 | UNQ383/PRO715 | ZTNF2tumor necrosis factor superfamily member 1317p13.1
6909TBX2-T-box 217q23.2
10928RALBP1RIP1 | RLIP1 | RLIP76ralA binding protein 118p11.3
6618SNAPC2PTFDELTA | SNAP45small nuclear RNA activating complex polypeptide 219p13
6597SMARCA4BAF190 | BAF190A | BRG1 | MRD16 | RTPS2 | SNF2 | SNF2L4 | SNF2LB | SWI2 | hSNF2bSWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 419p13.2
1455CSNK1G2CK1g2casein kinase 1 gamma 219p13.3
79717PPCS-phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase1p34.2
100132406NBPF10AB6 | AG1 | NBPF9neuroblastoma breakpoint family member 101q21.1
9759HDAC4AHO3 | BDMR | HA6116 | HD4 | HDAC-4 | HDAC-A | HDACAhistone deacetylase 42q37.3
11186RASSF1123F2 | NORE2A | RASSF1A | RDA32 | REH3P21Ras association domain family member 13p21.3
5894RAF1CMD1NN | CRAF | NS5 | Raf-1 | c-RafRaf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase3p25
8743TNFSF10APO2L | Apo-2L | CD253 | TL2 | TNLG6A | TRAILtumor necrosis factor superfamily member 103q26
10608MXD4MAD4 | MST149 | MSTP149 | bHLHc12MAX dimerization protein 44p16.3
5097PCDH1PC42 | PCDH42protocadherin 15q31.3
1576CYP3A4CP33 | CP34 | CYP3A | CYP3A3 | CYPIIIA3 | CYPIIIA4 | HLP | NF-25 | P450C3 | P450PCN1cytochrome P450 family 3 subfamily A member 47q21.1
6595SMARCA2BAF190 | BRM | NCBRS | SNF2 | SNF2L2 | SNF2LA | SWI2 | Sth1p | hBRM | hSNF2aSWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 29p22.3

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