Search results:

The pahtway p3068 has 83 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 49 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
132ADKAKadenosine kinase10q22|10q11-q24
3632INPP5A5PTASEinositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase A10q26.3
1028CDKN1CBWCR | BWS | KIP2 | WBS | p57 | p57Kip2cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C11p15.5
1500CTNND1CAS | CTNND | P120CAS | P120CTN | p120 | p120(CAS) | p120(CTN)catenin delta 111q11
10004NAALADL1I100 | NAALADASELN-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase-like 111q12
4162MCAMCD146 | MUC18melanoma cell adhesion molecule11q23.3
90952ESAMW117mendothelial cell adhesion molecule11q24.2
57658CALCOCO1Cocoa | PP13275 | calphoglincalcium binding and coiled-coil domain 112q13.13
5939RBMS2SCR3RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 212q13.3
55206SBNO1MOP3 | Snostrawberry notch homolog 1 (Drosophila)12q24.31
4140MARK3CTAK1 | KP78 | PAR1A | Par-1amicrotubule affinity regulating kinase 314q32.32
8773SNAP23HsT17016 | SNAP-23 | SNAP23A | SNAP23Bsynaptosome associated protein 23kDa15q14
9738CCP110CP110 | Cep110centriolar coiled-coil protein 110kDa16p12.3
79585CORO70610011B16Rik | CRN7 | POD1coronin 716p13.3
124460SNX20SLIC1sorting nexin 2016q12.1
80777CYB5BCYB5-M | CYPB5M | OMB5cytochrome b5 type B (outer mitochondrial membrane)16q22.1
1748DLX4BP1 | DLX7 | DLX8 | DLX9 | OFC15distal-less homeobox 417q21.33
4650MYO9BCELIAC4 | MYR5myosin IXB19p13.1
54776PPP1R12CLENG3 | MBS85 | p84 | p85protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12C19q13.42
5825ABCD3ABC43 | CBAS5 | PMP70 | PXMP1 | ZWS2ATP binding cassette subfamily D member 31p21.3
8412BCAR3NSP2 | SH2D3Bbreast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 31p22.1
3339HSPG2HSPG | PLC | PRCAN | SJA | SJS | SJS1heparan sulfate proteoglycan 21p36.1-p34
23352UBR4RBAF600 | ZUBR1 | p600ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 41p36.13
3399ID3HEIR-1 | bHLHb25inhibitor of DNA binding 3, HLH protein1p36.13-p36.12
1116CHI3L1ASRT7 | CGP-39 | GP-39 | GP39 | HC-gp39 | HCGP-3P | YKL-40 | YKL40 | YYL-40 | hCGP-39chitinase 3 like 11q32.1
159ADSSADEH | ADSS 2adenylosuccinate synthase1q44
598BCL2L1BCL-XL/S | BCL2L | BCLX | Bcl-X | PPP1R52BCL2 like 120q11.21
2686GGT7D20S101 | GGT4 | GGTL3 | GGTL5 | dJ18C9.2gamma-glutamyltransferase 720q11.22
7052TGM2G-ALPHA-h | GNAH | HEL-S-45 | TG2 | TGCtransglutaminase 220q12
8867SYNJ1INPP5G | PARK20synaptojanin 121q22.2
54884RETSAT-retinol saturase (all-trans-retinol 13,14-reductase)2p11.2
1545CYP1B1CP1B | CYPIB1 | GLC3A | P4501B1cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily B member 12p22.2
678ZFP36L2BRF2 | ERF-2 | ERF2 | RNF162C | TIS11DZFP36 ring finger protein-like 22p22.3-p21
5580PRKCDALPS3 | CVID9 | MAY1 | PKCD | nPKC-deltaprotein kinase C delta3p21.31
8930MBD4MED1methyl-CpG binding domain 4 DNA glycosylase3q21.3
6514SLC2A2GLUT2solute carrier family 2 member 23q26.2
2580GAKDNAJ26 | DNAJC26cyclin G associated kinase4p16
3006HIST1H1CH1.2 | H1C | H1F2 | H1s-1histone cluster 1, H1c6p21.3
63027SLC22A23C6orf85solute carrier family 22 member 236p25.2
28962OSTM1GIPN | GL | HSPC019 | OPTB5osteopetrosis associated transmembrane protein 16q21
2737GLI3ACLS | GCPS | GLI3-190 | GLI3FL | PAP-A | PAPA | PAPA1 | PAPB | PHS | PPDIVGLI family zinc finger 37p13
60561RINT1RINT-1RAD50 interactor 17q22.3
6604SMARCD3BAF60C | CRACD3 | Rsc6pSWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 37q35-q36
4846NOS3ECNOS | eNOSnitric oxide synthase 37q36
27153ZNF777-zinc finger protein 7777q36.1
9639ARHGEF10GEF10 | SNCVRho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 108p23
51123ZNF706HSPC038 | PNAS-106 | PNAS-113zinc finger protein 7068q22.3
6641SNTB159-DAP | A1B | BSYN2 | DAPA1B | SNT2 | SNT2B1 | TIP-43syntrophin beta 18q23-q24
4957ODF2CT134 | ODF2/1 | ODF2/2 | ODF84outer dense fiber of sperm tails 29q34.11

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