Search results:

The pahtway p3086 has 33 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 21 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5995RGRRP44retinal G protein coupled receptor10q23
4192MDKARAP | MK | NEGF2midkine (neurite growth-promoting factor 2)11p11.2
7106TSPAN4NAG-2 | NAG2 | TETRASPAN | TM4SF7 | TSPAN-4tetraspanin 411p15.5
5858PZPCPAMD6pregnancy-zone protein12p13-p12.2
87ACTN1BDPLT15actinin alpha 114q24|14q22-q24
3029HAGHGLO2 | GLX2 | GLXII | HAGH1hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase16p13.3
5216PFN1ALS18profilin 117p13.3
5469MED1CRSP1 | CRSP200 | DRIP205 | DRIP230 | PBP | PPARBP | PPARGBP | RB18A | TRAP220 | TRIP2mediator complex subunit 117q12
6014RIT2RIBA | RIN | ROC2Ras-like without CAAX 218q12.3
9048ARTNENOVIN | EVN | NBNartemin1p34.1
7781SLC30A3ZNT3solute carrier family 30 member 32p23.3
10290SPEGAPEG-1 | APEG1 | BPEG | CNM5 | SPEGalpha | SPEGbetaSPEG complex locus2q35
10109ARPC2ARC34 | PNAS-139 | PRO2446 | p34-Arcactin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 22q36.1
2555GABRA2-gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor alpha2 subunit4p12
8470SORBS2ARGBP2 | PRO0618sorbin and SH3 domain containing 24q35.1
147ADRA1BADRA1 | ALPHA1BARadrenoceptor alpha 1B5q33.3
8449DHX16DBP2 | DDX16 | PRO2014 | PRP8 | PRPF2 | Prp2DEAH-box helicase 166p21.3
2861GPR37EDNRBL | PAELR | hET(B)R-LPG protein-coupled receptor 377q31
4481MSR1CD204 | SCARA1 | SR-A | SRA | phSR1 | phSR2macrophage scavenger receptor 18p22
4982TNFRSF11BOCIF | OPG | PDB5 | TR1tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11b8q24
7185TRAF1EBI6 | MGC:10353TNF receptor associated factor 19q33-q34

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