Search results:

The pahtway p3166 has 149 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 84 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
6251RSU1RSP-1Ras suppressor protein 110p13
5214PFKPATP-PFK | PFK-C | PFK-P | PFKFphosphofructokinase, platelet10p15.3-p15.2
64318NOC3LAD24 | C10orf117 | FAD24NOC3 like DNA replication regulator10q23.33
9060PAPSS2ATPSK2 | BCYM4 | SK23'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate synthase 210q24
10613ERLIN1C10orf69 | Erlin-1 | KE04 | KEO4 | SPFH1 | SPG62ER lipid raft associated 110q24.31
57412AS3MTCYT19arsenite methyltransferase10q24.32
5223PGAM1HEL-S-35 | PGAM-B | PGAMAphosphoglycerate mutase 110q25.3
8065CUL5VACM-1 | VACM1cullin 511q22.3
79023NUP37p37nucleoporin 37kDa12q23.2
949SCARB1CD36L1 | CLA-1 | CLA1 | HDLQTL6 | SR-BI | SRB1scavenger receptor class B member 112q24.31
57647DHX37DDX37DEAH-box helicase 3712q24.31
2971GTF3AAP2 | TFIIIAgeneral transcription factor IIIA13q12.3-q13.1
81602CDADC1NYD-SP15 | bA103J18.1cytidine and dCMP deaminase domain containing 113q14.2
5095PCCA-propionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha subunit13q32
160897GPR180ITRG protein-coupled receptor 18013q32.1
328APEX1APE | APE1 | APEN | APEX | APX | HAP1 | REF1apurinic/apyrimidinic endodeoxyribonuclease 114q11.2
5684PSMA3HC8 | PSC3proteasome subunit alpha 314q23
10577NPC2EDDM1 | HE1Niemann-Pick disease, type C214q24.3
283748PLA2G4DcPLA2deltaphospholipase A2 group IVD15q15.1
10073SNUPNKPNBL | RNUT1 | Snurportin1snurportin 115q24.2
84942WDR73GAMOS | HSPC264WD repeat domain 7315q25.2
29108PYCARDASC | CARD5 | TMS | TMS-1 | TMS1PYD and CARD domain containing16p11.2
226ALDOAALDA | GSD12 | HEL-S-87paldolase, fructose-bisphosphate A16p11.2
55692LUC7LLUC7B1 | Luc7 | SR+89 | hLuc7B1LUC7-like16p13.3
84706GPT2ALT2 | GPT 2 | MRT49glutamic pyruvate transaminase (alanine aminotransferase) 216q12.1
54758KLHDC4-kelch domain containing 416q24
6341SCO1SCOD1SCO1 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein17p13.1
11056DDX52HUSSY19 | ROK1DEAD-box helicase 5217q21.1
55852TEX2HT008 | TMEM96testis expressed 217q23.3
2584GALK1GALK | GK1 | HEL-S-19galactokinase 117q24
6182MRPL125c5-2 | L12mt | MRP-L31/34 | MRPL7 | MRPL7/L12 | RPML12mitochondrial ribosomal protein L1217q25
10982MAPRE2CSCSC2 | EB1 | EB2 | RP1microtubule associated protein RP/EB family member 218q12.1
55250ELP2SHINC-2 | STATIP1 | StIPelongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 218q12.2
29128UHRF1ICBP90 | Np95 | RNF106 | TDRD22 | hNP95 | hUHRF1 | huNp95ubiquitin like with PHD and ring finger domains 119p13.3
8778SIGLEC5CD170 | CD33L2 | OB-BP2 | OBBP2 | SIGLEC-5sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 519q13.3
2997GYS1GSY | GYSglycogen synthase 119q13.3
147949ZNF583-zinc finger protein 58319q13.43
79084WDR77HKMT1069 | MEP-50 | MEP50 | Nbla10071 | p44 | p44/Mep50WD repeat domain 771p13.2
11218DDX20DP103 | GEMIN3DEAD-box helicase 201p21.1-p13.2
79707NOL9Grc3 | NET6nucleolar protein 91p36.31
10623POLR3CRPC3 | RPC62polymerase (RNA) III subunit C1q21.1
11311VPS45H1 | H1VPS45 | SCN5 | VPS45A | VPS45B | VPS54A | VSP45 | VSP45Avacuolar protein sorting 45 homolog (S. cerevisiae)1q21.2
3068HDGFHMG1L2hepatoma-derived growth factor1q23.1
191AHCYSAHH | adoHcyaseadenosylhomocysteinase20q11.22
3692EIF6CAB | EIF3A | ITGB4BP | b(2)gcn | eIF-6 | p27(BBP) | p27BBPeukaryotic translation initiation factor 620q12
1522CTSZCTSXcathepsin Z20q13.32
637BIDFP497BH3 interacting domain death agonist22q11.1
23753SDF2L1-stromal cell derived factor 2 like 122q11.21
150223YDJC-YdjC homolog (bacterial)22q11.21
23481PES1PESpescadillo ribosomal biogenesis factor 122q12.1
6948TCN2D22S676 | D22S750 | II | TC | TC II | TC-2 | TC2 | TCIItranscobalamin 222q12.2
8563THOC5C22orf19 | Fmip | PK1.3 | fSAP79THO complex 522q12.2
4190MDH1HEL-S-32 | MDH-s | MDHA | MGC:1375 | MOR2malate dehydrogenase 12p13.3
10153CEBPZCBF | CBF2 | HSP-CBF | NOC1CCAAT/enhancer binding protein zeta2p22.2
1622DBIACBD1 | ACBP | CCK-RP | EPdiazepam binding inhibitor (GABA receptor modulator, acyl-CoA binding protein)2q12-q21
51776ZAKAZK | MLK7 | MLT | MLTK | MRK | mlklak | pksterile alpha motif and leucine zipper containing kinase AZK2q24.2
115677NOSTRINDaIP2nitric oxide synthase trafficking2q31.1
1933EEF1B2EEF1B | EEF1B1 | EF1Beukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 beta 22q33.3
7867MAPKAPK33PK | MAPKAP-K3 | MAPKAP3 | MAPKAPK-3 | MK-3mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 33p21.3
5859QARSGLNRS | MSCCA | PRO2195glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase3p21.31
132001TAMM41C3orf31 | RAM41 | TAM41TAM41 mitochondrial translocator assembly and maintenance homolog3p25.2
6184RPN1OST1 | RBPH1ribophorin I3q21.3
1359CPA3MC-CPAcarboxypeptidase A33q24
55486PARLPRO2207 | PSARL | PSARL1 | PSENIP2 | RHBDS1presenilin associated, rhomboid-like3q27.1
60312AFAP1AFAP | AFAP-110 | AFAP110actin filament associated protein 14p16
51316PLAC8C15 | DGIC | PNAS-144 | onzinplacenta specific 84q21.22
58478ENOPH1E1 | MASA | MST145 | mtnCenolase-phosphatase 14q21.22
1161ERCC8CKN1 | CSA | UVSS2excision repair cross-complementation group 85q12.1
79810PTCD2-pentatricopeptide repeat domain 25q13.2
51397COMMD10PTD002COMM domain containing 105q23.1
79770TXNDC15C5orf14 | UNQ335thioredoxin domain containing 155q31.1
10146G3BP1G3BP | HDH-VIIIG3BP stress granule assembly factor 15q33.1
64759TNS3TEM6 | TENS1tensin 37p12.3
84310C7orf50YCR016Wchromosome 7 open reading frame 507p22.3
2990GUSBBG | MPS7glucuronidase beta7q21.11
157285SGK223PRAGMINhomolog of rat pragma of Rnd28p23.1
55326AGPAT51AGPAT5 | LPAATE1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 58p23.1
51123ZNF706HSPC038 | PNAS-106 | PNAS-113zinc finger protein 7068q22.3
9373PLAADOA1 | PLA2P | PLAPphospholipase A2 activating protein9p21
23071ERP44PDIA10 | TXNDC4endoplasmic reticulum protein 449q31.1
6838SURF6RRP14surfeit 69q34.2
4128MAOAMAO-Amonoamine oxidase AXp11.3

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