Search results:

The pahtway p3245 has 83 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 52 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
51400PPME1PME-1protein phosphatase methylesterase 111q13.4
10094ARPC3ARC21 | p21-Arcactin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 312q24.11
55884WSB2SBA2WD repeat and SOCS box containing 212q24.23
84650EBPLEBRPemopamil binding protein like13q12-q13
51569UFM1BM-002 | C13orf20ubiquitin-fold modifier 113q13.3
10419PRMT5HRMT1L5 | IBP72 | JBP1 | SKB1 | SKB1Hsprotein arginine methyltransferase 514q11.2
10979FERMT2KIND2 | MIG2 | PLEKHC1 | UNC112 | UNC112B | mig-2fermitin family member 214q22.1
64927TTC23HCC-8tetratricopeptide repeat domain 2315q26.3
7329UBE2IC358B7.1 | P18 | UBC9ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 I16p13.3
2806GOT2KAT4 | KATIV | mitAATglutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 216q21
5713PSMD7MOV34 | P40 | Rpn8 | S12proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 716q22.3
3682ITGAECD103 | HUMINAEintegrin subunit alpha E17p13
58485TRAPPC1BET5 | MUM2trafficking protein particle complex 117p13.1
7050TGIF1HPE4 | TGIFTGFB induced factor homeobox 118p11.3
374882TMEM205UNQ501transmembrane protein 20519p13.2
10362HMG20BBRAF25 | BRAF35 | HMGX2 | HMGXB2 | PP7706 | SMARCE1r | SOXL | pp8857high mobility group 20B19p13.3
115290FBXO17FBG4 | FBX26 | FBXO26 | Fbx17F-box protein 1719q13.2
5538PPT1CLN1 | INCL | PPTpalmitoyl-protein thioesterase 11p32
1907EDN2ET-2 | ET2 | PPET2endothelin 21p34
51154MRTO4C1orf33 | MRT4 | dJ657E11.4MRT4 homolog, ribosome maturation factor1p36.13
55092TMEM51C1orf72transmembrane protein 511p36.21
57085AGTRAPATRAPangiotensin II receptor associated protein1p36.22
8863PER3GIG13period circadian clock 31p36.23
5174PDZK1CAP70 | CLAMP | NHERF-3 | NHERF3 | PDZD1PDZ domain containing 11q21
481ATP1B1ATP1BATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 11q24
9588PRDX61-Cys | AOP2 | HEL-S-128m | NSGPx | PRX | aiPLA2 | p29peroxiredoxin 61q25.1
10092ARPC5ARC16 | dJ127C7.3 | p16-Arcactin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 51q25.3
116835HSPA12BC20orf60heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 12B20p13
7052TGM2G-ALPHA-h | GNAH | HEL-S-45 | TG2 | TGCtransglutaminase 220q12
6185RPN2RIBIIR | RPN-II | RPNII | SWP1ribophorin II20q12-q13.1
9217VAPBALS8 | VAMP-B | VAP-BVAMP (vesicle-associated membrane protein)-associated protein B and C20q13.33
550AUP1-ancient ubiquitous protein 12p13
7341SUMO1DAP1 | GMP1 | OFC10 | PIC1 | SENP2 | SMT3 | SMT3C | SMT3H3 | UBL1small ubiquitin-like modifier 12q33
2335FN1CIG | ED-B | FINC | FN | FNZ | GFND | GFND2 | LETS | MSFfibronectin 12q34
8801SUCLG2GBETAsuccinate-CoA ligase, GDP-forming, beta subunit3p14.1
55207ARL8BARL10C | Gie1ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 8B3p26.1
27230SERP1RAMP4stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 13q25.1
10949HNRNPA0HNRPA0heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A05q31
81555YIPF5FinGER5 | SB140 | SMAP-5 | SMAP5 | YIP1AYip1 domain family member 55q31.3
57222ERGIC1ERGIC-32 | ERGIC32 | NET24endoplasmic reticulum-golgi intermediate compartment 15q35.1
8334HIST1H2ACH2A/l | H2AFL | dJ221C16.4histone cluster 1, H2ac6p22.1
5238PGM3AGM1 | IMD23 | PAGM | PGM 3phosphoglucomutase 36q14.1-q15
389421LIN28BCSDD2lin-28 homolog B6q21
5478PPIACYPA | CYPH | HEL-S-69ppeptidylprolyl isomerase A7p13
11014KDELR2ELP-1 | ERD2.2KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 27p22.1
858CAV2CAVcaveolin 27q31.1
54892NCAPG2CAP-G2 | CAPG2 | LUZP5 | MTB | hCAP-G2non-SMC condensin II complex subunit G27q36.3
5820PVT1LINC00079 | NCRNA00079 | onco-lncRNA-100Pvt1 oncogene (non-protein coding)8q24
6503SLASLA1 | SLAPSrc-like-adaptor8q24
9550ATP6V1G1ATP6G | ATP6G1 | ATP6GL | ATP6J | Vma10ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit G19q32
5900RALGDSRGDS | RGF | RalGEFral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator9q34.3
1654DDX3XCAP-Rf | DBX | DDX14 | DDX3 | HLP2 | MRX102DEAD-box helicase 3, X-linkedXp11.3-p11.23

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