Search results:

The pahtway p3574 has 85 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 58 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
2625GATA3HDR | HDRSGATA binding protein 310p15
5979RETCDHF12 | CDHR16 | HSCR1 | MEN2A | MEN2B | MTC1 | PTC | RET-ELE1 | RET51ret proto-oncogene10q11.2
2065ERBB3ErbB-3 | HER3 | LCCS2 | MDA-BF-1 | c-erbB-3 | c-erbB3 | erbB3-S | p180-ErbB3 | p45-sErbB3 | p85-sErbB3erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 312q13
9498SLC4A8NBC3 | NDCBEsolute carrier family 4 member 812q13.13
55592GOLGA2P5GOLGA2B | GOLGA2L1golgin A2 pseudogene 512q23.1
10443N4BP2L292M18.3 | CG005 | CG016 | PFAAP5NEDD4 binding protein 2-like 213q13.1
1602DACH1DACHdachshund family transcription factor 113q22
23428SLC7A8LAT2 | LPI-PC1solute carrier family 7 member 814q11.2
3169FOXA1HNF3A | TCF3Aforkhead box A114q21.1
5104SERPINA5PAI-3 | PAI3 | PCI | PCI-B | PLANH3 | PROCIserpin peptidase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 514q32.1
1396CRIP1CRHP | CRIP | CRP-1 | CRP1cysteine rich protein 114q32.33
3712IVDACAD2isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase15q14-q15
23005MAPKBP1JNKBP-1 | JNKBP1mitogen-activated protein kinase binding protein 115q15.1
771CA12CA-XII | CAXII | HsT18816 | T18816carbonic anhydrase XII15q22
4137MAPTDDPAC | FTDP-17 | MAPTL | MSTD | MTBT1 | MTBT2 | PPND | PPP1R103 | TAUmicrotubule associated protein tau17q21.1
5874RAB27BC25KGRAB27B, member RAS oncogene family18q21.2
7644ZNF91HPF7 | HTF10zinc finger protein 9119p12
23030KDM4BJMJD2B | TDRD14Blysine demethylase 4B19p13.3
64377CHST8GALNAC4ST1 | GalNAc4ST | PSS3carbohydrate (N-acetylgalactosamine 4-0) sulfotransferase 819q13.1
55663ZNF446ZKSCAN20 | ZSCAN30 | ZSCAN52zinc finger protein 44619q13.43
10451VAV3-vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 31p13.3
1580CYP4B1CYPIVB1 | P-450HPcytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily B member 11p33
7802DNALI1P28 | dJ423B22.5 | hp28dynein axonemal light intermediate chain 11p35.1
8991SELENBP1HEL-S-134P | LPSB | SBP56 | SP56 | hSBPselenium binding protein 11q21.3
10560SLC19A2TC1 | THMD1 | THT1 | THTR1 | TRMAsolute carrier family 19 member 21q23.3
8204NRIP1RIP140nuclear receptor interacting protein 121q11.2
7033TFF3ITF | P1B | TFItrefoil factor 321q22.3
27124INPP5JINPP5 | PIB5PA | PIPPinositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase J22q12.2
1565CYP2D6CPD6 | CYP2D | CYP2D7AP | CYP2D7BP | CYP2D7P2 | CYP2D8P2 | CYP2DL1 | CYPIID6 | P450-DB1 | P450C2D | P450DB1cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily D member 622q13.1
9620CELSR1ADGRC1 | CDHF9 | FMI2 | HFMI2 | ME2cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 122q13.3
638BIKBIP1 | BP4 | NBKBCL2-interacting killer22q13.31
2066ERBB4ALS19 | HER4 | p180erbB4erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 42q33.3-q34
100130449PP14571-uncharacterized LOC1001304492q37.3
3708ITPR1ACV | CLA4 | INSP3R1 | IP3R | IP3R1 | PPP1R94 | SCA15 | SCA16 | SCA29inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 13p26.1
214ALCAMCD166 | MEMDactivated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule3q13.1
54502RBM47NET18RNA binding motif protein 474p14
5860QDPRDHPR | PKU2 | SDR33C1quinoid dihydropteridine reductase4p15.31
55351STK32BHSA250839 | STK32 | STKG6 | YANK2serine/threonine kinase 32B4p16.2
80319CXXC4IDAXCXXC finger protein 44q24
10424PGRMC2DG6 | PMBPprogesterone receptor membrane component 24q26
79884MAP9ASAPmicrotubule associated protein 94q32.1
1182CLCN3CLC3 | ClC-3chloride voltage-gated channel 34q33
375449MAST4-microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase family member 45q12.3
80736SLC44A4C6orf29 | CTL4 | NG22 | TPPTsolute carrier family 44 member 46p21.3
25803SPDEFPDEF | bA375E1.3SAM pointed domain containing ETS transcription factor6p21.3
2099ESR1ER | ESR | ESRA | ESTRR | Era | NR3A1estrogen receptor 16q25.1
3551IKBKBIKK-beta | IKK2 | IKKB | IMD15 | NFKBIKBinhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells, kinase beta8p11.2
23362PSD3EFA6D | EFA6R | HCA67pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 38p21.3
427ASAH1AC | ACDase | ASAH | PHP | PHP32 | SMAPMEN-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase (acid ceramidase) 18p22
64798DEPTORDEP.6 | DEPDC6DEP domain containing MTOR-interacting protein8q24.12
79269DCAF10WDR32DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 109p13.2
23245ASTN2bA67K19.1astrotactin 29q33.1
56654NPDC1CAB | CAB- | CAB-1 | CAB1 | NPDC-1neural proliferation, differentiation and control, 19q34.3
367ARAIS | AR8 | DHTR | HUMARA | HYSP1 | KD | NR3C4 | SBMA | SMAX1 | TFMandrogen receptorXq12

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