Search results:

The pahtway p3729 has 77 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 52 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
84159ARID5BDESRT | MRF-2 | MRF2AT-rich interaction domain 5B10q21.2
55280CWF19L1C19L1 | SCAR17CWF19-like 1, cell cycle control (S. pombe)10q24.31
10212DDX39ABAT1 | BAT1L | DDX39 | DDXL | URH49DEAD-box helicase 39A19p13.12
8915BCL10CARMEN | CIPER | CLAP | IMD37 | c-E10 | mE10B-cell CLL/lymphoma 101p22
4774NFIACTF | NF-I/A | NF1-A | NFI-A | NFI-Lnuclear factor I/A1p31.3-p31.2
23318ZCCHC11PAPD3 | TUT4zinc finger CCHC-type containing 111p32.3
9903KLHL21-kelch like family member 211p36.31
5929RBBP5RBQ3 | SWD1retinoblastoma binding protein 51q32
3776KCNK2K2p2.1 | TPKC1 | TREK | TREK-1 | TREK1 | hTREK-1c | hTREK-1epotassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 21q41
5629PROX1-prospero homeobox 11q41
94097SFXN5BBG-TCCsideroflexin 52p13
1329COX5BCOXVBcytochrome c oxidase subunit 5B2q11.2
53353LRP1BLRP-DIT | LRPDITLDL receptor related protein 1B2q21.2
56475RPRMREPRIMOreprimo, TP53 dependent G2 arrest mediator candidate2q23.3
54738FEVHSRNAFEV | PET-1FEV, ETS transcription factor2q36
3267AGFG1HRB | RAB | RIPArfGAP with FG repeats 12q36.3
130888FBXO36Fbx36F-box protein 362q36.3
26032SUSD5-sushi domain containing 53p22.3
152330CNTN4AXCAM | BIG-2contactin 43p26.3
23101MCF2L2ARHGEF22MCF.2 cell line derived transforming sequence-like 23q27.1
27146FAM184B-family with sequence similarity 184 member B4p16
9575CLOCKKAT13D | bHLHe8clock circadian regulator4q12
4825NKX6-1NKX6.1 | NKX6ANK6 homeobox 14q21.33
266812NAP1L5DRLMnucleosome assembly protein 1 like 54q22.1|4q21-q22
56916SMARCAD1ADERM | ETL1 | HEL1SWI/SNF-related, matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, containing DEAD/H box 14q22.3
55534MAML3CAGH3 | ERDA3 | GDN | MAM-2 | MAM2 | TNRC3mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 34q28
166378SPATA5AFG2 | EHLMRS | SPAFspermatogenesis associated 54q28.1
152485ZNF827-zinc finger protein 8274q31.22
56884FSTL5-follistatin like 54q32.3
1946EFNA5AF1 | EFL5 | EPLG7 | GLC1M | LERK7 | RAGSephrin-A55q21
6586SLIT3MEGF5 | SLIL2 | SLIT1 | Slit-3 | slit2slit guidance ligand 35q35
54676GTPBP2-GTP binding protein 26p21
6631SNRPCU1C | Yhc1small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide C6p21.31
8335HIST1H2ABH2A/m | H2AFMhistone cluster 1, H2ab6p22.2
6239RREB1FINB | HNT | LZ321 | RREB-1 | Zep-1ras responsive element binding protein 16p25
7272TTKCT96 | ESK | MPH1 | MPS1 | MPS1L1 | PYTTTK protein kinase6q14.1
112609MRAP2BMIQ18 | C6orf117 | bA51G5.2melanocortin 2 receptor accessory protein 26q14.2
5683PSMA2HC3 | MU | PMSA2 | PSC2proteasome subunit alpha 27p13
221833SP8BTDSp8 transcription factor7p21.2
4697NDUFA4CI-9k | CI-MLRQ | MLRQNDUFA4, mitochondrial complex associated7p21.3
5982RFC2RFC40replication factor C subunit 27q11.23
154661RUNDC3BRPIB9 | RPIP9RUN domain containing 3B7q21.12
857CAV1BSCL3 | CGL3 | LCCNS | MSTP085 | PPH3 | VIP21caveolin 17q31.1
78996C7orf49MRIchromosome 7 open reading frame 497q33
83648FAM167AC8orf13 | D8S265family with sequence similarity 167 member A8p23-p22
51582AZIN1AZI | AZIA1 | OAZI | OAZIN | ODC1Lantizyme inhibitor 18q22.3
4856NOVCCN3 | IBP-9 | IGFBP-9 | IGFBP9 | NOVhnephroblastoma overexpressed8q24.1
10656KHDRBS3Etle | SALP | SLM-2 | SLM2 | T-STAR | TSTAR | etoileKH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 38q24.2
4609MYCMRTL | MYCC | bHLHe39 | c-Mycv-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog8q24.21
80173IFT74CCDC2 | CMG-1 | CMG1intraflagellar transport 749p21.2
55958KLHL9-kelch like family member 99p22
55357TBC1D2PARIS-1 | PARIS1 | TBC1D2ATBC1 domain family member 29q22.33

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