Search results:

The pahtway p3914 has 27 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 12 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5076PAX2FSGS7 | PAPRSpaired box 210q24
8534CHST1C6ST | GST-1 | KS6ST | KSGal6ST | KSSTcarbohydrate sulfotransferase 111p11.2
1280COL2A1ANFH | AOM | COL11A3 | SEDC | STL1collagen type II alpha 112q13.11
8091HMGA2BABL | HMGI-C | HMGIC | LIPO | STQTL9high mobility group AT-hook 212q15
10810WASF3Brush-1 | SCAR3 | WAVE3WAS protein family member 313q12
6297SALL2COLB | HSAL2 | Sal-2 | ZNF795 | p150(Sal2)spalt-like transcription factor 214q11.1-q12
2290FOXG1BF1 | BF2 | FHKL3 | FKH2 | FKHL1 | FKHL2 | FKHL3 | FKHL4 | FOXG1A | FOXG1B | FOXG1C | HBF-1 | HBF-2 | HBF-3 | HBF-G2 | HBF2 | HFK1 | HFK2 | HFK3 | KHL2 | QINforkhead box G114q13
3625INHBB-inhibin beta B2cen-q13
2737GLI3ACLS | GCPS | GLI3-190 | GLI3FL | PAP-A | PAPA | PAPA1 | PAPB | PHS | PPDIVGLI family zinc finger 37p13
3205HOXA9ABD-B | HOX1 | HOX1.7 | HOX1Ghomeobox A97p15.2
3207HOXA11HOX1 | HOX1I | RUSAT1homeobox A117p15.2
2138EYA1BOP | BOR | BOS1 | OFC1EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 18q13.3

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