Search results:

The pahtway p3999 has 33 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 22 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
6001RGS10-regulator of G-protein signaling 1010q25
51559NT5DC3TU12B1-TY | TU12B1TY5'-nucleotidase domain containing 312q22-q23.1
27229TUBGCP476P | GCP-4 | GCP4 | Grip76 | MCCRP3tubulin gamma complex associated protein 415q15
400451FAM174B-family with sequence similarity 174 member B15q26.1
11151CORO1ACLABP | CLIPINA | HCORO1 | IMD8 | TACO | p57coronin 1A16p11.2
79068FTOALKBH9 | BMIQ14 | GDFDfat mass and obesity associated16q12.2
3213HOXB3HOX2 | HOX2G | Hox-2.7homeobox B317q21.3
63895PIEZO2C18orf30 | C18orf58 | DA3 | DA5 | FAM38B | FAM38B2 | HsT748 | HsT771 | MWKSpiezo type mechanosensitive ion channel component 218p11.22
1824DSC2ARVD11 | CDHF2 | DG2 | DGII/III | DSC3desmocollin 218q12.1
55622TTC27-tetratricopeptide repeat domain 272p22.3
5364PLXNB1PLEXIN-B1 | PLXN5 | SEPplexin B13p21.31
25994HIGD1AHIG1 | RCF1aHIG1 hypoxia inducible domain family member 1A3p22.1
108ADCY2AC2 | HBAC2adenylate cyclase 2 (brain)5p15.3
972CD74DHLAG | HLADG | II | Ia-GAMMACD74 molecule5q32
1809DPYSL3CRMP-4 | CRMP4 | DRP-3 | DRP3 | LCRMP | ULIP | ULIP-1dihydropyrimidinase like 35q32
3113HLA-DPA1DP(W3) | DP(W4) | HLA-DP1A | HLADP | HLASB | PLT1major histocompatibility complex, class II, DP alpha 16p21.3
3122HLA-DRAHLA-DRA1 | MLRWmajor histocompatibility complex, class II, DR alpha6p21.3
2296FOXC1ARA | FKHL7 | FREAC-3 | FREAC3 | IGDA | IHG1 | IRID1 | RIEG3forkhead box C16p25
2295FOXF2FKHL6 | FREAC-2 | FREAC2forkhead box F26p25.3
90362FAM110BC8orf72family with sequence similarity 110 member B8q12.1
7507XPAXP1 | XPACxeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group A9q22.3

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