Search results:

The pahtway p4250 has 76 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 46 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3799KIF5BHEL-S-61 | KINH | KNS | KNS1 | UKHCkinesin family member 5B10p11.22
9806SPOCK2testican-2sparc/osteonectin, cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan (testican) 210pter-q25.3
84545MRPL43L43mt | MRP-L43 | bMRP36amitochondrial ribosomal protein L4310q24.31
3265HRASC-BAS/HAS | C-H-RAS | C-HA-RAS1 | CTLO | H-RASIDX | HAMSV | HRAS1 | RASH1 | p21rasHarvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog11p15.5
63875MRPL17L17mt | LIP2 | MRP-L17 | MRP-L26 | RPL17L | RPML26mitochondrial ribosomal protein L1711p15.5-p15.4
80789INTS5INT5 | KIAA1698integrator complex subunit 511q12.3
55884WSB2SBA2WD repeat and SOCS box containing 212q24.23
3183HNRNPCC1 | C2 | HNRNP | HNRPC | SNRPCheterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein C (C1/C2)14q11.2
4247MGAT2CDG2A | CDGS2 | GLCNACTII | GNT-II | GNT2mannosyl (alpha-1,6-)-glycoprotein beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase14q21
1396CRIP1CRHP | CRIP | CRP-1 | CRP1cysteine rich protein 114q32.33
8669EIF3JEIF3S1 | eIF3-alpha | eIF3-p35eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit J15q21.1
10066SCAMP2-secretory carrier membrane protein 215q23-q25
4489MT1AMT1 | MT1S | MTCmetallothionein 1A16q13
161882ZFPM1FOG | FOG1 | ZC2HC11A | ZNF408 | ZNF89Azinc finger protein, FOG family member 116q24.2
2535FZD2Fz2 | fz-2 | fzE2 | hFz2frizzled class receptor 217q21.31
79016DDA1C19orf58 | PCIA1DET1 and DDB1 associated 119p13.11
587BCAT2BCAM | BCATM | BCT2 | PP18branched chain amino acid transaminase 219q13
29950SERTAD1SEI1 | TRIP-Br1SERTA domain containing 119q13.1-q13.2
54922RASIP1RAINRas interacting protein 119q13.33
476ATP1A1-ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 11p21
54741LEPROTLEPR | OB-RGRP | OBRGRP | VPS55leptin receptor overlapping transcript1p31.3
4116MAGOHMAGOH1 | MAGOHAmago homolog, exon junction complex core component1p32.3
2782GNB1-G protein subunit beta 11p36.33
23381SMG5EST1B | LPTS-RP1 | LPTSRP1 | SMG-5SMG5 nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor1q21.2
84919PPP1R15BCREP | MSSGM2protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 15B1q32.1
5496PPM1GPP2CG | PP2CGAMMA | PPP2CGprotein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1G2p23.3
79568C2orf47-chromosome 2 open reading frame 472q33.1
10267RAMP1-receptor (G protein-coupled) activity modifying protein 12q36-q37.1
84522JAGN1GL009 | SCN6jagunal homolog 13p25.2
55207ARL8BARL10C | Gie1ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 8B3p26.1
51421AMOTL2LCCPangiomotin like 23q21-q22
7879RAB7APRO2706 | RAB7RAB7A, member RAS oncogene family3q21.3
2107ETF1D5S1995 | ERF | ERF1 | RF1 | SUP45L1 | TB3-1eukaryotic translation termination factor 15q31.1
51128SAR1BANDD | CMRD | GTBPB | SARA2secretion associated Ras related GTPase 1B5q31.1
6046BRD2D6S113E | FSH | FSRG1 | NAT | O27.1.1 | RING3 | RNF3bromodomain containing 26p21.3
9278ZBTB22BING1 | ZBTB22A | ZNF297 | ZNF297A | fru | fruitlesszinc finger and BTB domain containing 226p21.3
6239RREB1FINB | HNT | LZ321 | RREB-1 | Zep-1ras responsive element binding protein 16p25
7164TPD52L1D53tumor protein D52-like 16q22-q23
6648SOD2IPOB | MNSOD | MVCD6superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial6q25.3
5683PSMA2HC3 | MU | PMSA2 | PSC2proteasome subunit alpha 27p13
3181HNRNPA2B1HNRNPA2 | HNRNPB1 | HNRPA2 | HNRPA2B1 | HNRPB1 | IBMPFD2 | RNPA2 | SNRPB1heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2/B17p15
1365CLDN3C7orf1 | CPE-R2 | CPETR2 | HRVP1 | RVP1claudin 37q11.23
5747PTK2FADK | FAK | FAK1 | FRNK | PPP1R71 | p125FAK | pp125FAKprotein tyrosine kinase 28q24.3
1654DDX3XCAP-Rf | DBX | DDX14 | DDX3 | HLP2 | MRX102DEAD-box helicase 3, X-linkedXp11.3-p11.23

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