Search results:

The pahtway p4455 has 98 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 56 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
22944KINBTCD | KIN17 | Rts2Kin17 DNA and RNA binding protein10p14
50515CHST11C4ST | C4ST-1 | C4ST1 | HSA269537carbohydrate (chondroitin 4) sulfotransferase 1112q
1649DDIT3CEBPZ | CHOP | CHOP-10 | CHOP10 | GADD153DNA damage inducible transcript 312q13.1-q13.2
904CCNT1CCNT | CYCT1 | HIVE1cyclin T112q13.11
283377SPRYD4-SPRY domain containing 412q13.3
694BTG1-B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative12q22
51184GPN3ATPBD1CGPN-loop GTPase 312q24.11
10206TRIM13CAR | DLEU5 | LEU5 | RFP2 | RNF77tripartite motif containing 1313q14
10240MRPS31IMOGN38 | MRP-S31 | S31mtmitochondrial ribosomal protein S3113q14.11
4860PNPNP | PRO1837 | PUNPpurine nucleoside phosphorylase14q13.1
122830NAA30C14orf35 | MAK3 | Mak3p | NAT12 | NAT12PN(alpha)-acetyltransferase 30, NatC catalytic subunit14q22.3
112752IFT43C14orf179 | CED3intraflagellar transport 4314q24.3
26094DCAF4WDR21 | WDR21ADDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 414q24.3
79038ZFYVE21HCVP7TP1 | ZF21zinc finger FYVE-type containing 2114q32.33
146050ZSCAN29ZNF690 | Zfp690zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 2915q15.3
84942WDR73GAMOS | HSPC264WD repeat domain 7315q25.2
64927TTC23HCC-8tetratricopeptide repeat domain 2315q26.3
64319FBRSFBS | FBS1fibrosin16p11.2
84138SLC7A6OS-solute carrier family 7 member 6 opposite strand16q22.1
161882ZFPM1FOG | FOG1 | ZC2HC11A | ZNF408 | ZNF89Azinc finger protein, FOG family member 116q24.2
9618TRAF4CART1 | MLN62 | RNF83TNF receptor associated factor 417q11-q12
79922MRM1-mitochondrial rRNA methyltransferase 117q12
8493PPM1DPP2C-DELTA | WIP1protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1D17q23.2
2232FDXRADXRferredoxin reductase17q25.1
29115SAP30BPHCNGP | HTRG | HTRPSAP30 binding protein17q25.1
7050TGIF1HPE4 | TGIFTGFB induced factor homeobox 118p11.3
51291GMIPARHGAP46GEM interacting protein19p13.11
3383ICAM1BB2 | CD54 | P3.58intercellular adhesion molecule 119p13.2
115290FBXO17FBG4 | FBX26 | FBXO26 | Fbx17F-box protein 1719q13.2
7832BTG2PC3 | TIS21BTG family member 21q32
8444DYRK3DYRK5 | RED | REDK | hYAK3-2dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase 31q32.1
55734ZFP64ZNF338ZFP64 zinc finger protein20q13.2
421ARVCF-armadillo repeat gene deleted in velocardiofacial syndrome22q11.21
3985LIMK2-LIM domain kinase 222q12.2
8446DUSP11PIR1dual specificity phosphatase 112p13.1
2956MSH6GTBP | GTMBP | HNPCC5 | HSAP | p160mutS homolog 62p16
5281PIGF-phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class F2p21-p16
23175LPIN1PAP1lipin 12p25.1
56475RPRMREPRIMOreprimo, TP53 dependent G2 arrest mediator candidate2q23.3
8604SLC25A12AGC1 | ARALARsolute carrier family 25 member 122q24
117581TWIST2AMS | BBRSAY | DERMO1 | FFDD3 | SETLSS | bHLHa39twist family bHLH transcription factor 22q37.3
2049EPHB3ETK2 | HEK2 | TYRO6EPH receptor B33q27.1
90407TMEM41A2900010K02Riktransmembrane protein 41A3q27.2
839CASP6MCH2caspase 64q25
9871SEC24DCLCRP2SEC24 homolog D, COPII coat complex component4q26
54726OTUD4DUBA6 | HIN1 | HSHIN1OTU deubiquitinase 44q31.21
8819SAP30-Sin3A associated protein 30kDa4q34.1
100132916FAM159B-family with sequence similarity 159 member B5q12.3
8817FGF18FGF-18 | ZFGF5fibroblast growth factor 185q34
51428DDX41ABSDEAD-box helicase 415q35.3
60481ELOVL5HELO1 | SCA38 | dJ483K16.1ELOVL fatty acid elongase 56p12.1
51250C6orf203HSPC230 | PRED31chromosome 6 open reading frame 2036q21
83787ARMC10PNAS-112 | PNAS112 | PSEC0198 | SVHarmadillo repeat containing 107q22.1
26024PTCD1-pentatricopeptide repeat domain 17q22.1
5747PTK2FADK | FAK | FAK1 | FRNK | PPP1R71 | p125FAK | pp125FAKprotein tyrosine kinase 28q24.3
7088TLE1ESG | ESG1 | GRG1transducin like enhancer of split 19q21.32

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