Search results:

The pahtway p4680 has 58 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 30 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
118611C10orf90FATS | bA422P15.2chromosome 10 open reading frame 9010q26.2
283234CCDC88BBRLZ | CCDC88 | HKRP3 | gipiecoiled-coil domain containing 88B11q12.3
3709ITPR2ANHD | CFAP48 | INSP3R2 | IP3R2inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 212p11
8437RASAL1RASALRAS protein activator like 112q23-q24
2706GJB2CX26 | DFNA3 | DFNA3A | DFNB1 | DFNB1A | HID | KID | NSRD1 | PPKgap junction protein beta 213q11-q12
83694RPS6KL1RSKL2ribosomal protein S6 kinase like 114q24.3
7127TNFAIP2B94 | EXOC3L3TNF alpha induced protein 214q32
1159CKMT1BCKMT | CKMT1 | UMTCKcreatine kinase, mitochondrial 1B15q15
145864HAPLN3EXLD1 | HsT19883hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 315q26.1
220ALDH1A3ALDH1A6 | ALDH6 | MCOP8 | RALDH3aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member A315q26.3
114897C1QTNF1CTRP1 | GIP | ZSIG37C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 117q25.3
718C3AHUS5 | ARMD9 | ASP | C3a | C3b | CPAMD1 | HEL-S-62pcomplement component 319p13.3-p13.2
59269HIVEP3KBP-1 | KBP1 | KRC | SHN3 | Schnurri-3 | ZAS3 | ZNF40Chuman immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 31p34
6279S100A860B8AG | CAGA | CFAG | CGLA | CP-10 | L1Ag | MA387 | MIF | MRP8 | NIF | P8S100 calcium binding protein A81q21
3929LBPBPIFD2lipopolysaccharide binding protein20q11.23
1591CYP24A1CP24 | CYP24 | HCAI | P450-CC24cytochrome P450 family 24 subfamily A member 120q13
25797QPCTGCT | QC | sQCglutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase2p22.2
151056PLB1PLB | PLB/LIP | hPLBphospholipase B12p23.2
7852CXCR4CD184 | D2S201E | FB22 | HM89 | HSY3RR | LAP-3 | LAP3 | LCR1 | LESTR | NPY3R | NPYR | NPYRL | NPYY3R | WHIM | WHIMSC-X-C motif chemokine receptor 42q21
130132RFTN2C2orf11 | Raftlin-2raftlin family member 22q33.1
9076CLDN1CLD1 | ILVASC | SEMP1claudin 13q28-q29
3815KITC-Kit | CD117 | PBT | SCFRKIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase4q12
27071DAPP1BAM32dual adaptor of phosphotyrosine and 3-phosphoinositides4q25-q27
8470SORBS2ARGBP2 | PRO0618sorbin and SH3 domain containing 24q35.1
79888LPCAT1AGPAT10 | AGPAT9 | AYTL2 | PFAAP3 | lpcatlysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 15p15.33
929CD14-CD14 molecule5q31.1
2299FOXI1FKH10 | FKHL10 | FREAC-6 | FREAC6 | HFH-3 | HFH3forkhead box I15q34
255426RASGEF1C-RasGEF domain family member 1C5q35.3
83988NCALD-neurocalcin delta8q22.2
10020GNEDMRV | GLCNE | IBM2 | NM | Uae1glucosamine (UDP-N-acetyl)-2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase9p13.3

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