Search results:

The pahtway p1412 has 38 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 27 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
10376TUBA1BK-ALPHA-1tubulin alpha 1b12q13.12
5094PCBP2HNRNPE2 | HNRPE2 | hnRNP-E2poly(rC) binding protein 212q13.13
100289635ZNF605-zinc finger protein 60512q24.33
7528YY1DELTA | INO80S | NF-E1 | UCRBP | YIN-YANG-1YY1 transcription factor14q
3320HSP90AA1EL52 | HEL-S-65p | HSP86 | HSP89A | HSP90A | HSP90N | HSPC1 | HSPCA | HSPCAL1 | HSPCAL4 | HSPN | Hsp89 | Hsp90 | LAP-2 | LAP2heat shock protein 90kDa alpha family class A member 114q32.33
28964GIT1-GIT ArfGAP 117p11.2
124540MSI2MSI2Hmusashi RNA binding protein 217q22
2885GRB2ASH | EGFRBP-GRB2 | Grb3-3 | MST084 | MSTP084 | NCKAP2growth factor receptor bound protein 217q24-q25
205AK4AK 4 | AK3 | AK3L1 | AK3L2adenylate kinase 41p31.3
359948IRF2BP2-interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 21q42.3
6647SOD1ALS | ALS1 | HEL-S-44 | IPOA | SOD | hSod1 | homodimersuperoxide dismutase 1, soluble21q22.11
10521DDX17P72 | RH70DEAD-box helicase 1722q13.1
57448BIRC6APOLLON | BRUCEbaculoviral IAP repeat containing 62p22.3
3329HSPD1CPN60 | GROEL | HLD4 | HSP-60 | HSP60 | HSP65 | HuCHA60 | SPG13heat shock protein family D (Hsp60) member 12q33.1
7366UGT2B15HLUG4 | UDPGT 2B8 | UDPGT2B15 | UDPGTH3 | UGT2B8UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B154q13
10409BASP1CAP-23 | CAP23 | NAP-22 | NAP22brain abundant membrane attached signal protein 15p15.1
10146G3BP1G3BP | HDH-VIIIG3BP stress granule assembly factor 15q33.1
23367LARP1LARPLa ribonucleoprotein domain family member 15q33.2
25998IBTKBTBD26 | BTKIinhibitor of Bruton tyrosine kinase6q14.1
94239H2AFVH2A.Z-2 | H2AVH2A histone family member V7p13
989SEPT7CDC10 | CDC3 | NBLA02942 | SEPT7Aseptin 77p14.2
5898RALARALv-ral simian leukemia viral oncogene homolog A (ras related)7p15-p13
26986PABPC1PAB1 | PABP | PABP1 | PABPC2 | PABPL1poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 18q22.2-q23
2907GRINAHNRGW | LFG1 | NMDARA1 | TMBIM3glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit associated protein 18q24.3
55035NOL8C9orf34 | NOP132 | bA62C3.3 | bA62C3.4nucleolar protein 89q22.31
54552GNL3LGNL3BG protein nucleolar 3 likeXp11.22
367ARAIS | AR8 | DHTR | HUMARA | HYSP1 | KD | NR3C4 | SBMA | SMAX1 | TFMandrogen receptorXq12

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