Search results:

The pahtway p2615 has 65 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 39 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
55388MCM10CNA43 | DNA43 | PRO2249minichromosome maintenance 10 replication initiation factor10p13
4153MBL2COLEC1 | HSMBPC | MBL | MBL2D | MBP | MBP-C | MBP1 | MBPDmannose binding lectin 210q11.2
1592CYP26A1CP26 | CYP26 | P450RAI | P450RAI1cytochrome P450 family 26 subfamily A member 110q23-q24
4942OATGACR | HOGA | OATASE | OKTornithine aminotransferase10q26
10062NR1H3LXR-a | LXRA | RLD-1nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group H member 311p11.2
7140TNNT3TNTFtroponin T3, fast skeletal type11p15.5
55823VPS11END1 | HLD12 | PEP5 | RNF108 | hVPS11VPS11, CORVET/HOPS core subunit11q23
2542SLC37A4G6PT1 | G6PT2 | G6PT3 | GSD1b | GSD1c | GSD1d | PRO0685 | TRG-19 | TRG19solute carrier family 37 member 411q23.3
22822PHLDA1DT1P1B11 | PHRIP | TDAG51pleckstrin homology like domain family A member 112q15
3034HALHIS | HSTDhistidine ammonia-lyase12q23.1
5053PAHPH | PKU | PKU1phenylalanine hydroxylase12q23.2
3242HPD4-HPPD | 4HPPD | GLOD3 | HPPDASE | PPD4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase12q24.31
11215AKAP11AKAP-11 | AKAP220 | PPP1R44 | PRKA11A-kinase anchoring protein 1113q14.11
6038RNASE4RAB1 | RNS4ribonuclease A family member 414q11
5265SERPINA1A1A | A1AT | AAT | PI | PI1 | PRO2275 | alpha1ATserpin peptidase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 114q32.1
3990LIPCHDLCQ12 | HL | HTGL | LIPHlipase C, hepatic type15q21.3
2538G6PCG6PC1 | G6PT | GSD1 | GSD1aglucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit17q21
8529CYP4F2CPF2cytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily F member 219p13.12
10998SLC27A5ACSB | ACSVL6 | BACS | BAL | FACVL3 | FATP-5 | FATP5 | VLACSR | VLCS-H2 | VLCSH2solute carrier family 27 member 519q13.43
8991SELENBP1HEL-S-134P | LPSB | SBP56 | SP56 | hSBPselenium binding protein 11q21.3
722C4BPAC4BP | PRPcomplement component 4 binding protein alpha1q32
3290HSD11B111-DH | 11-beta-HSD1 | CORTRD2 | HDL | HSD11 | HSD11B | HSD11L | SDR26C1hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 11q32-q41
8888MCM3APGANP | MAP80 | SAC3minichromosome maintenance complex component 3 associated protein21q22.3
5625PRODHHSPOX2 | PIG6 | POX | PRODH1 | PRODH2 | TP53I6proline dehydrogenase (oxidase) 122q11.21
1803DPP4ADABP | ADCP2 | CD26 | DPPIV | TP103dipeptidyl peptidase 42q24.3
3697ITIH1H1P | IATIH | IGHEP1 | ITI-HC1 | ITIH | SHAPinter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 13p21.1
5648MASP13MC1 | CRARF | CRARF1 | MAP1 | MASP | MASP3 | MAp44 | PRSS5 | RaRFmannan binding lectin serine peptidase 13q27-q28
3556IL1RAPC3orf13 | IL-1RAcP | IL1R3interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein3q28
6999TDO2TDO | TO | TPH2 | TRPOtryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase4q32.1
2030SLC29A1ENT1solute carrier family 29 member 16p21.1
85021REPS1RALBP1RALBP1 associated Eps domain containing 16q24.1
1956EGFRERBB | ERBB1 | HER1 | NISBD2 | PIG61 | mENAepidermal growth factor receptor7p12
26959HBP1-HMG-box transcription factor 17q22.3
2861GPR37EDNRBL | PAELR | hET(B)R-LPG protein-coupled receptor 377q31
10157AASSLKR/SDH | LKRSDH | LORSDHaminoadipate-semialdehyde synthase7q31.3
9420CYP7B1CBAS3 | CP7B | SPG5Acytochrome P450 family 7 subfamily B member 18q21.3
7169TPM2AMCD1 | DA1 | DA2B | HEL-S-273 | NEM4 | TMSBtropomyosin 2 (beta)9p13
9104RGNGNL | HEL-S-41 | RC | SMP30regucalcinXp11.3

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