Search results:

The pahtway p2793 has 39 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 25 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
347731LRRTM3-leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 310q21.3
5687PSMA6IOTA | PROS27 | p27Kproteasome subunit alpha 614q13
9768KIAA0101L5 | NS5ATP9 | OEATC | OEATC-1 | OEATC1 | PAF | PAF15 | p15(PAF) | p15/PAF | p15PAFKIAA010115q22.31
90864SPSB3C16orf31 | SSB3splA/ryanodine receptor domain and SOCS box containing 316p13.3
1775DNASE1L2DNAS1L2deoxyribonuclease I-like 216p13.3
1398CRKCRKII | p38v-crk avian sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog17p13.3
5606MAP2K3MAPKK3 | MEK3 | MKK3 | PRKMK3 | SAPKK-2 | SAPKK2mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 317q11.2
1655DDX5G17P1 | HLR1 | HUMP68 | p68DEAD-box helicase 517q21
54474KRT20CD20 | CK-20 | CK20 | K20 | KRT21keratin 2017q21.2
9097USP14TGTubiquitin specific peptidase 1418p11.32
5817PVRCD155 | HVED | NECL5 | Necl-5 | PVS | TAGE4poliovirus receptor19q13.2
54707GPN2ATPBD1BGPN-loop GTPase 21p36.11
80341BPIFB2BPIL1 | C20orf184 | LPLUNC2 | RYSR | dJ726C3.2BPI fold containing family B member 220q11.21
7039TGFATFGAtransforming growth factor alpha2p13
699BUB1BUB1A | BUB1L | hBUB1BUB1 mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase2q14
84317CCDC115CDG2O | ccp1coiled-coil domain containing 1152q21.1
11235PDCD10CCM3 | TFAR15programmed cell death 103q26.1
3015H2AFZH2A.Z-1 | H2A.z | H2A/z | H2AZH2A histone family member Z4q24
11174ADAMTS6ADAM-TS 6 | ADAM-TS6 | ADAMTS-6ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 65q12
7265TTC1TPR1tetratricopeptide repeat domain 15q33.3
8992ATP6V0E1ATP6H | ATP6V0E | M9.2 | Vma21 | Vma21pATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit e15q35.1
989SEPT7CDC10 | CDC3 | NBLA02942 | SEPT7Aseptin 77p14.2
51125GOLGA7GCP16 | GOLGA3AP1 | GOLGA7A | HSPC041golgin A78p11.21
5358PLS3BMND18 | T-plastinplastin 3Xq23

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