Search results:

The pahtway p2897 has 81 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 52 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
54805CNNM2ACDP2 | HOMG6 | HOMGSMRcyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 210q24.32
1982EIF4G2AAG1 | DAP5 | NAT1 | P97eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 211p15
8519IFITM19-27 | CD225 | DSPA2a | IFI17 | LEU13interferon induced transmembrane protein 111p15.5
2286FKBP2FKBP-13 | PPIaseFK506 binding protein 211q13.1
2597GAPDHG3PD | GAPD | HEL-S-162ePglyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase12p13
5204PFDN5MM-1 | MM1 | PFD5prefoldin subunit 512q12
94ACVRL1ACVRLK1 | ALK-1 | ALK1 | HHT | HHT2 | ORW2 | SKR3 | TSR-Iactivin A receptor like type 112q13.13
967CD63LAMP-3 | ME491 | MLA1 | OMA81H | TSPAN30CD63 molecule12q13.2
7184HSP90B1ECGP | GP96 | GRP94 | HEL-S-125m | HEL35 | TRA1heat shock protein 90kDa beta family member 112q24.2-q24.3
5901RANARA24 | Gsp1 | TC4RAN, member RAS oncogene family12q24.3
4792NFKBIAIKBA | MAD-3 | NFKBINFKB inhibitor alpha14q13
7043TGFB3ARVD | ARVD1 | LDS5 | RNHF | TGF-beta3transforming growth factor beta 314q24
2353FOSAP-1 | C-FOS | p55FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog14q24.3
302ANXA2ANX2 | ANX2L4 | CAL1H | HEL-S-270 | LIP2 | LPC2 | LPC2D | P36 | PAP-IVannexin A215q22.2
608TNFRSF17BCM | BCMA | CD269 | TNFRSF13Atumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 1716p13.1
10300KATNB1KAT | LIS6katanin p80 (WD repeat containing) subunit B 116q21
23326USP22USP3Lubiquitin specific peptidase 2217p11.2
968CD68GP110 | LAMP4 | SCARD1CD68 molecule17p13
8714ABCC3ABC31 | EST90757 | MLP2 | MOAT-D | MRP3 | cMOAT2ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 317q22
3607FOXK2ILF | ILF-1 | ILF1forkhead box K217q25
7644ZNF91HPF7 | HTF10zinc finger protein 9119p12
811CALRCRT | HEL-S-99n | RO | SSA | cC1qRcalreticulin19p13.13
2057EPOREPO-Rerythropoietin receptor19p13.2
3727JUNDAP-1jun D proto-oncogene19p13.2
10975UQCR110710008D09Rik | QCR10 | UQCRubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, complex III subunit XI19p13.3
7392USF2FIP | bHLHb12upstream transcription factor 2, c-fos interacting19q13
558AXLARK | JTK11 | Tyro7 | UFOAXL receptor tyrosine kinase19q13.1
2323FLT3LGFL | FLT3Lfms related tyrosine kinase 3 ligand19q13.3
5971RELBI-REL | IREL | REL-Bv-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog B19q13.32
1435CSF1CSF-1 | MCSFcolony stimulating factor 11p13.3
7494XBP1TREB-5 | TREB5 | XBP-1 | XBP2X-box binding protein 122q12.1|22q12
805CALM2CAMII | LQT15 | PHKD | PHKD2 | caMcalmodulin 2 (phosphorylase kinase, delta)2p21
1622DBIACBD1 | ACBP | CCK-RP | EPdiazepam binding inhibitor (GABA receptor modulator, acyl-CoA binding protein)2q12-q21
8886DDX18MrDbDEAD-box helicase 182q14.1
7852CXCR4CD184 | D2S201E | FB22 | HM89 | HSY3RR | LAP-3 | LAP3 | LCR1 | LESTR | NPY3R | NPYR | NPYRL | NPYY3R | WHIM | WHIMSC-X-C motif chemokine receptor 42q21
11068CYB561D2101F6 | TSP10 | XXcos-LUCA11.4cytochrome b561 family member D23p21.3
3840KPNA4IPOA3 | QIP1 | SRP3karyopherin subunit alpha 43q25.33
2261FGFR3ACH | CD333 | CEK2 | HSFGFR3EX | JTK4fibroblast growth factor receptor 34p16.3
3977LIFRCD118 | LIF-R | SJS2 | STWS | SWSleukemia inhibitory factor receptor alpha5p13-p12
7015TERTCMM9 | DKCA2 | DKCB4 | EST2 | PFBMFT1 | TCS1 | TP2 | TRT | hEST2 | hTRTtelomerase reverse transcriptase5p15.33
1437CSF2GMCSFcolony stimulating factor 25q31.1
821CANXCNX | IP90 | P90calnexin5q35
6015RING1RING1A | RNF1ring finger protein 16p21.3
1915EEF1A1CCS-3 | CCS3 | EE1A1 | EEF-1 | EEF1A | EF-Tu | EF1A | GRAF-1EF | HNGC:16303 | LENG7 | PTI1 | eEF1A-1eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 16q14.1
5683PSMA2HC3 | MU | PMSA2 | PSC2proteasome subunit alpha 27p13
23643LY96ESOP-1 | MD-2 | MD2 | ly-96lymphocyte antigen 968q21.11
284ANGPT1AGP1 | AGPT | ANG1angiopoietin 18q23.1
22954TRIM32BBS11 | HT2A | LGMD2H | TATIPtripartite motif containing 329q33.1
3309HSPA5BIP | GRP78 | HEL-S-89n | MIF2heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 59q33.3
7410VAV2VAV-2vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 29q34.1
5063PAK3MRX30 | MRX47 | OPHN3 | PAK-3 | PAK3beta | bPAK | beta-PAKp21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 3Xq23

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