Search results:

The pahtway p2976 has 20 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 15 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
2350FOLR2BETA-HFR | FBP | FBP/PL-1 | FR-BETA | FR-P3folate receptor 2 (fetal)11q13.4
3587IL10RACD210 | CD210a | CDW210A | HIL-10R | IL-10R1 | IL10Rinterleukin 10 receptor subunit alpha11q23
4837NNMT-nicotinamide N-methyltransferase11q23.1
9332CD163M130 | MM130CD163 molecule12p13.3
920CD4CD4mutCD4 molecule12p13.31
7305TYROBPDAP12 | KARAP | PLOSLTYRO protein tyrosine kinase binding protein19q13.12
3689ITGB2CD18 | LAD | LCAMB | LFA-1 | MAC-1 | MF17 | MFI7integrin subunit beta 221q22.3
4689NCF4NCF | P40PHOX | SH3PXD4neutrophil cytosolic factor 422q13.1
9839ZEB2HSPC082 | SIP-1 | SIP1 | SMADIP1 | ZFHX1Bzinc finger E-box binding homeobox 22q22.3
7130TNFAIP6TSG-6 | TSG6TNF alpha induced protein 62q23.3
2919CXCL1FSP | GRO1 | GROa | MGSA | MGSA-a | NAP-3 | SCYB1C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 14q21
1436CSF1RC-FMS | CD115 | CSF-1R | CSFR | FIM2 | FMS | HDLS | M-CSF-Rcolony stimulating factor 1 receptor5q32
717C2ARMD14 | CO2complement component 26p21.3
6424SFRP4FRP-4 | FRPHE | sFRP-4secreted frizzled-related protein 47p14.1
301ANXA1ANX1 | LPC1annexin A19q21.13

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