Search results:

The pahtway p3374 has 37 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 26 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
9118INANEF5 | NF-66 | TXBP-1internexin neuronal intermediate filament protein alpha10q24.33
4900NRGNRC3 | hngneurogranin11q24
2819GPD1GPD-C | GPDH-C | HTGTIglycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 112q13.12
506ATP5BATPMB | ATPSB | HEL-S-271ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, beta polypeptide12q13.13
6638SNRPNHCERN3 | PWCR | RT-LI | SM-D | SMN | SNRNP-N | SNURF-SNRPN | sm-Nsmall nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N15q11.2
8926SNURF-SNRPN upstream reading frame15q12
4130MAP1AMAP1L | MTAP1Amicrotubule associated protein 1A15q15.3
54550NECAB2EFCBP2N-terminal EF-hand calcium binding protein 216q23.3
23531MMDMMA | MMD1 | PAQR11monocyte to macrophage differentiation-associated17q
81832NETO1BCTL1 | BTCL1neuropilin and tolloid like 118q22.2
57030SLC17A7BNPI | VGLUT1solute carrier family 17 member 719q13
9829DNAJC6DJC6 | PARK19DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C61p31.3
3208HPCABDR2 | DYT2hippocalcin1p35-p34.2
1114CHGBSCG1chromogranin B20p12.3
50ACO2ACONM | HEL-S-284 | ICRD | OCA8 | OPA9aconitase 222q13.2
25830SULT4A1BR-STL-1 | BRSTL1 | DJ388M5.3 | NST | SULTX3 | hBR-STL-1sulfotransferase family 4A member 122q13.2
3800KIF5CCDCBM2 | KINN | NKHC | NKHC-2 | NKHC2kinesin family member 5C2q23.1
4133MAP2MAP2A | MAP2B | MAP2Cmicrotubule associated protein 22q34-q35
8927BSNZNF231bassoon presynaptic cytomatrix protein3p21.31
287ANK2ANK-2 | LQT4 | brank-2ankyrin 2, neuronal4q25-q27
4131MAP1BFUTSCH | MAP5 | PPP1R102microtubule associated protein 1B5q13
23787MTCH1CGI-64 | PIG60 | PSAP | SLC25A49mitochondrial carrier 16p21.2
3833KIFC1HSET | KNSL2kinesin family member C16p21.3
1915EEF1A1CCS-3 | CCS3 | EE1A1 | EEF-1 | EEF1A | EF-Tu | EF1A | GRAF-1EF | HNGC:16303 | LENG7 | PTI1 | eEF1A-1eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 16q14.1
66004LYNX1SLURP2Ly6/neurotoxin 18q24.3
3423IDSMPS2 | SIDSiduronate 2-sulfataseXq28

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