Search results:

The pahtway p3882 has 44 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 28 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5592PRKG1AAT8 | PKG | PRKG1B | PRKGR1B | cGK | cGK 1 | cGK1 | cGKI | cGKI-BETA | cGKI-alphaprotein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type I10q11.2
27122DKK3REIC | RIGdickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 311p15.2
5587PRKD1PKC-MU | PKCM | PKD | PRKCMprotein kinase D114q11
55333SYNJ2BPARIP2 | OMP25synaptojanin 2 binding protein14q24.2
92912UBE2Q2-ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 Q215q24.2
50810HDGFRP3CGI-142 | HDGF-2 | HDGF2 | HRP-3hepatoma-derived growth factor, related protein 315q25.2
1009CDH11CAD11 | CDHOB | OB | OSF-4cadherin 1116q21
3291HSD11B2AME | AME1 | HSD11K | HSD2 | SDR9C3hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 216q22
51673TPPP3CGI-38 | TPPP/p20 | p20 | p25gammatubulin polymerization-promoting protein family member 316q22.1
1728NQO1DHQU | DIA4 | DTD | NMOR1 | NMORI | QR1NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, quinone 116q22.1
463ZFHX3ATBF1 | ATBT | ZNF927zinc finger homeobox 316q22.3
9094UNC119HRG4 | IMD13 | POC7 | POC7Aunc-119 lipid binding chaperone17q11.2
7716VEZF1DB1 | ZNF161vascular endothelial zinc finger 117q22
2109ETFBFP585 | MADDelectron transfer flavoprotein beta subunit19q13.3
7802DNALI1P28 | dJ423B22.5 | hp28dynein axonemal light intermediate chain 11p35.1
1513CTSKCTS02 | CTSO | CTSO1 | CTSO2 | PKND | PYCDcathepsin K1q21
2331FMODFM | SLRR2Efibromodulin1q32
51604PIGTCGI-06 | MCAHS3 | NDAP | PNH2phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class T20q13.12
6549SLC9A2NHE2solute carrier family 9 member A22q11.2
23677SH3BP4BOG25 | TTPSH3-domain binding protein 42q37.1-q37.2
11275KLHL2ABP-KELCH | MAV | MAYVENkelch like family member 24q21.2
57182ANKRD50-ankyrin repeat domain 504q28.1
9522SCAMP1SCAMP | SCAMP37secretory carrier membrane protein 15q14.1
6500SKP1EMC19 | OCP-II | OCP2 | SKP1A | TCEB1L | p19AS-phase kinase-associated protein 15q31
1452CSNK1A1CK1 | CK1a | CKIa | HEL-S-77p | HLCDGP1 | PRO2975casein kinase 1 alpha 15q32
2737GLI3ACLS | GCPS | GLI3-190 | GLI3FL | PAP-A | PAPA | PAPA1 | PAPB | PHS | PPDIVGLI family zinc finger 37p13
55893ZNF395HDBP-2 | HDBP2 | HDRF-2 | PBF | PRF-1 | PRF1 | Si-1-8-14zinc finger protein 3958p21.1
51280GOLM1C9orf155 | GOLPH2 | GP73 | HEL46 | PSEC0257 | bA379P1.3golgi membrane protein 19q21.33

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