Search results:

The pahtway p3980 has 72 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 47 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
11130ZWINTHZwint-1 | KNTC2AP | SIP30 | ZWINT1ZW10 interacting kinetochore protein10q21-q22
983CDK1CDC2 | CDC28A | P34CDC2cyclin-dependent kinase 110q21.1
3832KIF11EG5 | HKSP | KNSL1 | MCLMR | TRIP5kinesin family member 1110q24.1
4288MKI67KIA | MIB- | MIB-1 | PPP1R105marker of proliferation Ki-6710q26.2
7465WEE1WEE1A | WEE1huWEE1 G2 checkpoint kinase11p15.4
10714POLD3P66 | P68 | PPP1R128polymerase (DNA) delta 3, accessory subunit11q14
3014H2AFXH2A.X | H2A/X | H2AXH2A histone family member X11q23.3
1111CHEK1CHK1checkpoint kinase 111q24.2
5983RFC3RFC38replication factor C subunit 313q13.2
1033CDKN3CDI1 | CIP2 | KAP | KAP1cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 314q22
1983EIF5EIF-5 | EIF-5Aeukaryotic translation initiation factor 514q32.32
701BUB1BBUB1beta | BUBR1 | Bub1A | MAD3L | MVA1 | SSK1 | hBUBR1BUB1 mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase B15q15
11339OIP55730547N13Rik | CT86 | LINT-25 | MIS18B | MIS18beta | hMIS18betaOpa interacting protein 515q15.1
1854DUTdUTPasedeoxyuridine triphosphatase15q21.1
9133CCNB2HsT17299cyclin B215q22.2
9768KIAA0101L5 | NS5ATP9 | OEATC | OEATC-1 | OEATC1 | PAF | PAF15 | p15(PAF) | p15/PAF | p15PAFKIAA010115q22.31
6627SNRPA1Lea1small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A'15q26.3
3835KIF22A-328A3.2 | KID | KNSL4 | OBP | OBP-1 | OBP-2 | SEMDJL2kinesin family member 2216p11.2
5347PLK1PLK | STPK13polo like kinase 116p12.2
7153TOP2ATOP2 | TP2Atopoisomerase (DNA) II alpha17q21.2
5889RAD51CBROVCA3 | FANCO | R51H3 | RAD51L2RAD51 paralog C17q22
10036CHAF1ACAF-1 | CAF1 | CAF1B | CAF1P150 | P150chromatin assembly factor 1 subunit A19p13.3
22904SBNO2KIAA0963 | SNO | STNOstrawberry notch homolog 2 (Drosophila)19p13.3
5424POLD1CDC2 | CRCS10 | MDPL | POLDpolymerase (DNA) delta 1, catalytic subunit19q13.3
6491STILMCPH7 | SILSCL/TAL1 interrupting locus1p32
991CDC20CDC20A | bA276H19.3 | p55CDCcell division cycle 201p34.1
11004KIF2CCT139 | KNSL6 | MCAKkinesin family member 2C1p34.1
3925STMN1C1orf215 | LAP18 | Lag | OP18 | PP17 | PP19 | PR22 | SMNstathmin 11p36.11
1163CKS1BCKS1 | PNAS-16 | PNAS-18 | ckshs1CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 1B1q21.2
9156EXO1HEX1 | hExoIexonuclease 11q43
5111PCNAATLD2proliferating cell nuclear antigen20pter-p12
1434CSE1LCAS | CSE1 | XPO2CSE1 chromosome segregation 1-like (yeast)20q13
11065UBE2CUBCH10 | dJ447F3.2ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 C20q13.12
11200CHEK2CDS1 | CHK2 | HuCds1 | LFS2 | PP1425 | RAD53 | hCds1checkpoint kinase 222q12.1
27350APOBEC3CA3C | APOBEC1L | ARDC2 | ARDC4 | ARP5 | PBI | bK150C2.3apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic subunit 3C22q13.1
1058CENPACENP-A | CenH3centromere protein A2p23.3
23397NCAPHBRRN1 | CAP-Hnon-SMC condensin I complex subunit H2q11.2
57405SPC25AD024 | SPBC25 | hSpc25SPC25, NDC80 kinetochore complex component2q31.1
10293TRAIPRNF206 | SCKL9 | TRIPTRAF interacting protein3p21.31
3148HMGB2HMG2high mobility group box 24q31
4001LMNB1ADLD | LMN | LMN2 | LMNBlamin B15q23.2
995CDC25CCDC25 | PPP1R60cell division cycle 25C5q31
4172MCM3HCC5 | P1-MCM3 | P1.h | RLFBminichromosome maintenance complex component 36p12
3159HMGA1HMG-R | HMGA1A | HMGIYhigh mobility group AT-hook 16p21
2770GNAI1GiG protein subunit alpha i17q21
4176MCM7CDC47 | MCM2 | P1.1-MCM3 | P1CDC47 | P85MCM | PNAS146 | PPP1R104minichromosome maintenance complex component 77q21.3-q22.1

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