Search results:

The pahtway p3989 has 32 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 25 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
6387CXCL12IRH | PBSF | SCYB12 | SDF1 | TLSF | TPAR1C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 1210q11.1
272AMPD3-adenosine monophosphate deaminase 311p15
4925NUCB2HEL-S-109 | NEFAnucleobindin 211p15.1
330BIRC3AIP1 | API2 | CIAP2 | HAIP1 | HIAP1 | MALT2 | MIHC | RNF49 | c-IAP2baculoviral IAP repeat containing 311q22
5925RB1OSRC | PPP1R130 | RB | p105-Rb | pRb | pp110retinoblastoma 113q14.2
4669NAGLUCMT2V | MPS-IIIB | MPS3B | NAG | UFHSDN-acetylglucosaminidase, alpha17q21
7077TIMP2CSC-21K | DDC8TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 217q25
2217FCGRTFCRN | alpha-chainFc fragment of IgG receptor and transporter19q13.3
2517FUCA1FUCAfucosidase, alpha-L- 1, tissue1p34
1471CST3ARMD11 | HEL-S-2cystatin C20p11.21
22913RALYHNRPCL2 | P542RALY heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein20q11.21-q11.23
3460IFNGR2AF-1 | IFGR2 | IFNGT1 | IMD28interferon gamma receptor 2 (interferon gamma transducer 1)21q22.11
7074TIAM1-T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 121q22.11
6948TCN2D22S676 | D22S750 | II | TC | TC II | TC-2 | TC2 | TCIItranscobalamin 222q12.2
7852CXCR4CD184 | D2S201E | FB22 | HM89 | HSY3RR | LAP-3 | LAP3 | LCR1 | LESTR | NPY3R | NPYR | NPYRL | NPYY3R | WHIM | WHIMSC-X-C motif chemokine receptor 42q21
3655ITGA6CD49f | ITGA6B | VLA-6integrin subunit alpha 62q31.1
2876GPX1GPXD | GSHPX1glutathione peroxidase 13p21.3
6414SEPP1SELP | SEPP | SePselenoprotein P, plasma, 15q31
7923HSD17B8D6S2245E | FABG | FABGL | H2-KE6 | HKE6 | KE6 | RING2 | SDR30C1 | dJ1033B10.9hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 86p21.3
4082MARCKS80K-L | MACS | PKCSL | PRKCSLmyristoylated alanine rich protein kinase C substrate6q22.2
7128TNFAIP3A20 | AISBL | OTUD7C | TNFA1P2TNF alpha induced protein 36q23
526ATP6V1B2ATP6B1B2 | ATP6B2 | HO57 | VATB | VPP3 | Vma2ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit B28p21.3
2683B4GALT1B4GAL-T1 | CDG2D | GGTB2 | GT1 | GTB | beta4Gal-T1UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 19p13

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