Search results:

The pahtway p4259 has 79 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 47 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3422IDI1IPP1 | IPPI1isopentenyl-diphosphate delta isomerase 110p15.3
112464PRKCDBPCAVIN3 | HSRBC | SRBC | cavin-3protein kinase C delta binding protein11p15.4
5837PYGM-phosphorylase, glycogen, muscle11q12-q13.2
3992FADS1D5D | FADS6 | FADSD5 | LLCDL1 | TU12fatty acid desaturase 111q12.2-q13.1
25996REXO2CGI-114 | REX2 | RFN | SFNRNA exonuclease 211q23.2
9638FEZ1UNC-76fasciculation and elongation protein zeta 111q24.2
2597GAPDHG3PD | GAPD | HEL-S-162ePglyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase12p13
1282COL4A1BSVD | RATORcollagen type IV alpha 113q34
1284COL4A2ICH | POREN2collagen type IV alpha 213q34
87ACTN1BDPLT15actinin alpha 114q24|14q22-q24
70ACTC1ACTC | ASD5 | CMD1R | CMH11 | LVNC4actin, alpha, cardiac muscle 115q14
2200FBN1ACMICD | ECTOL1 | FBN | GPHYSD2 | MASS | MFS1 | OCTD | SGS | SSKS | WMS | WMS2fibrillin 115q21.1
1381CRABP1CRABP | CRABP-I | CRABPI | RBP5cellular retinoic acid binding protein 115q24
7157TP53BCC7 | LFS1 | P53 | TRP53tumor protein p5317p13.1
361AQP4MIWC | WCH4aquaporin 418q11.2-q12.1
1264CNN1HEL-S-14 | SMCC | Sm-Calpcalponin 119p13.2
808CALM3HEL-S-72 | PHKD | PHKD3calmodulin 3 (phosphorylase kinase, delta)19q13.2-q13.3
1760DMPKDM | DM1 | DM1PK | DMK | MDPK | MT-PKdystrophia myotonica protein kinase19q13.3
5733PTGER3EP3 | EP3-I | EP3-II | EP3-III | EP3-IV | EP3-VI | EP3e | PGE2-Rprostaglandin E receptor 31p31.2
2882GPX7CL683 | GPX6 | GPx-7 | GSHPx-7 | NPGPxglutathione peroxidase 71p32
4237MFAP2MAGP | MAGP-1 | MAGP1microfibrillar associated protein 21p36.1-p35
8751ADAM15MDC15ADAM metallopeptidase domain 151q21.3
1292COL6A2BTHLM1 | PP3610 | UCMD1collagen type VI alpha 221q22.3
80781COL18A1KNO | KNO1 | KScollagen type XVIII alpha 121q22.3
11015KDELR3ERD2L3KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 322q13.1
9637FEZ2HUM3CLfasciculation and elongation protein zeta 22p21
1281COL3A1EDS4Acollagen type III alpha 12q31
10491CRTAPCASP | LEPREL3 | OI7 | P3H5cartilage associated protein3p22.3
5217PFN2D3S1319E | PFLprofilin 23q25.1
5099PCDH7BH-Pcdh | BHPCDH | PPP1R120protocadherin 74p15
255743NPNTEGFL6L | POEMnephronectin4q24
1601DAB2DOC-2 | DOC2Dab, mitogen-responsive phosphoprotein, homolog 2 (Drosophila)5p13.1
1462VCANCSPG2 | ERVR | GHAP | PG-M | WGN | WGN1versican5q14.3
309ANXA6ANX6 | CBP68annexin A65q33.1
9260PDLIM7LMP1 | LMP3PDZ and LIM domain 75q35.3
2990GUSBBG | MPS7glucuronidase beta7q21.11
1595CYP51A1CP51 | CYP51 | CYPL1 | LDM | P450-14DM | P450L1cytochrome P450 family 51 subfamily A member 17q21.2
4885NPTX2NARP | NP-II | NP2neuronal pentraxin 27q21.3-q22.1
1278COL1A2OI4collagen type I alpha 27q22.1
4232MESTPEG1mesoderm specific transcript7q32
157807CLVS1CRALBPL | RLBP1L1clavesin 18q12.3
2171FABP5E-FABP | EFABP | KFABP | PA-FABP | PAFABPfatty acid binding protein 58q21.13
6713SQLE-squalene epoxidase8q24.1
1757SARDHBPR-2 | DMGDHL1 | SAR | SARD | SDHsarcosine dehydrogenase9q33-q34
56654NPDC1CAB | CAB- | CAB-1 | CAB1 | NPDC-1neural proliferation, differentiation and control, 19q34.3
4128MAOAMAO-Amonoamine oxidase AXp11.3
4693NDPEVR2 | FEVR | NDNorrie disease (pseudoglioma)Xp11.4

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