Search results:

The pahtway p4337 has 162 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 86 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
648BMI1FLVI2/BMI1 | PCGF4 | RNF51 | flvi-2/bmi-1BMI1 proto-oncogene, polycomb ring finger10p11.23
84930MASTLGREATWALL | GW | GWL | MAST-L | THC2microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase like10p12.1
1979EIF4EBP24EBP2 | PHASIIeukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein 210q21-q22
11130ZWINTHZwint-1 | KNTC2AP | SIP30 | ZWINT1ZW10 interacting kinetochore protein10q21-q22
3434IFIT1C56 | G10P1 | IFI-56 | IFI-56K | IFI56 | IFIT-1 | IFNAI1 | ISG56 | P56 | RNM561interferon induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 110q23.31
1244ABCC2ABC30 | CMOAT | DJS | MRP2 | cMRPATP binding cassette subfamily C member 210q24
23279NUP160-nucleoporin 160kDa11p11.2
6240RRM1R1 | RIR1 | RR1ribonucleotide reductase catalytic subunit M111p15.5
2237FEN1FEN-1 | MF1 | RAD2flap structure-specific endonuclease 111q12
283131NEAT1LINC00084 | NCRNA00084 | TncRNA | VINCnuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (non-protein coding)11q13.1
338657CCDC84DLNB14coiled-coil domain containing 8411q23.3
144402CPNE8-copine 812q12
6667SP1-Sp1 transcription factor12q13.1
26353HSPB8CMT2L | DHMN2 | E2IG1 | H11 | HMN2 | HMN2A | HSP22heat shock protein family B (small) member 812q24.23
65117RSRC2-arginine/serine-rich coiled-coil 212q24.31
23077MYCBP2Myc-bp2 | PAM | PhrMYC binding protein 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase13q22
79070KDELC1EP58 | ERp58 | KDEL1KDEL motif containing 113q33
54841BIVM-basic, immunoglobulin-like variable motif containing13q33.1
64403CDH24CDH11Lcadherin 2414q11.2
440270GOLGA8BGOLGA5golgin A8 family member B15q14
23312DMXL2PEPNS | RC3Dmx like 215q21.2
641BLMBS | RECQ2 | RECQL2 | RECQL3Bloom syndrome RecQ like helicase15q26.1
55215FANCIKIAA1794Fanconi anemia complementation group I15q26.1
123879DCUN1D344M2.4 | SCCRO3defective in cullin neddylation 1 domain containing 316p12.3
1783DYNC1LI2DNCLI2 | LIC2dynein cytoplasmic 1 light intermediate chain 216q22.1
2175FANCAFA | FA-H | FA1 | FAA | FACA | FAH | FANCHFanconi anemia complementation group A16q24.3
672BRCA1BRCAI | BRCC1 | BROVCA1 | FANCS | IRIS | PNCA4 | PPP1R53 | PSCP | RNF53breast cancer 117q21
7153TOP2ATOP2 | TP2Atopoisomerase (DNA) II alpha17q21.2
83990BRIP1BACH1 | FANCJ | OFBRCA1 interacting protein C-terminal helicase 117q22.2
29115SAP30BPHCNGP | HTRG | HTRPSAP30 binding protein17q25.1
5932RBBP8COM1 | CTIP | JWDS | RIM | SAE2 | SCKL2retinoblastoma binding protein 818q11.2
55723ASF1BCIA-IIanti-silencing function 1B histone chaperone19p13.12
7593MZF1MZF-1 | MZF1B | ZFP98 | ZNF42 | ZSCAN6myeloid zinc finger 119q13.4
10745PHTF1PHTFputative homeodomain transcription factor 11p13
2730GCLMGLCLRglutamate-cysteine ligase modifier subunit1p22.1
8543LMO4-LIM domain only 41p22.3
11080DNAJB4DNAJW | DjB4 | HLJ1DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B41p31.1
79739TTLL7-tubulin tyrosine ligase like 71p31.1
9829DNAJC6DJC6 | PARK19DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C61p31.3
7398USP1UBPubiquitin specific peptidase 11p31.3
6118RPA2REPA2 | RP-A p32 | RP-A p34 | RPA32replication protein A21p35
29092LINC00339HSPC157 | NCRNA00339long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 3391p36.12
725C4BPBC4BPcomplement component 4 binding protein beta1q32
9156EXO1HEX1 | hExoIexonuclease 11q43
84515MCM8C20orf154 | POF10 | dJ967N21.5minichromosome maintenance 8 homologous recombination repair factor20p12.3
434ASIPAGSW | AGTI | AGTIL | ASP | SHEP9agouti signaling protein20q11.2-q12
29980DONSONB17 | C21orf60downstream neighbor of SON21q22.1
8318CDC45CDC45L | CDC45L2 | PORC-PI-1cell division cycle 4522q11.21
79019CENPMC22orf18 | CENP-M | PANE1centromere protein M22q13.2
65055REEP1C2orf23 | HMN5B | SPG31 | Yip2areceptor accessory protein 12p11.2
805CALM2CAMII | LQT15 | PHKD | PHKD2 | caMcalmodulin 2 (phosphorylase kinase, delta)2p21
375248ANKRD36UNQ2430ankyrin repeat domain 362q11.2
51141INSIG2-insulin induced gene 22q14.2
10746MAP3K2MEKK2 | MEKK2Bmitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 22q14.3
253782CERS6CERS5 | LASS6ceramide synthase 62q24.3
4664NAB1-NGFI-A binding protein 12q32.3-q33
284992CCDC150-coiled-coil domain containing 1502q33.1
4286MITFCMM8 | MI | WS2 | WS2A | bHLHe32microphthalmia-associated transcription factor3p13
1294COL7A1EBD1 | EBDCT | EBR1 | NDNC8collagen type VII alpha 13p21.1
8850KAT2BCAF | P/CAF | PCAFlysine acetyltransferase 2B3p24
63899NSUN3MST077 | MSTP077NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransferase family member 33q11.1
8930MBD4MED1methyl-CpG binding domain 4 DNA glycosylase3q21.3
54876DCAF16C4orf30DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 164p15.31
65250C5orf42Hug | JBTS17 | OFD6chromosome 5 open reading frame 425p13.2
22836RHOBTB3-Rho related BTB domain containing 35q15
5558PRIM2PRIM2A | p58primase (DNA) subunit 26p12-p11.1
9481SLC25A27UCP4solute carrier family 25 member 276p12.3
8334HIST1H2ACH2A/l | H2AFL | dJ221C16.4histone cluster 1, H2ac6p22.1
8336HIST1H2AMH2A.1 | H2A/n | H2AFN | dJ193B12.1histone cluster 1, H2am6p22.1
8347HIST1H2BCH2B.1 | H2B/l | H2BFL | dJ221C16.3histone cluster 1, H2bc6p22.1
8364HIST1H4CH4/g | H4FG | dJ221C16.1histone cluster 1, H4c6p22.1
8365HIST1H4HH4/h | H4FHhistone cluster 1, H4h6p22.1
8366HIST1H4BH4/I | H4FIhistone cluster 1, H4b6p22.2
55023PHIPBRWD2 | DCAF14 | WDR11 | ndrppleckstrin homology domain interacting protein6q14
221294NT5DC1C6orf200 | LP2642 | NT5C2L15'-nucleotidase domain containing 16q22.1
6581SLC22A3EMT | EMTH | OCT3solute carrier family 22 member 36q25.3
5982RFC2RFC40replication factor C subunit 27q11.23
53616ADAM22ADAM 22 | MDC2ADAM metallopeptidase domain 227q21
29990PILRBFDFACT1 | FDFACT2paired immunoglobin-like type 2 receptor beta7q22.1
800CALD1CDM | H-CAD | HCAD | L-CAD | LCAD | NAG22caldesmon 17q33
835CASP2CASP-2 | ICH1 | NEDD-2 | NEDD2 | PPP1R57caspase 27q34-q35
2146EZH2ENX-1 | ENX1 | EZH1 | EZH2b | KMT6 | KMT6A | WVS | WVS2enhancer of zeste 2 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit7q35-q36
157570ESCO22410004I17Rik | EFO2 | RBSestablishment of sister chromatid cohesion N-acetyltransferase 28p21.1
734OSGIN2C8orf1 | hT41oxidative stress induced growth inhibitor family member 28q21
8473OGTHINCUT-1 | HRNT1 | O-GLCNACO-linked N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) transferaseXq13

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