Gene Page: SUFU
Summary ?
GeneID | 51684 |
Symbol | SUFU |
Synonyms | PRO1280|SUFUH|SUFUXL |
Description | SUFU negative regulator of hedgehog signaling |
Reference | MIM:607035|HGNC:HGNC:16466|Ensembl:ENSG00000107882|HPRD:06124|Vega:OTTHUMG00000018966 |
Gene type | protein-coding |
Map location | 10q24.32 |
Pascal p-value | 3.301E-4 |
Sherlock p-value | 0.413 |
Gene in Data Sources
Gene set name | Method of gene set | Description | Info |
CV:PGCnp | Genome-wide Association Study | GWAS |
Section I. Genetics and epigenetics annotation
Section II. Transcriptome annotation
General gene expression (GTEx)
Gene expression of temporal and spatial changes (BrainSpan)
SC: sub-cortical regions; SM: sensory-motor regions; FC: frontal cortex; and TP: temporal-parietal cortex
ST1: fetal (13 - 26 postconception weeks), ST2: early infancy to late childhood (4 months to 11 years), and ST3: adolescence to adulthood (13 - 23 years)
The bar shown representes the lower 25% and upper 25% of the expression distribution.
No co-expressed genes in brain regions
Section IV. Protein-protein interaction annotation
Interactors | Aliases B | Official full name B | Experimental | Source | PubMed ID |
BTRC | BETA-TRCP | FBW1A | FBXW1 | FBXW1A | FWD1 | MGC4643 | bTrCP | bTrCP1 | betaTrCP | beta-transducin repeat containing | - | HPRD | 10564661 |
GLI1 | GLI | glioma-associated oncogene homolog 1 (zinc finger protein) | Affinity Capture-Western Far Western Reconstituted Complex | BioGRID | 10559945 |10564661 |12426310 |
GLI1 | GLI | glioma-associated oncogene homolog 1 (zinc finger protein) | - | HPRD | 10559945 |12426310 |
GLI2 | HPE9 | THP1 | THP2 | GLI-Kruppel family member GLI2 | - | HPRD,BioGRID | 10564661 |
GLI3 | ACLS | GCPS | PAP-A | PAPA | PAPA1 | PAPB | PHS | PPDIV | GLI-Kruppel family member GLI3 | - | HPRD,BioGRID | 10564661 |
GLIS3 | FLJ38999 | FLJ90578 | MGC33662 | ZNF515 | GLIS family zinc finger 3 | Two-hybrid | BioGRID | 16189514 |
HMGA1 | HMG-R | HMGA1A | HMGIY | MGC12816 | MGC4242 | MGC4854 | high mobility group AT-hook 1 | - | HPRD | 14611647 |
LGALS3 | CBP35 | GAL3 | GALBP | GALIG | LGALS2 | MAC2 | lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 3 | - | HPRD | 14611647 |
MAPKSP1 | MAP2K1IP1 | MAPBP | MP1 | MAPK scaffold protein 1 | - | HPRD | 14611647 |
MID1IP1 | FLJ10386 | G12-like | MIG12 | STRAIT11499 | THRSPL | MID1 interacting protein 1 (gastrulation specific G12 homolog (zebrafish)) | Two-hybrid | BioGRID | 16189514 |
NCOA3 | ACTR | AIB-1 | AIB1 | CAGH16 | CTG26 | KAT13B | MGC141848 | RAC3 | SRC3 | TNRC14 | TNRC16 | TRAM-1 | pCIP | nuclear receptor coactivator 3 | - | HPRD | 14611647 |
PEX26 | FLJ20695 | PEX26M1T | Pex26pM1T | peroxisomal biogenesis factor 26 | Affinity Capture-Western Two-hybrid | BioGRID | 16189514 |
PIAS1 | DDXBP1 | GBP | GU/RH-II | MGC141878 | MGC141879 | ZMIZ3 | protein inhibitor of activated STAT, 1 | - | HPRD | 14611647 |
QPRT | QPRTase | quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase | Two-hybrid | BioGRID | 16189514 |
RBPJ | CBF1 | IGKJRB | IGKJRB1 | KBF2 | MGC61669 | RBP-J | RBPJK | RBPSUH | SUH | csl | recombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region | - | HPRD | 14611647 |
RCN3 | RLP49 | reticulocalbin 3, EF-hand calcium binding domain | Affinity Capture-Western Two-hybrid | BioGRID | 16189514 |
RNF19A | DKFZp566B1346 | DORFIN | RNF19 | ring finger protein 19A | - | HPRD | 14611647 |
SAP18 | 2HOR0202 | MGC27131 | SAP18p | Sin3A-associated protein, 18kDa | - | HPRD,BioGRID | 11960000 |14611647 |
STK36 | DKFZp434N0223 | FU | KIAA1278 | serine/threonine kinase 36, fused homolog (Drosophila) | - | HPRD | 10806483 |
SUFU | PRO1280 | SUFUH | SUFUXL | suppressor of fused homolog (Drosophila) | Reconstituted Complex | BioGRID | 10564661 |
ZNF219 | ZFP219 | zinc finger protein 219 | - | HPRD | 14611647 |
ZNF263 | FPM315 | ZKSCAN12 | zinc finger protein 263 | Two-hybrid | BioGRID | 16189514 |
ZNF446 | FLJ20626 | ZKSCAN20 | ZSCAN30 | zinc finger protein 446 | Two-hybrid | BioGRID | 16189514 |
ZNF764 | MGC13138 | zinc finger protein 764 | Two-hybrid | BioGRID | 16189514 |
Section V. Pathway annotation
Pathway name | Pathway size | # SZGR 2.0 genes in pathway | Info |
KEGG HEDGEHOG SIGNALING PATHWAY | 56 | 42 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
KEGG PATHWAYS IN CANCER | 328 | 259 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
KEGG BASAL CELL CARCINOMA | 55 | 44 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
BIOCARTA SHH PATHWAY | 16 | 15 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
PID HEDGEHOG GLI PATHWAY | 48 | 35 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
ZHOU INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE LIVE DN | 384 | 220 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
ZHOU INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE FIMA DN | 284 | 156 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
JAZAG TGFB1 SIGNALING DN | 35 | 24 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
HATADA METHYLATED IN LUNG CANCER UP | 390 | 236 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
SHETH LIVER CANCER VS TXNIP LOSS PAM4 | 261 | 153 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
SCHAEFFER PROSTATE DEVELOPMENT 48HR DN | 428 | 306 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
KOYAMA SEMA3B TARGETS UP | 292 | 168 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
BENPORATH NANOG TARGETS | 988 | 594 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
BENPORATH SOX2 TARGETS | 734 | 436 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
LEE TARGETS OF PTCH1 AND SUFU UP | 53 | 37 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
CHANG IMMORTALIZED BY HPV31 UP | 84 | 55 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
IVANOVA HEMATOPOIESIS STEM CELL AND PROGENITOR | 681 | 420 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
GRESHOCK CANCER COPY NUMBER UP | 323 | 240 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
PILON KLF1 TARGETS DN | 1972 | 1213 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |
ZWANG TRANSIENTLY UP BY 2ND EGF PULSE ONLY | 1725 | 838 | All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway |