Search results:

The pahtway p1814 has 63 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 44 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
388272C16orf87-chromosome 16 open reading frame 8716q11.2
79801SHCBP1PALSHC SH2-domain binding protein 116q11.2
91807MYLK3MLCK | MLCK2 | caMLCKmyosin light chain kinase 316q11.2
55737VPS35MEM3 | PARK17VPS35, retromer complex component16q12
23594ORC6ORC6Lorigin recognition complex subunit 616q12
123970C16orf78-chromosome 16 open reading frame 7816q12.1
84706GPT2ALT2 | GPT 2 | MRT49glutamic pyruvate transaminase (alanine aminotransferase) 216q12.1
869CBLN1-cerebellin 1 precursor16q12.1
64400AKTIPFT1 | FTSAKT interacting protein16q12.2
79068FTOALKBH9 | BMIQ14 | GDFDfat mass and obesity associated16q12.2
5934RBL2P130 | Rb2retinoblastoma-like 216q12.2
79191IRX3IRX-1 | IRXB1iroquois homeobox 316q12.2
80205CHD9AD013 | CHD-9 | CReMM | KISH2 | PRIC320chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 916q12.2
23322RPGRIP1LCORS3 | FTM | JBTS7 | MKS5 | NPHP8 | PPP1R134RPGRIP1-like16q12.2
6367CCL22A-152E5.1 | ABCD-1 | DC/B-CK | MDC | SCYA22 | STCP-1C-C motif chemokine ligand 2216q13
221184CPNE2COPN2 | CPN2copine 216q13
6376CX3CL1ABCD-3 | C3Xkine | CXC3 | CXC3C | NTN | NTT | SCYD1 | fractalkine | neurotactinC-X3-C motif chemokine ligand 116q13
89970RSPRY1SEMDFAring finger and SPRY domain containing 116q13
80011FAM192AC16orf94 | CDA018 | CDA10 | NIP30family with sequence similarity 192 member A16q13
51090PLLPPMLP | TM4SF11plasmolipin16q13
84166NLRC5CLR16.1 | NOD27 | NOD4NLR family, CARD domain containing 516q13
3801KIFC3-kinesin family member C316q13-q21
10300KATNB1KAT | LIS6katanin p80 (WD repeat containing) subunit B 116q21
55238SLC38A7SNAT7solute carrier family 38 member 716q21
1071CETPBPIFF | HDLCQ10cholesteryl ester transfer protein, plasma16q21
1459CSNK2A2CK2A2 | CK2alpha' | CSNK2A1casein kinase 2 alpha 216q21
65009NDRG4BDM1 | SMAP-8 | SMAP8NDRG family member 416q21
2806GOT2KAT4 | KATIV | mitAATglutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 216q21
23019CNOT1AD-005 | CDC39 | NOT1 | NOT1HCCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 116q21
1006CDH8Nbla04261cadherin 816q22.1
5713PSMD7MOV34 | P40 | Rpn8 | S12proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 716q22.3
80790CMIPTCMIPc-Maf inducing protein16q23
84501SPIRE2Spir-2spire type actin nucleation factor 216q24
8139GANGAN1 | KLHL16gigaxonin16q24.1
5336PLCG2APLAID | FCAS3 | PLC-IV | PLC-gamma-2phospholipase C gamma 216q24.1
79007DBNDD1-dysbindin (dystrobrevin binding protein 1) domain containing 116q24.3
2622GAS8CILD33 | DRC4 | GAS11growth arrest specific 816q24.3
92822ZNF276CENP-Z | CENPZ | ZADT | ZFP276 | ZNF477zinc finger protein 27616q24.3
172AFG3L1PAFG3 | AFG3L1AFG3 like matrix AAA peptidase subunit 1, pseudogene16q24.3
11105PRDM7PFM4 | ZNF910PR domain 716q24.3
2175FANCAFA | FA-H | FA1 | FAA | FACA | FAH | FANCHFanconi anemia complementation group A16q24.3
22980TCF25FKSG26 | Hulp1 | NULP1 | PRO2620 | hKIAA1049transcription factor 25 (basic helix-loop-helix)16q24.3
54849DEF8-differentially expressed in FDCP 8 homolog (mouse)16q24.3
3565IL4BCGF-1 | BCGF1 | BSF-1 | BSF1 | IL-4interleukin 45q31.1

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