Search results:

The pahtway p1927 has 84 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 63 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
22884WDR37-WD repeat domain 3710p15.3
259230SGMS1MOB | MOB1 | SMS1 | TMEM23 | hmob33sphingomyelin synthase 110q11.2
9044BTAF1MOT1 | TAF(II)170 | TAF172 | TAFII170B-TFIID TATA-box binding protein associated factor 110q22-q23
7003TEAD1AA | NTEF-1 | REF1 | TCF-13 | TCF13 | TEAD-1 | TEF-1TEA domain transcription factor 111p15.2
5286PIK3C2ACPK | PI3-K-C2(ALPHA) | PI3-K-C2Aphosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 2 alpha11p15.5-p14
595CCND1BCL1 | D11S287E | PRAD1 | U21B31cyclin D111q13
23201FAM168AKIAA0280 | TCRP1family with sequence similarity 168 member A11q13.4
636BICD1BICDbicaudal D homolog 1 (Drosophila)12p11.2-p11.1
4040LRP6ADCAD2 | STHAG7LDL receptor related protein 612p13.2
9194SLC16A7MCT2solute carrier family 16 member 712q13
9958USP15UNPH-2 | UNPH4ubiquitin specific peptidase 1512q14
10198MPHOSPH9MPP-9 | MPP9M-phase phosphoprotein 912q24.31
23047PDS5BAPRIN | AS3 | CG008PDS5 cohesin associated factor B13q12.3
23348DOCK9ZIZ1 | ZIZIMIN1dedicator of cytokinesis 913q32.3
728215FAM155A-family with sequence similarity 155 member A13q33.3
11169WDHD1AND-1 | AND1 | CHTF4 | CTF4WD repeat and HMG-box DNA binding protein 114q22.2
11245GPR176HB-954G protein-coupled receptor 17615q14-q15.1
2585GALK2GK2galactokinase 215q21.1-q21.2
4363ABCC1ABC29 | ABCC | GS-X | MRP | MRP1ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 116p13.1
463ZFHX3ATBF1 | ATBT | ZNF927zinc finger homeobox 316q22.3
23131GPATCH8GPATC8 | KIAA0553G-patch domain containing 817q21.31
5797PTPRMPTPRL1 | R-PTP-MU | RPTPM | RPTPU | hR-PTPuprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type M18p11.2
10892MALT1IMD12 | MLT | MLT1 | PCASP1MALT1 paracaspase18q21
4092SMAD7CRCS3 | MADH7 | MADH8SMAD family member 718q21.1
9811CTIFGm672 | KIAA0427CBP80/20-dependent translation initiation factor18q21.1
5055SERPINB2HsT1201 | PAI | PAI-2 | PAI2 | PLANH2serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 218q21.3
4919ROR1NTRKR1 | dJ537F10.1receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 11p31.3
27245AHDC1MRD25AT-hook DNA binding motif containing 11p36.13
27252KLHL20KHLHX | KLEIP | KLHLXkelch like family member 201q25.1
8455ATRNDPPT-L | MGCAattractin20p13
171023ASXL1BOPS | MDSadditional sex combs like 1, transcriptional regulator20q11
83737ITCHADMFD | AIF4 | AIP4 | NAPP1itchy E3 ubiquitin protein ligase20q11.22
57148RALGAPBKIAA1219 | RalGAPbetaRal GTPase activating protein non-catalytic beta subunit20q11.23
7150TOP1TOPItopoisomerase (DNA) I20q12-q13.1
6651SONBASS1 | C21orf50 | DBP-5 | NREBP | SON3SON DNA binding protein21q22.11
5116PCNTKEN | MOPD2 | PCN | PCNT2 | PCNTB | PCTN2 | SCKL4pericentrin21q22.3
92ACVR2AACTRII | ACVR2activin A receptor type 2A2q22.3
9839ZEB2HSPC082 | SIP-1 | SIP1 | SMADIP1 | ZFHX1Bzinc finger E-box binding homeobox 22q22.3
4286MITFCMM8 | MI | WS2 | WS2A | bHLHe32microphthalmia-associated transcription factor3p13
51460SFMBT1RU1 | SFMBT | hSFMBTScm-like with four mbt domains 13p21.1
57493HEG1HEG | MST112 | MSTP112heart development protein with EGF like domains 13q21.2
26043UBXN7UBXD7UBX domain protein 73q29
23527ACAP2CENTB2 | CNT-B2ArfGAP with coiled-coil, ankyrin repeat and PH domains 23q29
116984ARAP2CENTD1 | PARXArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 24p14
8603FAM193AC4orf8 | RES4-22family with sequence similarity 193 member A4p16.3
667DSTBP240 | BPA | BPAG1 | CATX-15 | CATX15 | D6S1101 | DMH | DT | EBSB2 | HSAN6 | MACF2dystonin6p12.1
6310ATXN1ATX1 | D6S504E | SCA1ataxin 16p23
10090UST2OSTuronyl 2-sulfotransferase6q25.1
8871SYNJ2INPP5Hsynaptojanin 26q25.3
23080AVL9KIAA0241AVL9 cell migration associated7p14.3
9586CREB5CRE-BPA | CREB-5cAMP responsive element binding protein 57p15.1
9678PHF14-PHD finger protein 147p21.3
8379MAD1L1MAD1 | PIG9 | TP53I9 | TXBP181MAD1 mitotic arrest deficient-like 1 (yeast)7p22
1278COL1A2OI4collagen type I alpha 27q22.1
9732DOCK4-dedicator of cytokinesis 47q31.1
11030RBPMSHERMESRNA binding protein with multiple splicing8p12
9639ARHGEF10GEF10 | SNCVRho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 108p23
9821RB1CC1ATG17 | CC1 | FIP200 | PPP1R131RB1 inducible coiled-coil 18q11
157680VPS13BCHS1 | COH1vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog B (yeast)8q22.2
4781NFIBCTF | HMGIC/NFIB | NF-I/B | NF1-B | NFI-B | NFI-RED | NFIB2 | NFIB3nuclear factor I/B9p24.1
1756DMDBMD | CMD3B | DXS142 | DXS164 | DXS206 | DXS230 | DXS239 | DXS268 | DXS269 | DXS270 | DXS272 | MRX85dystrophinXp21.2

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