Search results:

The pahtway p2090 has 47 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 34 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
2894GRID1GluD1glutamate ionotropic receptor delta type subunit 110q22
23085ERC1Cast2 | ELKS | ERC-1 | RAB6IP2ELKS/RAB6-interacting/CAST family member 112p13.3
56899ANKS1BAIDA | AIDA-1 | ANKS2 | EB-1 | EB1 | cajalin-2ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 1B12q23.1
266722HS6ST3HS6ST-3heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 313q32.1
4756NEO1IGDCC2 | NGN | NTN1R2neogenin 115q22.3-q23
9915ARNT2WEDAS | bHLHe1aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 215q24
27327TNRC6ACAGH26 | GW1 | GW182 | TNRC6trinucleotide repeat containing 6A16p11.2
11060WWP2AIP2 | WWp2-likeWW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 216q22.1
1012CDH13CDHH | P105cadherin 1316q23.3
57521RPTORKOG1 | Mip1regulatory associated protein of MTOR, complex 117q25.3
6014RIT2RIBA | RIN | ROC2Ras-like without CAAX 218q12.3
9213XPR1IBGC6 | SYG1 | X3xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 11q25.1
2494NR5A2B1F | B1F2 | CPF | FTF | FTZ-F1 | FTZ-F1beta | LRH-1 | LRH1 | hB1F-2nuclear receptor subfamily 5 group A member 21q32.1
25893TRIM58BIA2tripartite motif containing 581q44
5775PTPN4MEG | PTPMEG | PTPMEG1protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 42q14.2
53353LRP1BLRP-DIT | LRPDITLDL receptor related protein 1B2q21.2
2272FHITAP3Aase | FRA3Bfragile histidine triad3p14.2
9034CCRL2ACKR5 | CKRX | CRAM | CRAM-A | CRAM-B | HCRC-C motif chemokine receptor like 23p21
10752CHL1CALL | L1CAM2cell adhesion molecule L1 like3p26.1
79740ZBBX-zinc finger B-box domain containing3q26.1
7881KCNAB1AKR6A3 | KCNA1B | KV-BETA-1 | Kvb1.3 | hKvBeta3 | hKvb3potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member regulatory beta subunit 13q26.1
4750NEK1NY-REN-55 | SRPS2 | SRPS2A | SRTD6NIMA related kinase 14q33
55568GALNT10GALNACT10 | PPGALNACT10 | PPGANTASE10polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 105q33.2
4199ME1HUMNDME | MESmalic enzyme 1, NADP(+)-dependent, cytosolic6q12
10846PDE10AHSPDE10Aphosphodiesterase 10A6q26
107ADCY1AC1 | DFNB44adenylate cyclase 1 (brain)7p12.3
23462HEY1BHLHb31 | CHF2 | HERP2 | HESR1 | HRT-1 | OAF1 | hHRT1hes related family bHLH transcription factor with YRPW motif 18q21
54714CNGB3ACHM1cyclic nucleotide gated channel beta 38q21.3
92140MTDH3D3 | AEG-1 | AEG1 | LYRIC | LYRIC/3D3metadherin8q22.1
57623ZFATAITD3 | ZFAT1 | ZNF406zinc finger and AT-hook domain containing8q24.22
5789PTPRDHPTP | HPTPD | HPTPDELTA | PTPD | RPTPDELTAprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type D9p23-p24.3
8395PIP5K1BMSS4 | STM7phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type I, beta9q13
5069PAPPAASBABP2 | DIPLA1 | IGFBP-4ase | PAPA | PAPP-A | PAPPA1pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, pappalysin 19q33.2
2892GRIA3GLUR-C | GLUR-K3 | GLUR3 | GLURC | GluA3 | MRX94glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 3Xq25

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