Search results:

The pahtway p2192 has 38 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 31 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
355FASALPS1A | APO-1 | APT1 | CD95 | FAS1 | FASTM | TNFRSF6Fas cell surface death receptor10q24.1
1643DDB2DDBB | UV-DDB2 | XPEdamage specific DNA binding protein 211p11.2
8525DGKZDAGK5 | DAGK6 | DGK-ZETA | hDGKzetadiacylglycerol kinase zeta11p11.2
4033LRMPJAW1lymphoid restricted membrane protein12p12.1
8079MLF2NTN4myeloid leukemia factor 212p13
4193MDM2ACTFS | HDMX | hdm2MDM2 proto-oncogene12q14.3-q15
23479ISCU2310020H20Rik | HML | ISU2 | NIFU | NIFUN | hnifUiron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme12q24.1
1445CSK-c-src tyrosine kinase15q24.1
6521SLC4A1AE1 | BND3 | CD233 | CHC | DI | EMPB3 | EPB3 | FR | RTA1A | SAO | SPH4 | SW | WD | WD1 | WRsolute carrier family 4 member 1 (Diego blood group)17q21.31
5414SEPT4ARTS | BRADEION | CE5B3 | H5 | MART | PNUTL2 | SEP4 | hCDCREL-2 | hucep-7septin 417q22
5329PLAURCD87 | U-PAR | UPAR | URKRplasminogen activator, urokinase receptor19q13
6518SLC2A5GLUT-5 | GLUT5solute carrier family 2 member 51p36.2
6051RNPEPAP-Barginyl aminopeptidase1q32
23046KIF21B-kinesin family member 21B1q32.1
9928KIF14MKS12kinesin family member 141q32.1
421ARVCF-armadillo repeat gene deleted in velocardiofacial syndrome22q11.21
6948TCN2D22S676 | D22S750 | II | TC | TC II | TC-2 | TC2 | TCIItranscobalamin 222q12.2
150468CKAP2L-cytoskeleton associated protein 2 like2q13
55830GLT8D1AD-017 | MSTP139glycosyltransferase 8 domain containing 13p21.1
7366UGT2B15HLUG4 | UDPGT 2B8 | UDPGT2B15 | UDPGTH3 | UGT2B8UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B154q13
6622SNCANACP | PARK1 | PARK4 | PD1synuclein alpha4q21
1839HBEGFDTR | DTS | DTSF | HEGFLheparin binding EGF like growth factor5q23
26999CYFIP2PIR121cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 25q33.3
5292PIM1PIMPim-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase6p21.2
11074TRIM31C6orf13 | HCG1 | HCGI | RNFtripartite motif containing 316p21.3
7407VARSG7A | VARS1 | VARS2valyl-tRNA synthetase6p21.3
3486IGFBP3BP-53 | IBP3insulin like growth factor binding protein 37p12.3
9883POM121P145 | POM121APOM121 transmembrane nucleoporin7q11.23
2824GPM6BM6Bglycoprotein M6BXp22.2
546ATRXATR2 | JMS | MRX52 | MRXHF1 | RAD54 | RAD54L | SFM1 | SHS | XH2 | XNP | ZNF-HXalpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linkedXq21.1

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