Search results:

The pahtway p2402 has 100 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 63 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
57512GPR158-G protein-coupled receptor 15810p12.1
57412AS3MTCYT19arsenite methyltransferase10q24.32
57586SYT13-synaptotagmin 1311p11.2
9965FGF19-fibroblast growth factor 1911q13.1
220064ORAOV1TAOS1oral cancer overexpressed 111q13.3
121506ERP27C12orf46 | PDIA8endoplasmic reticulum protein 2712p12.3
8549LGR5FEX | GPR49 | GPR67 | GRP49 | HG38leucine-rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 512q21.1
7103TSPAN8CO-029 | TM4SF3tetraspanin 812q21.1
9071CLDN10CPETRL3 | OSP-Lclaudin 1013q31-q34
7546ZIC2HPE5Zic family member 213q32
29091STXBP6HSPC156 | amisynsyntaxin binding protein 614q12
4948OCA2BEY | BEY1 | BEY2 | BOCA | D15S12 | EYCL | EYCL2 | EYCL3 | HCL3 | P | PED | SHEP1OCA2 melanosomal transmembrane protein15q
1381CRABP1CRABP | CRABP-I | CRABPI | RBP5cellular retinoic acid binding protein 115q24
9915ARNT2WEDAS | bHLHe1aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 215q24
284217LAMA1LAMA | PTBHS | S-LAM-alphalaminin subunit alpha 118p11.3
596BCL2Bcl-2 | PPP1R50B-cell CLL/lymphoma 218q21.3
112703FAM71E1-family with sequence similarity 71 member E119q13.33
6689SPIBSPI-BSpi-B transcription factor19q13.33
10100TSPAN2NET3 | TSN2 | TSPAN-2tetraspanin 21p13.2
1298COL9A2DJ39G22.4 | EDM2 | MED | STL5collagen type IX alpha 21p33-p32
59352LGR6GPCR | VTS20631leucine-rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 61q32.1
148641SLC35F3-solute carrier family 35 member F31q42.2
5332PLCB4ARCND2 | PI-PLCphospholipase C beta 420p12
1591CYP24A1CP24 | CYP24 | HCAI | P450-CC24cytochrome P450 family 24 subfamily A member 120q13
119ADD2ADDBadducin 22p13.3
4613MYCNMODED | N-myc | NMYC | ODED | bHLHe37v-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene neuroblastoma derived homolog2p24.3
3239HOXD13BDE | BDSD | HOX4I | SPDhomeobox D132q31.1
1745DLX1-distal-less homeobox 12q32
1746DLX2TES-1 | TES1distal-less homeobox 22q32
2487FRZBFRE | FRITZ | FRP-3 | FRZB-1 | FRZB-PEN | FRZB1 | FZRB | OS1 | SFRP3 | SRFP3 | hFIZfrizzled-related protein2q32.1
3329HSPD1CPN60 | GROEL | HLD4 | HSP-60 | HSP60 | HSP65 | HuCHA60 | SPG13heat shock protein family D (Hsp60) member 12q33.1
2850GPR27SREB1G protein-coupled receptor 273p21-p14
4045LSAMPIGLON3 | LAMPlimbic system-associated membrane protein3q13.31
66000TMEM108CT124transmembrane protein 1083q21
26577PCOLCE2PCPE2procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer 23q21-q24
5806PTX3TNFAIP5 | TSG-14pentraxin 33q25
5010CLDN11OSP | OTMclaudin 113q26.2-q26.3
7345UCHL1HEL-117 | HEL-S-53 | NDGOA | PARK5 | PGP 9.5 | PGP9.5 | PGP95 | Uch-L1ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L14p14
84740AFAP1-AS1AFAP1-AS | AFAP1ASAFAP1 antisense RNA 14p16.1
25849PARM1Cipar1 | DKFZP564O0823 | PARM-1 | WSC4prostate androgen-regulated mucin-like protein 14q13.3-q21.3
80144FRAS1-Fraser extracellular matrix complex subunit 14q21.21
57484RNF150-ring finger protein 1504q31.21
3977LIFRCD118 | LIF-R | SJS2 | STWS | SWSleukemia inhibitory factor receptor alpha5p13-p12
56133PCDHB2PCDH-BETA2protocadherin beta 25q31
2172FABP6I-15P | I-BABP | I-BALB | I-BAP | ILBP | ILBP3 | ILLBPfatty acid binding protein 65q33.3-q34
2568GABRP-gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor pi subunit5q35.1
22881ANKRD6-ankyrin repeat domain 66q15
4602MYBCmyb | c-myb | c-myb_CDS | efgMYB proto-oncogene, transcription factor6q22-q23
84870RSPO3CRISTIN1 | PWTSR | THSD2R-spondin 36q22.33
26002MOXD1MOX | PRO5780 | dJ248E1.1monooxygenase, DBH-like 16q23.2
25928SOSTDC1CDA019 | ECTODIN | USAG1sclerostin domain containing 17p21.1
1365CLDN3C7orf1 | CPE-R2 | CPETR2 | HRVP1 | RVP1claudin 37q11.23
23089PEG10EDR | HB-1 | MEF3L | Mar2 | Mart2 | RGAG3paternally expressed 107q21
4885NPTX2NARP | NP-II | NP2neuronal pentraxin 27q21.3-q22.1
4897NRCAM-neuronal cell adhesion molecule7q31
6770STARSTARD1steroidogenic acute regulatory protein8p11.2
6422SFRP1FRP | FRP-1 | FRP1 | FrzA | SARP2secreted frizzled-related protein 18p11.21
5179PENKPE | PENK-Aproenkephalin8q12.1
4982TNFRSF11BOCIF | OPG | PDB5 | TR1tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11b8q24
169044COL22A1-collagen type XXII alpha 18q24.3
10439OLFM1AMY | NOE1 | NOELIN1 | OlfAolfactomedin 19q34.3
1756DMDBMD | CMD3B | DXS142 | DXS164 | DXS206 | DXS230 | DXS239 | DXS268 | DXS269 | DXS270 | DXS272 | MRX85dystrophinXp21.2
57502NLGN4XASPGX2 | AUTSX2 | HLNX | HNL4X | NLGN4neuroligin 4, X-linkedXp22.33

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