Search results:

The pahtway p2622 has 74 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 48 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3988LIPACESD | LALlipase A, lysosomal acid type10q23.2-q23.3
3434IFIT1C56 | G10P1 | IFI-56 | IFI-56K | IFI56 | IFIT-1 | IFNAI1 | ISG56 | P56 | RNM561interferon induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 110q23.31
355FASALPS1A | APO-1 | APT1 | CD95 | FAS1 | FASTM | TNFRSF6Fas cell surface death receptor10q24.1
8519IFITM19-27 | CD225 | DSPA2a | IFI17 | LEU13interferon induced transmembrane protein 111p15.5
694BTG1-B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative12q22
4939OAS2-2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase 212q24.2
8638OASLOASLd | TRIP-14 | TRIP14 | p59 OASL | p59-OASL | p59OASL2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase like12q24.2
5720PSME1HEL-S-129m | IFI5111 | PA28A | PA28alpha | REGalphaproteasome activator subunit 114q11.2
5371PMLMYL | PP8675 | RNF71 | TRIM19promyelocytic leukemia15q22
5699PSMB10LMP10 | MECL1 | beta2iproteasome subunit beta 1016q22.1
3430IFI35IFP35interferon induced protein 3517q21
4089SMAD4DPC4 | JIP | MADH4 | MYHRSSMAD family member 418q21.1
5366PMAIP1APR | NOXAphorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 118q21.32
4294MAP3K10MEKK10 | MLK2 | MSTmitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1019q13.2
389RHOCARH9 | ARHC | H9 | RHOH9ras homolog family member C1p13.1
2633GBP1-guanylate binding protein 11p22.2
10561IFI44MTAP44 | TLDC5 | p44interferon induced protein 441p31.1
533ATP6V0BATP6F | HATPL | VMA16ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit b1p32.3
103ADARADAR1 | AGS6 | DRADA | DSH | DSRAD | G1P1 | IFI-4 | IFI4 | K88DSRBP | P136adenosine deaminase, RNA-specific1q21.3
6726SRP9ALURBPsignal recognition particle 9kDa1q42.12
4599MX1IFI-78K | IFI78 | MX | MxAMX dynamin like GTPase 121q22.3
4600MX2MXBMX dynamin like GTPase 221q22.3
10521DDX17P72 | RH70DEAD-box helicase 1722q13.1
678ZFP36L2BRF2 | ERF-2 | ERF2 | RNF162C | TIS11DZFP36 ring finger protein-like 22p22.3-p21
9111NMI-N-myc and STAT interactor2q23
6772STAT1CANDF7 | IMD31A | IMD31B | IMD31C | ISGF-3 | STAT91signal transducer and activator of transcription 12q32.2
841CASP8ALPS2B | CAP4 | Casp-8 | FLICE | MACH | MCH5caspase 82q33-q34
3431SP110IFI41 | IFI75 | IPR1 | VODISP110 nuclear body protein2q37.1
5530PPP3CACALN | CALNA | CALNA1 | CCN1 | CNA1 | PPP2Bprotein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit alpha4q24
3660IRF2IRF-2interferon regulatory factor 24q35.1
6500SKP1EMC19 | OCP-II | OCP2 | SKP1A | TCEB1L | p19AS-phase kinase-associated protein 15q31
3659IRF1IRF-1 | MARinterferon regulatory factor 15q31.1
3107HLA-CD6S204 | HLA-JY3 | HLAC | HLC-C | PSORS1major histocompatibility complex, class I, C6p21.3
3133HLA-EEA1.2 | EA2.1 | HLA-6.2 | MHC | QA1major histocompatibility complex, class I, E6p21.3
7726TRIM26AFP | RNF95 | ZNF173tripartite motif containing 266p21.3
6890TAP1ABC17 | ABCB2 | APT1 | D6S114E | PSF-1 | PSF1 | RING4 | TAP1*0102N | TAP1Ntransporter 1, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP)6p21.3
5696PSMB8ALDD | D6S216 | D6S216E | JMP | LMP7 | NKJO | PSMB5i | RING10proteasome subunit beta 86p21.3
5698PSMB9LMP2 | PSMB6i | RING12 | beta1iproteasome subunit beta 96p21.3
3105HLA-AAw-33 | Aw-74 | HLAAmajor histocompatibility complex, class I, A6p21.3
2766GMPRGMPR 1 | GMPR1guanosine monophosphate reductase6p23
8763CD164DFNA66 | MGC-24 | MUC-24 | endolynCD164 molecule6q21
3569IL6BSF-2 | BSF2 | CDF | HGF | HSF | IFN-beta-2 | IFNB2 | IL-6interleukin 67p21
7979SHFM1DSS1 | ECD | SEM1 | SHFD1 | SHSF1 | Shfdg1split hand/foot malformation (ectrodactyly) type 17q21.3
6742SSBP1Mt-SSB | SOSS-B1 | SSBP | mtSSBsingle-stranded DNA binding protein 1, mitochondrial7q34
6386SDCBPMDA-9 | MDA9 | ST1 | SYCL | TACIP18syndecan binding protein8q12
573BAG1BAG-1 | HAP | RAP46BCL2 associated athanogene 19p12
9830TRIM14-tripartite motif containing 149q22.33

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