Search results:

The pahtway p2751 has 65 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 42 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
10580SORBS1CAP | FLAF2 | R85FL | SH3D5 | SH3P12 | SORB1sorbin and SH3 domain containing 110q23.33
9531BAG3BAG-3 | BIS | CAIR-1 | MFM6BCL2 associated athanogene 310q25.2-q26.2
1521CTSWLYPNcathepsin W11q13.1
3587IL10RACD210 | CD210a | CDW210A | HIL-10R | IL-10R1 | IL10Rinterleukin 10 receptor subunit alpha11q23
114609TIRAPBACTS1 | Mal | MyD88-2 | wyatttoll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain containing adaptor protein11q24.2
54477PLEKHA5PEPP-2 | PEPP2pleckstrin homology domain containing A512p12
5463POU6F1BRN5 | MPOU | TCFB1POU class 6 homeobox 112q13.13
115207KCTD12C13orf2 | PFET1 | PFETINpotassium channel tetramerization domain containing 1213q22.3
23348DOCK9ZIZ1 | ZIZIMIN1dedicator of cytokinesis 913q32.3
6038RNASE4RAB1 | RNS4ribonuclease A family member 414q11
6655SOS2NS9SOS Ras/Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 214q21
7443VRK1PCH1 | PCH1Avaccinia related kinase 114q32
7703PCGF2MEL-18 | RNF110 | ZNF144polycomb group ring finger 217q12
51129ANGPTL4ARP4 | FIAF | HARP | HFARP | NL2 | PGAR | TGQTL | UNQ171 | pp1158angiopoietin like 419p13.3
2217FCGRTFCRN | alpha-chainFc fragment of IgG receptor and transporter19q13.3
6237RRAS-related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene homolog19q13.33
255231MCOLN2TRP-ML2 | TRPML2mucolipin 21p22
6513SLC2A1CSE | DYT17 | DYT18 | DYT9 | EIG12 | GLUT | GLUT-1 | GLUT1 | GLUT1DS | HTLVR | PED | SDCHCNsolute carrier family 2 member 11p34.2
84196USP48RAP1GA1 | USP31ubiquitin specific peptidase 481p36.12
5590PRKCZPKC-ZETA | PKC2protein kinase C zeta1p36.33-p36.2
11126CD160BY55 | NK1 | NK28CD160 molecule1q21.1
5621PRNPASCR | AltPrP | CD230 | CJD | GSS | KURU | PRIP | PrP | PrP27-30 | PrP33-35C | PrPc | p27-30prion protein20p13
3455IFNAR2IFN-R | IFN-alpha-REC | IFNABR | IFNARB | IMD45interferon alpha and beta receptor subunit 221q22.11
3588IL10RBCDW210B | CRF2-4 | CRFB4 | D21S58 | D21S66 | IL-10R2interleukin 10 receptor subunit beta21q22.11
6300MAPK12ERK-6 | ERK3 | ERK6 | MAPK 12 | P38GAMMA | PRKM12 | SAPK-3 | SAPK3mitogen-activated protein kinase 1222q13.33
5581PRKCEPKCE | nPKC-epsilonprotein kinase C epsilon2p21
23175LPIN1PAP1lipin 12p25.1
10787NCKAP1HEM2 | NAP1 | NAP125 | p125Nap1NCK associated protein 12q32
2817GPC1glypicanglypican 12q35-q37
2272FHITAP3Aase | FRA3Bfragile histidine triad3p14.2
5333PLCD1NDNC3 | PLC-IIIphospholipase C delta 13p22-p21.3
5627PROS1PROS | PS21 | PS22 | PS23 | PS24 | PS25 | PSA | THPH5 | THPH6protein S (alpha)3q11.2
27333GOLIM4GIMPC | GOLPH4 | GPP130 | P138golgi integral membrane protein 43q26.2
118429ANTXR2CMG-2 | CMG2 | HFS | ISH | JHFanthrax toxin receptor 24q21.21
8492PRSS12BSSP-3 | BSSP3 | MRT1protease, serine 124q28.1
56172ANKHANK | CCAL2 | CMDJ | CPPDD | HANK | MANKANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator5p15.1
4855NOTCH4INT3notch 46p21.3
5243ABCB1ABC20 | CD243 | CLCS | GP170 | MDR1 | P-GP | PGY1ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 17q21.12
10156RASA4CAPRI | GAPLRAS p21 protein activator 47q22
8434RECKST15reversion inducing cysteine rich protein with kazal motifs9p13.3
7185TRAF1EBI6 | MGC:10353TNF receptor associated factor 19q33-q34
2710GKGK1 | GKDglycerol kinaseXp21.3

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