Search results:

The pahtway p3085 has 103 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 64 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5995RGRRP44retinal G protein coupled receptor10q23
8861LDB1CLIM2 | NLILIM domain binding 110q24-q25
10844TUBGCP2GCP-2 | GCP2 | Grip103 | SPBC97 | Spc97p | h103p | hGCP2 | hSpc97tubulin gamma complex associated protein 210q26.3
26229B3GAT3GLCATI | glcUAT-Ibeta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 311q12.3
3338DNAJC4DANJC4 | HSPF2 | MCG18DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C411q13
8500PPFIA1LIP.1 | LIP1 | LIPRINPTPRF interacting protein alpha 111q13.3
4975OMP-olfactory marker protein11q13.5
4684NCAM1CD56 | MSK39 | NCAMneural cell adhesion molecule 111q23.1
3014H2AFXH2A.X | H2A/X | H2AXH2A histone family member X11q23.3
11095ADAMTS8ADAM-TS8 | METH2ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 811q25
4891SLC11A2DCT1 | DMT1 | NRAMP2solute carrier family 11 member 212q13
7374UNGDGU | HIGM4 | HIGM5 | UDG | UNG1 | UNG15 | UNG2uracil DNA glycosylase12q23-q24.1
5428POLGMDP1 | MIRAS | MTDPS4A | MTDPS4B | PEO | POLG1 | POLGA | SANDO | SCAEpolymerase (DNA) gamma, catalytic subunit15q25
29035C16orf72PRO0149chromosome 16 open reading frame 7216p13.2
55697VAC14ArPIKfyve | TAX1BP2 | TRXVac14 homolog (S. cerevisiae)16q22.1
5430POLR2APOLR2 | POLRA | RPB1 | RPBh1 | RPO2 | RPOL2 | RpIILS | hRPB220 | hsRPB1polymerase (RNA) II subunit A17p13.1
55720TSR1-TSR1, 20S rRNA accumulation, homolog (S. cerevisiae)17p13.3
6871TADA2AADA2 | ADA2A | KL04P | TADA2L | hADA2transcriptional adaptor 2A17q12-q21
10458BAIAP2BAP2 | FLAF3 | IRSP53BAI1 associated protein 217q25
5874RAB27BC25KGRAB27B, member RAS oncogene family18q21.2
596BCL2Bcl-2 | PPP1R50B-cell CLL/lymphoma 218q21.3
23770FKBP8FKBP38 | FKBPr38FK506 binding protein 819p12
6449SGTASGT | alphaSGT | hSGTsmall glutamine rich tetratricopeptide repeat containing alpha19p13
23373CRTC1MECT1 | TORC-1 | TORC1 | WAMTP1CREB regulated transcription coactivator 119p13.11
23030KDM4BJMJD2B | TDRD14Blysine demethylase 4B19p13.3
83475DOHHHLRC1 | hDOHHdeoxyhypusine hydroxylase/monooxygenase19p13.3
8541PPFIA3LPNA3PTPRF interacting protein alpha 319q13.33
5518PPP2R1AMRD36 | PP2A-Aalpha | PP2AAALPHA | PR65Aprotein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit A, alpha19q13.41
26227PHGDH3-PGDH | 3PGDH | HEL-S-113 | NLS | NLS1 | PDG | PGAD | PGD | PGDH | PHGDHD | SERAphosphoglycerate dehydrogenase1p12
4209MEF2D-myocyte enhancer factor 2D1q12-q23
9019MPZL1MPZL1b | PZR | PZR1b | PZRa | PZRbmyelin protein zero like 11q24.2
2005ELK4SAP1ELK4, ETS transcription factor1q32
4660PPP1R12BMYPT2 | PP1bp55protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12B1q32.1
29937NENFCIR2 | SCIRP10 | SPUFneudesin neurotrophic factor1q32.3
27304MOCS3UBA4molybdenum cofactor synthesis 320q13.13
128553TSHZ2C20orf17 | OVC10-2 | TSH2 | ZABC2 | ZNF218teashirt zinc finger homeobox 220q13.2
1415CRYBB2CCA2 | CRYB2 | CRYB2A | CTRCT3 | D22S665crystallin beta B222q11.23
109ADCY3AC-III | AC3adenylate cyclase 32p23.3
8890EIF2B4EIF-2B | EIF2B | EIF2Bdeltaeukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit delta2p23.3
3554IL1R1CD121A | D2S1473 | IL-1R-alpha | IL1R | IL1RA | P80interleukin 1 receptor type 12q12
7866IFRD2IFNRP | SKMc15 | SM15interferon-related developmental regulator 23p21.3
7867MAPKAPK33PK | MAPKAP-K3 | MAPKAP3 | MAPKAPK-3 | MK-3mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 33p21.3
65010SLC26A6-solute carrier family 26 member 63p21.3
5364PLXNB1PLEXIN-B1 | PLXN5 | SEPplexin B13p21.31
2047EPHB1ELK | EPHT2 | Hek6 | NETEPH receptor B13q22.2
1894ECT2ARHGEF31epithelial cell transforming 23q26.1-q26.2
10195ALG3CDG1D | CDGS4 | CDGS6 | D16Ertd36e | NOT56L | Not56 | notALG3, alpha-1,3- mannosyltransferase3q27.1
54853WDR55-WD repeat domain 555q31.3
441151TMEM151BC6orf137 | TMEM193 | bA444E17.5transmembrane protein 151B6p21.1
25803SPDEFPDEF | bA375E1.3SAM pointed domain containing ETS transcription factor6p21.3
259197NCR31C7 | CD337 | LY117 | MALS | NKp30natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 36p21.3
10919EHMT2BAT8 | C6orf30 | G9A | GAT8 | KMT1C | NG36euchromatic histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 26p21.31
2173FABP7B-FABP | BLBP | FABPB | MRGfatty acid binding protein 76q22-q23
6206RPS12S12ribosomal protein S126q23.2
441263DTX2P1-UPK3BP1-PMS2P11PMS2L11DTX2P1-UPK3BP1-PMS2P11 readthrough, transcribed pseudogene7q11.23
2056EPOEP | MVCD2erythropoietin7q22
93408MYL10MYLC2PL | PLRLCmyosin light chain 107q22.1
11194ABCB8EST328128 | M-ABC1 | MABC1ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 87q36
5533PPP3CCCALNA3 | CNA3 | PP2Bgammaprotein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit gamma8p21.3
5862RAB2ALHX | RAB2RAB2A, member RAS oncogene family8q12.1
10086HHLA1PLA2LHERV-H LTR-associating 18q24
56033BARX1-BARX homeobox 19q12
29991OBP2ALCN13 | OBP | OBP2C | OBPIIa | hOBPIIaodorant binding protein 2A9q34
28ABOA3GALNT | A3GALT1 | GTB | NAGATABO blood group (transferase A, alpha 1-3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase; transferase B, alpha 1-3-galactosyltransferase)9q34.2

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