Search results:

The pahtway p3264 has 67 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 46 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
6387CXCL12IRH | PBSF | SCYB12 | SDF1 | TLSF | TPAR1C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 1210q11.1
54541DDIT4Dig2 | REDD-1 | REDD1DNA damage inducible transcript 410q22.1
1662DDX10HRH-J8DEAD-box helicase 1011q22-q23
23085ERC1Cast2 | ELKS | ERC-1 | RAB6IP2ELKS/RAB6-interacting/CAST family member 112p13.3
8091HMGA2BABL | HMGI-C | HMGIC | LIPO | STQTL9high mobility group AT-hook 212q15
4673NAP1L1NAP1 | NAP1L | NRPnucleosome assembly protein 1 like 112q21.2
10464PIBF1C13orf24 | CEP90 | PIBFprogesterone immunomodulatory binding factor 113q22.1
26037SIPA1L1E6TP1signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 114q24.2
70ACTC1ACTC | ASD5 | CMD1R | CMH11 | LVNC4actin, alpha, cardiac muscle 115q14
4212MEIS2HsT18361 | MRG1Meis homeobox 215q14
3480IGF1RCD221 | IGFIR | IGFR | JTK13insulin like growth factor 1 receptor15q26.3
64131XYLT1DBQD2 | PXYLT1 | XT-I | XT1 | XTI | XYLTIxylosyltransferase I16p12.3
89927C16orf45-chromosome 16 open reading frame 4516p13.11
5257PHKB-phosphorylase kinase, beta16q12-q13
79068FTOALKBH9 | BMIQ14 | GDFDfat mass and obesity associated16q12.2
1783DYNC1LI2DNCLI2 | LIC2dynein cytoplasmic 1 light intermediate chain 216q22.1
51741WWOXD16S432E | EIEE28 | FOR | FRA16D | HHCMA56 | PRO0128 | SCAR12 | SDR41C1 | WOX1WW domain containing oxidoreductase16q23
5048PAFAH1B1LIS1 | LIS2 | MDCR | MDS | PAFAHplatelet activating factor acetylhydrolase 1b regulatory subunit 117p13.3
5797PTPRMPTPRL1 | R-PTP-MU | RPTPM | RPTPU | hR-PTPuprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type M18p11.2
1000CDH2CD325 | CDHN | CDw325 | NCADcadherin 218q11.2
23673STX12STX13 | STX14syntaxin 121p35.3
8672EIF4G3eIF-4G 3 | eIF4G 3 | eIF4GIIeukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 31p36.12
25966C2CD2C21orf25 | C21orf258 | TMEM24LC2 calcium-dependent domain containing 221q22.3
23301EHBP1HPC12 | NACSINEH domain binding protein 12p15
5937RBMS1C2orf12 | HCC-4 | MSSP | MSSP-1 | MSSP-2 | MSSP-3 | SCR2 | YC1RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 12q24.2
27347STK39DCHT | PASK | SPAKserine/threonine kinase 392q24.3
91752ZNF804AC2orf10zinc finger protein 804A2q32.1
23314SATB2GLSSSATB homeobox 22q33
2632GBE1APBD | GBE | GSD4glucan (1,4-alpha-), branching enzyme 13p12.3
23180RFTN1MIG2 | PIB10 | PIG9 | RAFTLINraftlin, lipid raft linker 13p24.3
5523PPP2R3APPP2R3 | PR130 | PR72protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B'', alpha3q22.1
9353SLIT2SLIL3 | Slit-2slit guidance ligand 24p15.2
1016CDH18CDH14 | CDH14L | CDH24cadherin 185p14.3
4651MYO10-myosin X5p15.1
9037SEMA5ASEMAF | semFsemaphorin 5A5p15.2
5921RASA1CM-AVM | CMAVM | GAP | PKWS | RASA | RASGAP | p120 | p120GAP | p120RASGAPRAS p21 protein activator 15q13.3
8546AP3B1ADTB3 | ADTB3A | HPS | HPS2 | PEadaptor related protein complex 3 beta 1 subunit5q14.1
4001LMNB1ADLD | LMN | LMN2 | LMNBlamin B15q23.2
5558PRIM2PRIM2A | p58primase (DNA) subunit 26p12-p11.1
5796PTPRKR-PTP-kappaprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type K6q22.2-q22.3
7402UTRNDMDL | DRP | DRP1utrophin6q24
10512SEMA3CSEMAE | SemEsemaphorin 3C7q21-q31
5420PODXLGp200 | PC | PCLP | PCLP-1podocalyxin like7q32-q33
6575SLC20A2GLVR-2 | GLVR2 | IBGC1 | IBGC3 | MLVAR | PIT-2 | PIT2 | RAM1 | Ram-1solute carrier family 20 member 28p11.21
284ANGPT1AGP1 | AGPT | ANG1angiopoietin 18q23.1
2539G6PDG6PD1glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenaseXq28

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