Search results:

The pahtway p328 has 14 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 14 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
8945BTRCBETA-TRCP | FBW1A | FBXW1 | FBXW1A | FWD1 | bTrCP | bTrCP1 | betaTrCPbeta-transducin repeat containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase10q24.32
7471WNT1BMND16 | INT1 | OI15wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 112q13
6927HNF1AHNF-1A | HNF1 | IDDM20 | LFB1 | MODY3 | TCF-1 | TCF1HNF1 homeobox A12q24.2
5663PSEN1AD3 | FAD | PS-1 | PS1 | S182presenilin 114q24.3
8312AXIN1AXIN | PPP1R49axin 116p13.3
1855DVL1DRS2 | DVL | DVL1L1 | DVL1P1dishevelled segment polarity protein 11p36
6868ADAM17ADAM18 | CD156B | CSVP | NISBD | NISBD1 | TACEADAM metallopeptidase domain 172p25
1499CTNNB1CTNNB | MRD19 | armadillocatenin beta 13p21
2932GSK3B-glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta3q13.3
3516RBPJAOS3 | CBF1 | IGKJRB | IGKJRB1 | KBF2 | RBP-J | RBPJK | RBPSUH | SUH | cslrecombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region4p15.2
324APCBTPS2 | DP2 | DP2.5 | DP3 | GS | PPP1R46adenomatous polyposis coli5q21-q22
28514DLL1DELTA1 | DL1 | Deltadelta-like 1 (Drosophila)6q27
8321FZD1-frizzled class receptor 17q21
4851NOTCH1AOS5 | AOVD1 | TAN1 | hN1notch 19q34.3

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