Search results:

The pahtway p3426 has 62 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 43 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3098HK1HK1-ta | HK1-tb | HK1-tc | HKD | HKI | HMSNR | HXK1hexokinase 110q22
23522KAT6BGTPTS | MORF | MOZ2 | MYST4 | ZC2HC6B | qkf | querkopflysine acetyltransferase 6B10q22.2
8038ADAM12ADAM12-OT1 | CAR10 | MCMP | MCMPMltna | MLTN | MLTNAADAM metallopeptidase domain 1210q26
3632INPP5A5PTASEinositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase A10q26.3
4005LMO2RBTN2 | RBTNL1 | RHOM2 | TTG2LIM domain only 211p13
969CD69AIM | BL-AC/P26 | CLEC2C | EA1 | GP32/28 | MLR-3CD69 molecule12p13
6539SLC6A12BGT-1 | BGT1 | GAT2solute carrier family 6 member 1212p13
50813COPS7ACSN7 | CSN7A | SGN7aCOP9 signalosome subunit 7A12p13.31
10220GDF11BMP-11 | BMP11growth differentiation factor 1112q13.2
22822PHLDA1DT1P1B11 | PHRIP | TDAG51pleckstrin homology like domain family A member 112q15
4801NFYBCBF-A | CBF-B | HAP3 | NF-YBnuclear transcription factor Y subunit beta12q23.3
4247MGAT2CDG2A | CDGS2 | GLCNACTII | GNT-II | GNT2mannosyl (alpha-1,6-)-glycoprotein beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase14q21
51741WWOXD16S432E | EIEE28 | FOR | FRA16D | HHCMA56 | PRO0128 | SCAR12 | SDR41C1 | WOX1WW domain containing oxidoreductase16q23
6774STAT3ADMIO | APRF | HIESsignal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (acute-phase response factor)17q21.31
8631SKAP1HEL-S-81p | SCAP1 | SKAP55src kinase associated phosphoprotein 117q21.32
1748DLX4BP1 | DLX7 | DLX8 | DLX9 | OFC15distal-less homeobox 417q21.33
1636ACEACE1 | CD143 | DCP | DCP1 | ICH | MVCD3angiotensin I converting enzyme17q23.3
9984THOC1HPR1 | P84 | P84N5THO complex 118p11.32
1264CNN1HEL-S-14 | SMCC | Sm-Calpcalponin 119p13.2
7408VASP-vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein19q13.32
963CD53MOX44 | TSPAN25CD53 molecule1p13
1629DBTBCATE2 | BCKAD-E2 | BCKADE2 | BCOADC-E2 | E2 | E2Bdihydrolipoamide branched chain transacylase E21p31
5565PRKAB2-protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit beta 21q21.1
9928KIF14MKS12kinesin family member 141q32.1
1439CSF2RBCD131 | CDw131 | IL3RB | IL5RB | SMDP5colony stimulating factor 2 receptor beta common subunit22q13.1
25797QPCTGCT | QC | sQCglutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase2p22.2
9784SNX17-sorting nexin 172p23.3
26469PTPN18BDP1 | PTP-HSCFprotein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 182q21.1
9541CIR1CIRcorepressor interacting with RBPJ, 12q31.1
51719CAB39CGI-66 | MO25calcium binding protein 392q37.1
7879RAB7APRO2706 | RAB7RAB7A, member RAS oncogene family3q21.3
11235PDCD10CCM3 | TFAR15programmed cell death 103q26.1
2122MECOMAML1-EVI-1 | EVI1 | MDS1 | MDS1-EVI1 | PRDM3 | RUSAT2MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus3q26.2
9508ADAMTS3ADAMTS-4ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 34q13.3
23304UBR2C6orf133 | bA49A4.1 | dJ242G1.1 | dJ392M17.3ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 26p21.1
23408SIRT5SIR2L5sirtuin 56p23
64577ALDH8A1ALDH12 | DJ352A20.2aldehyde dehydrogenase 8 family member A16q23.2
29886SNX8Mvp1sorting nexin 87p22.3
4897NRCAM-neuronal cell adhesion molecule7q31
157697ERICH1HSPC319glutamate rich 18p23.3
3934LCN224p3 | MSFI | NGAL | p25lipocalin 29q34
538ATP7ADSMAX | MK | MNK | SMAX3ATPase copper transporting alphaXq21.1

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