Search results:

The pahtway p3799 has 79 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 40 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
10953TOMM34HTOM34P | TOM34 | URCC3translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 34-
25805BAMBINMABMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor10p12.3-p11.2
84159ARID5BDESRT | MRF-2 | MRF2AT-rich interaction domain 5B10q21.2
1244ABCC2ABC30 | CMOAT | DJS | MRP2 | cMRPATP binding cassette subfamily C member 210q24
51703ACSL5ACS2 | ACS5 | FACL5acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 510q25.2
6934TCF7L2TCF-4 | TCF4transcription factor 7 like 210q25.3
1200TPP1CLN2 | GIG1 | LPIC | SCAR7 | TPP-1tripeptidyl peptidase I11p15
6881TAF10TAF2A | TAF2H | TAFII30TATA-box binding protein associated factor 1011p15.3
112464PRKCDBPCAVIN3 | HSRBC | SRBC | cavin-3protein kinase C delta binding protein11p15.4
3611ILKHEL-S-28 | ILK-1 | ILK-2 | P59 | p59ILKintegrin linked kinase11p15.4
975CD81CVID6 | S5.7 | TAPA1 | TSPAN28CD81 molecule11p15.5
4928NUP98ADIR2 | NUP196 | NUP96nucleoporin 98kDa11p15.5
6240RRM1R1 | RIR1 | RR1ribonucleotide reductase catalytic subunit M111p15.5
4676NAP1L4NAP1L4b | NAP2 | NAP2L | hNAP2nucleosome assembly protein 1 like 411p15.5
63875MRPL17L17mt | LIP2 | MRP-L17 | MRP-L26 | RPL17L | RPML26mitochondrial ribosomal protein L1711p15.5-p15.4
54663WDR74-WD repeat domain 7411q12.3
2495FTH1FHC | FTH | FTHL6 | HFE5 | PIG15 | PLIFferritin, heavy polypeptide 111q13
1351COX8ACOX | COX8 | COX8-2 | COX8L | VIII | VIII-Lcytochrome c oxidase subunit 8A11q13.1
7167TPI1HEL-S-49 | TIM | TPI | TPIDtriosephosphate isomerase 112p13
5204PFDN5MM-1 | MM1 | PFD5prefoldin subunit 512q12
57820CCNB1IP1C14orf18 | HEI10cyclin B1 interacting protein 1, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase14q11.2
652BMP4BMP2B | BMP2B1 | MCOPS6 | OFC11 | ZYMEbone morphogenetic protein 414q22-q23
23423TMED3C15orf22 | P24B | p24g4 | p26transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 315q24-q25
26574AATFBFR2 | CHE-1 | CHE1 | DEDapoptosis antagonizing transcription factor17q12
1825DSC3CDHF3 | DSC | DSC1 | DSC2 | DSC4 | HT-CPdesmocollin 318q12.1
5142PDE4BDPDE4 | PDEIVBphosphodiesterase 4B1p31
64834ELOVL1CGI-88 | Ssc1ELOVL fatty acid elongase 11p34.2
6628SNRPBCCMS | COD | SNRPB1 | Sm-B/B' | SmB/B' | SmB/SmB' | snRNP-Bsmall nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptides B and B120p13
539ATP5OATPO | HMC08D05 | OSCPATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, O subunit21q22.11
4953ODC1ODCornithine decarboxylase 12p25
3431SP110IFI41 | IFI75 | IPR1 | VODISP110 nuclear body protein2q37.1
56898BDH2DHRS6 | EFA6R | PRO20933 | SDR15C1 | UCPA-OR | UNQ63083-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, type 24q24
23022PALLDCGI-151 | CGI151 | MYN | PNCA1 | SIH002palladin, cytoskeletal associated protein4q32.3
4208MEF2CC5DELq14.3 | DEL5q14.3myocyte enhancer factor 2C5q14.3
60685ZFAND3TEX27zinc finger AN1-type containing 36p21.2
23089PEG10EDR | HB-1 | MEF3L | Mar2 | Mart2 | RGAG3paternally expressed 107q21
5445PON2-paraoxonase 27q21.3
9791PTDSS1LMHD | PSS1 | PSSAphosphatidylserine synthase 18q22
301ANXA1ANX1 | LPC1annexin A19q21.13
6303SAT1DC21 | KFSD | KFSDX | SAT | SSAT | SSAT-1spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase 1Xp22.1

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