Search results:

The pahtway p4103 has 54 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 38 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
83641FAM107BC10orf45family with sequence similarity 107 member B10p13
9221NOLC1NOPP130 | NOPP140 | NS5ATP13 | P130nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 110q24.32
5140PDE3BHcGIP1 | cGIPDE1phosphodiesterase 3B11p15.1
7351UCP2BMIQ4 | SLC25A8 | UCPHuncoupling protein 2 (mitochondrial, proton carrier)11q13
57476GRAMD1B-GRAM domain containing 1B11q24.1
3458IFNGIFG | IFIinterferon, gamma12q14
1848DUSP6HH19 | MKP3 | PYST1dual specificity phosphatase 612q21.33
694BTG1-B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative12q22
51082POLR1DAC19 | POLR1C | RPA16 | RPA9 | RPAC2 | RPC16 | RPO1-3 | TCS2polymerase (RNA) I subunit D13q12.2
8600TNFSF11CD254 | ODF | OPGL | OPTB2 | RANKL | TNLG6B | TRANCE | hRANKL2 | sOdftumor necrosis factor superfamily member 1113q14
2643GCH1DYT14 | DYT5 | DYT5a | GCH | GTP-CH-1 | GTPCH1 | HPABH4BGTP cyclohydrolase 114q22.1-q22.2
81620CDT1DUP | RIS2chromatin licensing and DNA replication factor 116q24.3
7050TGIF1HPE4 | TGIFTGFB induced factor homeobox 118p11.3
10892MALT1IMD12 | MLT | MLT1 | PCASP1MALT1 paracaspase18q21
4155MBP-myelin basic protein18q23
4772NFATC1NF-ATC | NF-ATc1.2 | NFAT2 | NFATcnuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 118q23
4616GADD45BGADD45BETA | MYD118growth arrest and DNA damage inducible beta19p13.3
84807NFKBIDIkappaBNS | TA-NFKBHNFKB inhibitor delta19q13.12
79961DENND2D-DENN domain containing 2D1p13.3
10228STX6-syntaxin 61q25.3
5997RGS2G0S8regulator of G-protein signaling 21q31
2953GSTT2-glutathione S-transferase theta 2 (gene/pseudogene)22q11.23
678ZFP36L2BRF2 | ERF-2 | ERF2 | RNF162C | TIS11DZFP36 ring finger protein-like 22p22.3-p21
7535ZAP70SRK | STCD | STD | TZK | ZAP-70zeta chain of T cell receptor associated protein kinase 70kDa2q12
57679ALS2ALS2CR6 | ALSJ | IAHSP | PLSJALS2, alsin Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor2q33.1
27086FOXP112CC4 | HSPC215 | MFH | QRF1 | hFKH1Bforkhead box P13p14.1
151888BTLABTLA1 | CD272B and T lymphocyte associated3q13.2
3558IL2IL-2 | TCGF | lymphokineinterleukin 24q26-q27
8507ENC1CCL28 | ENC-1 | KLHL35 | KLHL37 | NRPB | PIG10 | TP53I10ectodermal-neural cortex 15q13
3702ITKEMT | LPFS1 | LYK | PSCTK2IL2 inducible T-cell kinase5q31-q32
2107ETF1D5S1995 | ERF | ERF1 | RF1 | SUP45L1 | TB3-1eukaryotic translation termination factor 15q31.1
4794NFKBIEIKBENFKB inhibitor epsilon6p21.1
2030SLC29A1ENT1solute carrier family 29 member 16p21.1
25897RNF19ARNF19ring finger protein 19A, RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase8q22
4609MYCMRTL | MYCC | bHLHe39 | c-Mycv-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog8q24.21
3717JAK2JTK10 | THCYT3Janus kinase 29p24
10171RCL1RNAC | RPCL1RNA terminal phosphate cyclase-like 19p24.1-p23

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