Search results:

The pahtway p4108 has 67 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 48 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
6001RGS10-regulator of G-protein signaling 1010q25
272AMPD3-adenosine monophosphate deaminase 311p15
6833ABCC8ABC36 | HHF1 | HI | HRINS | MRP8 | PHHI | SUR | SUR1 | SUR1delta2 | TNDM2ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 811p15.1
5719PSMD13HSPC027 | Rpn9 | S11 | p40.5proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 1311p15.5
6602SMARCD1BAF60A | CRACD1 | Rsc6pSWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 112q13-q14
4035LRP1A2MR | APOER | APR | CD91 | IGFBP3R | LRP | LRP1A | TGFBR5LDL receptor related protein 112q13.3
22877MLXIPMIR | MONDOA | bHLHe36MLX interacting protein12q24.31
7174TPP2TPP-2 | TPPIItripeptidyl peptidase II13q32-q33
7027TFDP1DILC | DP1 | DRTF1 | Dp-1transcription factor Dp-113q34
26037SIPA1L1E6TP1signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 114q24.2
9112MTA1-metastasis associated 114q32.3
3831KLC1KLC | KNS2 | KNS2Akinesin light chain 114q32.3
1983EIF5EIF-5 | EIF-5Aeukaryotic translation initiation factor 514q32.32
9529BAG5BAG-5BCL2 associated athanogene 514q32.33
5607MAP2K5HsT17454 | MAPKK5 | MEK5 | PRKMK5mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 515q23
55623THUMPD1Tan1THUMP domain containing 116p12.3
7326UBE2G1E217K | UBC7 | UBE2Gubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 G117p13.2
10801SEPT9AF17q25 | MSF | MSF1 | NAPB | PNUTL4 | SINT1 | SeptD1septin 917q25
1298COL9A2DJ39G22.4 | EDM2 | MED | STL5collagen type IX alpha 21p33-p32
3065HDAC1GON-10 | HD1 | RPD3 | RPD3L1histone deacetylase 11p34
4725NDUFS5CI-15k | CI15KNADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit S51p34.2-p33
8672EIF4G3eIF-4G 3 | eIF4G 3 | eIF4GIIeukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 31p36.12
5226PGD6PGDphosphogluconate dehydrogenase1p36.22
5192PEX10NALD | PBD6A | PBD6B | RNF69peroxisomal biogenesis factor 101p36.32
6629SNRPB2Msl1small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide B20p12.1
23613ZMYND8PRKCBP1 | PRO2893 | RACK7zinc finger MYND-type containing 820q13.12
5152PDE9AHSPDE9A2phosphodiesterase 9A21q22.3
2078ERGerg-3 | p55v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog21q22.3
2812GP1BBBDPLT1 | BS | CD42C | GPIBB | GPIbbetaglycoprotein Ib platelet beta subunit22q11.21
8853ASAP2AMAP2 | CENTB3 | DDEF2 | PAG3 | PAP | Pap-alpha | SHAG1ArfGAP with SH3 domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 22p25|2p24
8618CADPSCADPS1 | CAPS | CAPS1 | UNC-31Ca2+ dependent secretion activator3p14.2
776CACNA1DCACH3 | CACN4 | CACNL1A2 | CCHL1A2 | Cav1.3 | PASNA | SANDDcalcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 D3p14.3
7358UGDHGDH | UDP-GlcDH | UDPGDH | UGDUDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase4p15.1
658BMPR1BALK-6 | ALK6 | AMDD | BDA1D | BDA2 | CDw293bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1B4q22-q24
2690GHRGHBP | GHIPgrowth hormone receptor5p13-p12
3781KCNN2KCa2.2 | SK2 | SKCA2 | SKCa 2 | hSK2potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily N member 25q22.3
5754PTK7CCK-4 | CCK4protein tyrosine kinase 7 (inactive)6p21.1-p12.2
7941PLA2G7LDL-PLA2 | LP-PLA2 | PAFAD | PAFAHphospholipase A2 group VII6p21.2-p12
177AGERRAGEadvanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor6p21.3
4646MYO6DFNA22 | DFNB37myosin VI6q13
5796PTPRKR-PTP-kappaprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type K6q22.2-q22.3
4217MAP3K5ASK1 | MAPKKK5 | MEKK5mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 56q22.33
9053MAP7E-MAP-115 | EMAP115microtubule associated protein 76q23.3
6908TBPGTF2D | GTF2D1 | HDL4 | SCA17 | TFIIDTATA-box binding protein6q27
7291TWIST1ACS3 | BPES2 | BPES3 | CRS | CRS1 | CSO | SCS | TWIST | bHLHa38twist family bHLH transcription factor 17p21.2
5575PRKAR1BPRKAR1protein kinase cAMP-dependent type I regulatory subunit beta7p22
10656KHDRBS3Etle | SALP | SLM-2 | SLM2 | T-STAR | TSTAR | etoileKH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 38q24.2
7088TLE1ESG | ESG1 | GRG1transducin like enhancer of split 19q21.32

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