Search results:

The pahtway p1424 has 94 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 57 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
80351TNKS2ARTD6 | PARP-5b | PARP-5c | PARP5B | PARP5C | TANK2 | TNKL | pART6tankyrase 210q23.3
159371SLC35G1C10orf60 | TMEM20solute carrier family 35 member G110q23.33
23052ENDOD1-endonuclease domain containing 111q21
6857SYT1P65 | SVP65 | SYTsynaptotagmin 112cen-q21
32ACACBACC2 | ACCB | HACC275acetyl-CoA carboxylase beta12q24.11
23389MED13LMRFACD | PROSIT240 | THRAP2 | TRAP240Lmediator complex subunit 13 like12q24.21
85439STON2STN2 | STNB | STNB2stonin 214q31.1
1009CDH11CAD11 | CDHOB | OB | OSF-4cadherin 1116q21
55159RFWD3RNF201ring finger and WD repeat domain 316q23.1
9020MAP3K14FTDCR1B | HS | HSNIK | NIKmitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1417q21
147372CCBE1HKLLS1collagen and calcium binding EGF domains 118q21.32
90317ZNF616-zinc finger protein 61619q13.41
79763ISOC2-isochorismatase domain containing 219q13.42
1806DPYDDHP | DHPDHASE | DPDdihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase1p22
91624NEXNCMH20 | NELINnexilin (F actin binding protein)1p31.1
3399ID3HEIR-1 | bHLHb25inhibitor of DNA binding 3, HLH protein1p36.13-p36.12
978CDACDDcytidine deaminase1p36.2-p35
1953MEGF6EGFL3multiple EGF like domains 61p36.3
467ATF3-activating transcription factor 31q32.3
5266PI3ESI | SKALP | WAP3 | WFDC14 | cementoinpeptidase inhibitor 320q13.12
55615PRR5FLJ20185k | PP610 | PROTOR-1 | PROTOR1proline rich 522q13
7039TGFATFGAtransforming growth factor alpha2p13
114818KLHL29KBTBD9kelch like family member 292p24.1
151194METTL21AFAM119A | HCA557b | HSPA-KMTmethyltransferase like 21A2q33.3
79750ZNF385DZNF659zinc finger protein 385D3p24.3
10815CPLX1CPX-I | CPX1complexin 14p16.3
2250FGF5HBGF-5 | Smag-82 | TCMGLYfibroblast growth factor 54q21
113612CYP2U1P450TEC | SPG49 | SPG56cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily U member 14q25
8821INPP4B-inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase type II B4q31.21
651746ANKRD33B-ankyrin repeat domain 33B5p15.2
133396IL31RACRL | CRL3 | GLM-R | GLMR | GPL | IL-31RA | PLCA2 | PRO21384 | hGLM-Rinterleukin 31 receptor A5q11.2
11174ADAMTS6ADAM-TS 6 | ADAM-TS6 | ADAMTS-6ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 65q12
57486NLNAGTBP | EP24.16 | MEP | MOPneurolysin5q12.3
10087COL4A3BPCERT | CERTL | GPBP | MRD34 | STARD11collagen type IV alpha 3 binding protein5q13.3
285704RGMBDRAGONrepulsive guidance molecule family member b5q15
23092ARHGAP26GRAF | GRAF1 | OPHN1L | OPHN1L1Rho GTPase activating protein 265q31
11063SOX30-SRY-box 305q33
860RUNX2AML3 | CBF-alpha-1 | CBFA1 | CCD | CCD1 | CLCD | OSF-2 | OSF2 | PEA2aA | PEBP2aArunt related transcription factor 26p21
4646MYO6DFNA22 | DFNB37myosin VI6q13
93663ARHGAP18MacGAP | SENEX | bA307O14.2Rho GTPase activating protein 186q22.33
23089PEG10EDR | HB-1 | MEF3L | Mar2 | Mart2 | RGAG3paternally expressed 107q21
440ASNSASNSD | TS11asparagine synthetase (glutamine-hydrolyzing)7q21.3
7205TRIP6OIP-1 | OIP1 | TRIP-6 | TRIP6i2 | ZRP-1thyroid hormone receptor interactor 67q22
349152DPY19L2P2-DPY19L2 pseudogene 27q22.1
55971BAIAP2L1IRTKSBAI1 associated protein 2 like 17q22.1
5054SERPINE1PAI | PAI-1 | PAI1 | PLANH1serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 17q22.1
8976WASLN-WASP | NWASP | WASPBWiskott-Aldrich syndrome-like7q31.3
4232MESTPEG1mesoderm specific transcript7q32
5420PODXLGp200 | PC | PCLP | PCLP-1podocalyxin like7q32-q33
23382AHCYL2ADOHCYASE3 | IRBIT2adenosylhomocysteinase like 27q32.1
23534TNPO3IPO12 | LGMD1F | MTR10A | TRN-SR | TRN-SR2 | TRNSRtransportin 37q32.1
23008KLHDC10slimkelch domain containing 107q32.2
6591SNAI2SLUG | SLUGH1 | SNAIL2 | WS2Dsnail family zinc finger 28q11
793CALB1CALB | D-28Kcalbindin 18q21.3
10171RCL1RNAC | RPCL1RNA terminal phosphate cyclase-like 19p24.1-p23
7357UGCGGCS | GLCT1UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase9q31
26468LHX6LHX6.1LIM homeobox 69q33.2

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