Search results:

The pahtway p2197 has 73 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 47 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
116983ACAP3CENTB5ArfGAP with coiled-coil, ankyrin repeat and PH domains 3-
953ENTPD1ATPDase | CD39 | NTPDase-1 | SPG64ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 110q24
23223RRP12KIAA0690ribosomal RNA processing 12 homolog10q24.1
1308COL17A1BA16H23.2 | BP180 | BPA-2 | BPAG2 | ERED | LAD-1collagen type XVII alpha 110q24.3
4288MKI67KIA | MIB- | MIB-1 | PPP1R105marker of proliferation Ki-6710q26.2
710SERPING1C1IN | C1INH | C1NH | HAE1 | HAE2serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade G (C1 inhibitor), member 111q12.1
23769FLRT1SPG68fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 111q13.1
23086EXPH5SLAC2-B | SLAC2Bexophilin 511q22.3
7450VWFF8VWF | VWDvon Willebrand factor12p13.3
1594CYP27B1CP2B | CYP1 | CYP1alpha | CYP27B | P450c1 | PDDR | VDD1 | VDDR | VDDRI | VDRcytochrome P450 family 27 subfamily B member 112q14.1
57460PPM1HARHCL1 | NERPP-2C | URCC2protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1H12q14.1
1284COL4A2ICH | POREN2collagen type IV alpha 213q34
1152CKBB-CK | BCK | CKBB | HEL-211 | HEL-S-29creatine kinase, brain14q32
23475QPRTHEL-S-90n | QPRTasequinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase16p11.2
5579PRKCBPKC-beta | PKCB | PRKCB1 | PRKCB2protein kinase C beta16p11.2
4496MT1HMT-0 | MT-1H | MT-IH | MT1metallothionein 1H16q13
2775GNAO1EIEE17 | G-ALPHA-o | GNAOG protein subunit alpha o116q13
50855PARD6APAR-6A | PAR6 | PAR6C | PAR6alpha | TAX40 | TIP-40par-6 family cell polarity regulator alpha16q22.1
1742DLG4PSD95 | SAP-90 | SAP90discs large homolog 417p13.1
84440RAB11FIP4RAB11-FIP4RAB11 family interacting protein 4 (class II)17q11.2
1000CDH2CD325 | CDHN | CDw325 | NCADcadherin 218q11.2
25789TMEM59LBSMAP | C19orf4transmembrane protein 59 like19p12
5864RAB3A-RAB3A, member RAS oncogene family19p13.2
8857FCGBPFC(GAMMA)BPFc fragment of IgG binding protein19q13.1
79935CNTD2CCNPcyclin N-terminal domain containing 219q13.2
353500BMP8A-bone morphogenetic protein 8a1p34.3
2701GJA4CX37gap junction protein alpha 41p35.1
9923ZBTB40ZNF923zinc finger and BTB domain containing 401p36
23057NMNAT2C1orf15 | PNAT2nicotinamide nucleotide adenylyltransferase 21q25
5126PCSK2NEC 2 | NEC-2 | NEC2 | PC2 | SPC2proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 220p11.2
10741RBBP9BOG | RBBP10retinoblastoma binding protein 920p11.2
6616SNAP25CMS18 | RIC-4 | RIC4 | SEC9 | SNAP | SNAP-25 | bA416N4.2 | dJ1068F16.2synaptosome associated protein 25kDa20p12-p11.2
7173TPOMSA | TDH2A | TPXthyroid peroxidase2p25
248ALPIIAPalkaline phosphatase, intestinal2q37.1
776CACNA1DCACH3 | CACN4 | CACNL1A2 | CCHL1A2 | Cav1.3 | PASNA | SANDDcalcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 D3p14.3
79669C3orf52TTMPchromosome 3 open reading frame 523q13.2
6480ST6GAL1SIAT1 | ST6GalI | ST6NST6 beta-galactosamide alpha-2,6-sialyltranferase 13q27.3
2261FGFR3ACH | CD333 | CEK2 | HSFGFR3EX | JTK4fibroblast growth factor receptor 34p16.3
4883NPR3ANP-C | ANPR-C | ANPRC | C5orf23 | GUCY2B | NPR-C | NPRCnatriuretic peptide receptor 35p13.3
56172ANKHANK | CCAL2 | CMDJ | CPPDD | HANK | MANKANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator5p15.1
11082ESM1endocanendothelial cell specific molecule 15q11.2
27115PDE7BbA472E5.1phosphodiesterase 7B6q23-q24
8417STX7-syntaxin 76q23.1
26230TIAM2STEF | TIAM-2T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 26q25.2
57583TMEM181GPR178 | KIAA1423transmembrane protein 1816q25.3
3751KCND2KV4.2 | RK5potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 27q31
57210SLC45A4-solute carrier family 45 member 48q24.3

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