Search results:

The pahtway p3862 has 142 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 79 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
55388MCM10CNA43 | DNA43 | PRO2249minichromosome maintenance 10 replication initiation factor10p13
9397NMT2-N-myristoyltransferase 210p13
5214PFKPATP-PFK | PFK-C | PFK-P | PFKFphosphofructokinase, platelet10p15.3-p15.2
22943DKK1DKK-1 | SKdickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 110q11.2
11130ZWINTHZwint-1 | KNTC2AP | SIP30 | ZWINT1ZW10 interacting kinetochore protein10q21-q22
983CDK1CDC2 | CDC28A | P34CDC2cyclin-dependent kinase 110q21.1
23234DNAJC9HDJC9 | JDD1 | SB73DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C910q22.2
960CD44CDW44 | CSPG8 | ECMR-III | HCELL | HUTCH-I | IN | LHR | MC56 | MDU2 | MDU3 | MIC4 | Pgp1CD44 molecule (Indian blood group)11p13
22800RRAS2TC21related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene homolog 211p15.2
2237FEN1FEN-1 | MF1 | RAD2flap structure-specific endonuclease 111q12
79080CCDC86-coiled-coil domain containing 8611q12.2
8061FOSL1FRA | FRA1 | fra-1FOS like antigen 111q13
3014H2AFXH2A.X | H2A/X | H2AXH2A histone family member X11q23.3
9052GPRC5AGPCR5A | PEIG-1 | RAI3 | RAIG1 | TIG1G protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member A12p13.1
81539SLC38A1ATA1 | NAT2 | SAT1 | SNAT1solute carrier family 38 member 112q13.11
6541SLC7A1ATRC1 | CAT-1 | ERR | HCAT1 | REC1Lsolute carrier family 7 member 113q12.3
4860PNPNP | PRO1837 | PUNPpurine nucleoside phosphorylase14q13.1
1734DIO25DII | D2 | DIOII | SelY | TXDI2deiodinase, iodothyronine, type II14q24.2-q24.3
1983EIF5EIF-5 | EIF-5Aeukaryotic translation initiation factor 514q32.32
7057THBS1THBS | THBS-1 | TSP | TSP-1 | TSP1thrombospondin 115q15
11339OIP55730547N13Rik | CT86 | LINT-25 | MIS18B | MIS18beta | hMIS18betaOpa interacting protein 515q15.1
641BLMBS | RECQ2 | RECQL2 | RECQL3Bloom syndrome RecQ like helicase15q26.1
55215FANCIKIAA1794Fanconi anemia complementation group I15q26.1
51330TNFRSF12ACD266 | FN14 | TWEAKRtumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 12A16p13.3
79801SHCBP1PALSHC SH2-domain binding protein 116q11.2
4501MT1XMT-1l | MT1metallothionein 1X16q13
55159RFWD3RNF201ring finger and WD repeat domain 316q23.1
51659GINS2HSPC037 | PSF2 | Pfs2GINS complex subunit 2 (Psf2 homolog)16q24.1
8140SLC7A54F2LC | CD98 | D16S469E | E16 | LAT1 | MPE16 | hLAT1solute carrier family 7 member 516q24.3
64359NXNNRX | TRG-4nucleoredoxin17p13.3
84617TUBB6HsT1601 | TUBB-5tubulin beta 6 class V18p11.21
5055SERPINB2HsT1201 | PAI | PAI-2 | PAI2 | PLANH2serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 218q21.3
55723ASF1BCIA-IIanti-silencing function 1B histone chaperone19p13.12
898CCNE1CCNE | pCCNE1cyclin E119q12
23576DDAH1DDAH | HEL-S-16dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 11p22
7398USP1UBPubiquitin specific peptidase 11p31.3
5792PTPRFBNAH2 | LARprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type F1p34
11004KIF2CCT139 | KNSL6 | MCAKkinesin family member 2C1p34.1
51154MRTO4C1orf33 | MRT4 | dJ657E11.4MRT4 homolog, ribosome maturation factor1p36.13
8682PEA15HMAT1 | HUMMAT1H | MAT1 | MAT1H | PEA-15 | PEDphosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes 151q21.1
9156EXO1HEX1 | hExoIexonuclease 11q43
11065UBE2CUBCH10 | dJ447F3.2ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 C20q13.12
8318CDC45CDC45L | CDC45L2 | PORC-PI-1cell division cycle 4522q11.21
7533YWHAHYWHA1tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein eta22q12.3
2202EFEMP1DHRD | DRAD | FBLN3 | FBNL | FIBL-3 | MLVT | MTLV | S1-5EGF containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 12p16
51232CRIM1CRIM-1 | S52cysteine rich transmembrane BMP regulator 1 (chordin-like)2p21
805CALM2CAMII | LQT15 | PHKD | PHKD2 | caMcalmodulin 2 (phosphorylase kinase, delta)2p21
10602CDC42EP3BORG2 | CEP3 | UB1CDC42 effector protein 32p21
4953ODC1ODCornithine decarboxylase 12p25
4175MCM6MCG40308 | Mis5 | P105MCMminichromosome maintenance complex component 62q21
57405SPC25AD024 | SPBC25 | hSpc25SPC25, NDC80 kinetochore complex component2q31.1
580BARD1-BRCA1 associated RING domain 12q35
5270SERPINE2GDN | GDNPF | PI-7 | PI7 | PN-1 | PN1 | PNIserpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 22q36.1
23677SH3BP4BOG25 | TTPSH3-domain binding protein 42q37.1-q37.2
993CDC25ACDC25A2cell division cycle 25A3p21
51099ABHD5CDS | CGI58 | IECN2 | NCIE2abhydrolase domain containing 53p21
25907TMEM158BBP | RIS1 | p40BBPtransmembrane protein 158 (gene/pseudogene)3p21.3
23180RFTN1MIG2 | PIB10 | PIG9 | RAFTLINraftlin, lipid raft linker 13p24.3
4085MAD2L1HSMAD2 | MAD2MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 1 (yeast)4q27
8614STC2STC-2 | STCRPstanniocalcin 25q35.1
4172MCM3HCC5 | P1-MCM3 | P1.h | RLFBminichromosome maintenance complex component 36p12
1956EGFRERBB | ERBB1 | HER1 | NISBD2 | PIG61 | mENAepidermal growth factor receptor7p12
4176MCM7CDC47 | MCM2 | P1.1-MCM3 | P1CDC47 | P85MCM | PNAS146 | PPP1R104minichromosome maintenance complex component 77q21.3-q22.1
10248POP70610037N12Rik | RPP2 | RPP20POP7 homolog, ribonuclease P/MRP subunit7q22
857CAV1BSCL3 | CGL3 | LCCNS | MSTP085 | PPH3 | VIP21caveolin 17q31.1
858CAV2CAVcaveolin 27q31.1
4232MESTPEG1mesoderm specific transcript7q32
54892NCAPG2CAP-G2 | CAPG2 | LUZP5 | MTB | hCAP-G2non-SMC condensin II complex subunit G27q36.3
3084NRG1ARIA | GGF | GGF2 | HGL | HRG | HRG1 | HRGA | MST131 | MSTP131 | NDF | NRG1-IT2 | SMDFneuregulin 18p12
55872PBKCT84 | HEL164 | Nori-3 | SPK | TOPKPDZ binding kinase8p21.2
9134CCNE2CYCE2cyclin E28q22.1
25788RAD54BRDH54RAD54 homolog B (S. cerevisiae)8q22.1
9833MELKHPK38maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase9p13.2
1164CKS2CKSHS2CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 29q22
7357UGCGGCS | GLCT1UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase9q31
10383TUBB4BBeta2 | TUBB2 | TUBB2Ctubulin beta 4B class IVb9q34
1756DMDBMD | CMD3B | DXS142 | DXS164 | DXS206 | DXS230 | DXS239 | DXS268 | DXS269 | DXS270 | DXS272 | MRX85dystrophinXp21.2

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