Search results:

The pahtway p4207 has 31 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 25 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3688ITGB1CD29 | FNRB | GPIIA | MDF2 | MSK12 | VLA-BETA | VLABintegrin subunit beta 110p11.2
1791DNTTTDTDNA nucleotidylexotransferase10q23-q24
3611ILKHEL-S-28 | ILK-1 | ILK-2 | P59 | p59ILKintegrin linked kinase11p15.4
84233TMEM126AOPA7transmembrane protein 126A11q14.1
1027CDKN1BCDKN4 | KIP1 | MEN1B | MEN4 | P27KIP1cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B12p13.1-p12
8847DLEU21B4 | BCMSUN | DLB2 | LEU2 | LINC00022 | MIR15AHG | NCRNA00022 | RFP2OS | TRIM13OSdeleted in lymphocytic leukemia 2 (non-protein coding)13q14.3
677ZFP36L1BRF1 | Berg36 | ERF-1 | ERF1 | RNF162B | TIS11B | cMG1ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 114q24.1
2064ERBB2CD340 | HER-2 | HER-2/neu | HER2 | MLN 19 | NEU | NGL | TKR1erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 217q12
5914RARANR1B1 | RARretinoic acid receptor alpha17q21
54ACP5HPAP | SPENCDI | TRAPacid phosphatase 5, tartrate resistant19p13.2
7040TGFB1CED | DPD1 | LAP | TGFB | TGFbetatransforming growth factor beta 119q13.1
1050CEBPAC/EBP-alpha | CEBPCCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha19q13.1
7812CSDE1D1S155E | UNRcold shock domain containing E11p22
3399ID3HEIR-1 | bHLHb25inhibitor of DNA binding 3, HLH protein1p36.13-p36.12
223ALDH9A1ALDH4 | ALDH7 | ALDH9 | E3 | TMABADHaldehyde dehydrogenase 9 family member A11q23.1
5770PTPN1PTP1Bprotein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 120q13.1-q13.2
351APPAAA | ABETA | ABPP | AD1 | APPI | CTFgamma | CVAP | PN-II | PN2amyloid beta precursor protein21q21.3
5155PDGFBIBGC5 | PDGF-2 | PDGF2 | SIS | SSV | c-sisplatelet derived growth factor subunit B22q13.1
3162HMOX1HMOX1D | HO-1 | HSP32 | bK286B10heme oxygenase 122q13.1
7428VHLHRCA1 | RCA1 | VHL1 | pVHLvon Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor3p25.3
5054SERPINE1PAI | PAI-1 | PAI1 | PLANH1serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 17q22.1
4609MYCMRTL | MYCC | bHLHe39 | c-Mycv-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog8q24.21
10397NDRG1CAP43 | CMT4D | DRG-1 | DRG1 | GC4 | HMSNL | NDR1 | NMSL | PROXY1 | RIT42 | RTP | TARG1 | TDD5N-myc downstream regulated 18q24.3
5524PPP2R4PP2A | PR53 | PTPAprotein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit 49q34

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