Search results:

The pahtway p620 has 28 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 19 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
408ARRB1ARB1 | ARR1arrestin, beta 111q13
5331PLCB3-phospholipase C beta 311q13
867CBLC-CBL | CBL2 | FRA11B | NSLL | RNF55Cbl proto-oncogene, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase11q23.3
207AKT1AKT | CWS6 | PKB | PKB-ALPHA | PRKBA | RAC | RAC-ALPHAv-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 114q32.32
5330PLCB2PLC-beta-2phospholipase C beta 215q15
5579PRKCBPKC-beta | PKCB | PRKCB1 | PRKCB2protein kinase C beta16p11.2
409ARRB2ARB2 | ARR2 | BARR2arrestin, beta 217p13
146850PIK3R6C17orf38 | HsT41028 | p84 PIKAP | p87(PIKAP) | p87PIKAPphosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 617p13.1
5578PRKCAAAG6 | PKC-alpha | PKCA | PRKACAprotein kinase C alpha17q24.2
2782GNB1-G protein subunit beta 11p36.33
23236PLCB1EIEE12 | PI-PLC | PLC-154 | PLC-I | PLC-beta-1 | PLC154 | PLCB1A | PLCB1Bphospholipase C beta 120p12
3055HCKJTK9 | p59Hck | p61HckHCK proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase20q11-q12
5581PRKCEPKCE | nPKC-epsilonprotein kinase C epsilon2p21
3577CXCR1C-C | C-C-CKR-1 | CD128 | CD181 | CDw128a | CKR-1 | CMKAR1 | IL8R1 | IL8RA | IL8RBAC-X-C motif chemokine receptor 12q35
5868RAB5ARAB5RAB5A, member RAS oncogene family3p24.3
5337PLD1-phospholipase D13q26
4067LYNJTK8 | p53Lyn | p56LynLYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase8q13
9630GNA14-G protein subunit alpha 149q21
1759DNM1DNM | EIEE31dynamin 19q34

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