Search results:

The pahtway p643 has 44 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 29 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
729238SFTPA2COLEC5 | PSAP | PSP-A | PSPA | SFTP1 | SFTPA2B | SP-A | SPA2 | SPAIIsurfactant protein A210q22.3
653509SFTPA1COLEC4 | PSAP | PSP-A | PSPA | SFTP1 | SFTPA1B | SP-A | SP-A1 | SPA | SPA1surfactant protein A110q22.3
1027CDKN1BCDKN4 | KIP1 | MEN1B | MEN4 | P27KIP1cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B12p13.1-p12
6667SP1-Sp1 transcription factor12q13.1
3169FOXA1HNF3A | TCF3Aforkhead box A114q21.1
2353FOSAP-1 | C-FOS | p55FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog14q24.3
5265SERPINA1A1A | A1AT | AAT | PI | PI1 | PRO2275 | alpha1ATserpin peptidase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 114q32.1
7026NR2F2ARP1 | CHTD4 | COUPTFB | COUPTFII | NF-E3 | NR2F1 | SVP40 | TFCOUP2nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group F member 215q26
1387CREBBPCBP | KAT3A | RSTSCREB binding protein16p13.3
672BRCA1BRCAI | BRCC1 | BROVCA1 | FANCS | IRIS | PNCA4 | PPP1R53 | PSCP | RNF53breast cancer 117q21
4782NFICCTF | CTF5 | NF-I | NFInuclear factor I/C (CCAAT-binding transcription factor)19p13.3
354KLK3APS | KLK2A1 | PSA | hK3kallikrein related peptidase 319q13.41
4774NFIACTF | NF-I/A | NF1-A | NFI-A | NFI-Lnuclear factor I/A1p31.3-p31.2
5451POU2F1OCT1 | OTF1 | oct-1BPOU class 2 homeobox 11q24.2
725C4BPBC4BPcomplement component 4 binding protein beta1q32
8204NRIP1RIP140nuclear receptor interacting protein 121q11.2
6647SOD1ALS | ALS1 | HEL-S-44 | IPOA | SOD | hSod1 | homodimersuperoxide dismutase 1, soluble21q22.11
1826DSCAMCHD2 | CHD2-42 | CHD2-52Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule21q22.2
80781COL18A1KNO | KNO1 | KScollagen type XVIII alpha 121q22.3
4731NDUFV3CI-10k | CI-9KDNADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit V321q22.3
7494XBP1TREB-5 | TREB5 | XBP-1 | XBP2X-box binding protein 122q12.1|22q12
23761PISDDJ858B16 | PSD | PSDC | PSSC | dJ858B16.2phosphatidylserine decarboxylase22q12.2
2033EP300KAT3B | RSTS2 | p300E1A binding protein p30022q13.2
338APOBFLDB | LDLCQ4 | apoB-100 | apoB-48apolipoprotein B2p24-p23
2641GCGGLP1 | GLP2 | GRPPglucagon2q36-q37
2099ESR1ER | ESR | ESRA | ESTRR | Era | NR3A1estrogen receptor 16q25.1
6469SHHHHG1 | HLP3 | HPE3 | MCOPCB5 | SMMCI | TPT | TPTPSsonic hedgehog7q36
4781NFIBCTF | HMGIC/NFIB | NF-I/B | NF1-B | NFI-B | NFI-RED | NFIB2 | NFIB3nuclear factor I/B9p24.1
367ARAIS | AR8 | DHTR | HUMARA | HYSP1 | KD | NR3C4 | SBMA | SMAX1 | TFMandrogen receptorXq12

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