Search results:

The pahtway p99 has 121 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 83 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5660PSAPGLBA | SAP1prosaposin10q21-q22
26985AP3M1-adaptor related protein complex 3 mu 1 subunit10q22.2
3988LIPACESD | LALlipase A, lysosomal acid type10q23.2-q23.3
53ACP2LAPacid phosphatase 2, lysosomal11p11.2|11p12-p11
1200TPP1CLN2 | GIG1 | LPIC | SCAR7 | TPP-1tripeptidyl peptidase I11p15
6609SMPD1ASM | ASMASE | NPDsphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 111p15.4-p15.1
8722CTSFCATSF | CLN13cathepsin F11q13
1521CTSWLYPNcathepsin W11q13.1
4891SLC11A2DCT1 | DMT1 | NRAMP2solute carrier family 11 member 212q13
967CD63LAMP-3 | ME491 | MLA1 | OMA81H | TSPAN30CD63 molecule12q13.2
79158GNPTABGNPTA | ICDN-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase alpha and beta subunits12q23.2
23457ABCB9EST122234 | TAPLATP binding cassette subfamily B member 912q24
11154AP4S1AP47B | CLA20 | CLAPS4 | CPSQ6 | SPG52adaptor related protein complex 4 sigma 1 subunit14q12
10577NPC2EDDM1 | HE1Niemann-Pick disease, type C214q24.3
5641LGMNAEP | LGMN1 | PRSC1legumain14q32.1
8120AP3B2NAPTBadaptor related protein complex 3 beta 2 subunit15q
23431AP4E1CPSQ4 | SPG51adaptor related protein complex 4 epsilon 1 subunit15q21.2
3073HEXATSDhexosaminidase subunit alpha15q24.1
1512CTSHACC-4 | ACC-5 | ACC4 | ACC5 | CPSBcathepsin H15q25.1
1201CLN3BTS | JNCLceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 316p12.1
527ATP6V0CATP6C | ATP6L | ATPL | VATL | VPPC | Vma3ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit c16p13.3
51172NAGPAAPAA | UCEN-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphodiester alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase16p13.3
9114ATP6V0D1ATP6D | ATP6DV | P39 | VATX | VMA6 | VPATPDATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit d116q22.1
23659PLA2G15ACS | GXVPLA2 | LLPL | LPLA2 | LYPLA3phospholipase A2 group XV16q22.1
164AP1G1ADTG | CLAPG1adaptor related protein complex 1 gamma 1 subunit16q23
2588GALNSGALNAC6S | GAS | GalN6S | MPS4Agalactosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase16q24.3
968CD68GP110 | LAMP4 | SCARD1CD68 molecule17p13
4669NAGLUCMT2V | MPS-IIIB | MPS3B | NAG | UFHSDN-acetylglucosaminidase, alpha17q21
535ATP6V0A1ATP6N1 | ATP6N1A | Stv1 | VPP1 | Vph1 | a1ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a117q21
22901ARSG-arylsulfatase G17q24.2
2548GAALYAGglucosidase, alpha; acid17q25.2-q25.3
4864NPC1NPCNiemann-Pick disease, type C118q11.2
8907AP1M1AP47 | CLAPM2 | CLTNM | MU-1Aadaptor related protein complex 1 mu 1 subunit19p13.12
4125MAN2B1LAMAN | MANBmannosidase alpha class 2B member 119p13.2
54ACP5HPAP | SPENCDI | TRAPacid phosphatase 5, tartrate resistant19p13.2
8943AP3D1ADTD | hBLVRadaptor related protein complex 3 delta 1 subunit19p13.3
9476NAPSAKAP | Kdap | NAP1 | NAPA | SNAPAnapsin A aspartic peptidase19q13.33
6272SORT1Gp95 | LDLCQ6 | NT3 | NTR3sortilin 11p13.3|1p21.3-p13.1
58511DNASE2BDLADdeoxyribonuclease II beta1p22.3
5538PPT1CLN1 | INCL | PPTpalmitoyl-protein thioesterase 11p32
533ATP6V0BATP6F | HATPL | VMA16ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit b1p32.3
2517FUCA1FUCAfucosidase, alpha-L- 1, tissue1p34
7805LAPTM5CLAST6lysosomal protein transmembrane 51p34
2629GBAGBA1 | GCB | GLUCglucosidase, beta, acid1q21
1513CTSKCTS02 | CTSO | CTSO1 | CTSO2 | PKND | PYCDcathepsin K1q21
5476CTSAGLB2 | GSL | NGBE | PPCA | PPGBcathepsin A20q13.1
1522CTSZCTSXcathepsin Z20q13.32
4668NAGAD22S674 | GALBN-acetylgalactosaminidase, alpha-22q11
8218CLTCL1CHC22 | CLH22 | CLTCL | CLTDclathrin heavy chain like 122q11.21
410ARSAMLDarylsulfatase A22q13.33
6556SLC11A1LSH | NRAMP | NRAMP1solute carrier family 11 member 12q35
130340AP1S3PSORS15adaptor related protein complex 1 sigma 3 subunit2q36.1
2720GLB1EBP | ELNR1 | MPS4Bgalactosidase beta 13p21.33
27074LAMP3CD208 | DC LAMP | DC-LAMP | DCLAMP | LAMP | LAMP-3 | TSC403lysosomal associated membrane protein 33q26.3-q27
768239PSAPL1-prosaposin-like 1 (gene/pseudogene)4p16.1
3425IDUAIDA | MPS1iduronidase, alpha-L-4p16.3
950SCARB2AMRF | CD36L2 | EPM4 | HLGP85 | LGP85 | LIMP-2 | LIMPII | SR-BIIscavenger receptor class B member 24q21.1
4126MANBAMANB1mannosidase beta4q24
256471MFSD8CCMD | CLN7major facilitator superfamily domain containing 84q28.2
1519CTSOCTSO1cathepsin O4q32.1
175AGAAGU | ASRG | GAaspartylglucosaminidase4q34.3
3074HEXBENC-1AS | HEL-248 | HEL-S-111hexosaminidase subunit beta5q13
8546AP3B1ADTB3 | ADTB3A | HPS | HPS2 | PEadaptor related protein complex 3 beta 1 subunit5q14.1
1212CLTBLCBclathrin light chain B5q35
9374PPT2C6orf8 | G14 | PPT-2palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 26p21.3
4758NEU1NANH | NEU | SIAL1neuraminidase 1 (lysosomal sialidase)6p21.3
26503SLC17A5AST | ISSD | NSD | SD | SIALIN | SIASD | SLDsolute carrier family 17 member 56q13
8763CD164DFNA66 | MGC-24 | MUC-24 | endolynCD164 molecule6q21
3482IGF2RCD222 | CI-M6PR | CIMPR | M6P-R | M6P/IGF2R | MPR 300 | MPR1 | MPR300 | MPRIinsulin like growth factor 2 receptor6q26
2990GUSBBG | MPS7glucuronidase beta7q21.11
9179AP4M1CPSQ3 | MU-4 | MU-ARP2 | SPG50adaptor related protein complex 4 mu 1 subunit7q22.1
1174AP1S1AP19 | CLAPS1 | EKV3 | MEDNIK | SIGMA1Aadaptor related protein complex 1 sigma 1 subunit7q22.1
138050HGSNATHGNAT | MPS3C | RP73 | TMEM76heparan-alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase8p11.1
10947AP3M2AP47B | CLA20 | P47Badaptor related protein complex 3 mu 2 subunit8p11.2
9583ENTPD4LALP70 | LAP70 | LYSAL1 | NTPDase-4 | UDPaseectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 48p21.3
427ASAH1AC | ACDase | ASAH | PHP | PHP32 | SMAPMEN-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase (acid ceramidase) 18p22
1508CTSBAPPS | CPSBcathepsin B8p22
51606ATP6V1HCGI-11 | MSTP042 | NBP1 | SFD | SFDalpha | SFDbeta | VMA13ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit H8q11.2
1211CLTALCAclathrin light chain A9p13
20ABCA2ABC2ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 29q34
2717GLAGALAgalactosidase alphaXq22
3423IDSMPS2 | SIDSiduronate 2-sulfataseXq28

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