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Dataset Description
  • Dataset Name: 12065639
  • Species: Human
  • Method: Microarray
  • No. of Genes: 67
  • Tissue: Frontal and motor cortices
  • Phenotype: Alcohol dependence (AD)/Alcohol abuse/Alcoholism
  • Publication: Mayfield et al. J Neurochem. (2002) Patterns of gene expression are altered in the frontal and motor cortices of human alcoholics. PubMed
  • Dataset Summary: We used cDNA microarrays to analyze expression of approximately 10 000 genes in the frontal and motor cortices of three groups of chronic alcoholic and matched control cases. Fluorescent intensity ratios of 1.4-fold or greater in either direction (representing the 99% confidence interval) were used to indicate differentially expressed genes.

    Gene list of this dataset (67 genes)
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    GeneIDSymbolNameGenetic locationOriginal ID1Original ID2
    5319PLA2G1Bphospholipase A2, group IB (pancreas)12q23-q24.1NM_000928 
    3587IL10RAinterleukin 10 receptor, alpha11q23NM_001558 
    1382CRABP2cellular retinoic acid binding protein 21q21.3NM_001878 
    6854SYN2synapsin II3p25NM_003178 
    8326FZD9frizzled homolog 9 (Drosophila)7q11.23NM_003508 
    3987LIMS1LIM and senescent cell antigen-like domains 12q12.3-q13NM_004987 
    4915NTRK2neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 29q22.1NM_006180 
    143PARP4poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 413q11NM_006437 
    2354FOSBFBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog B19q13.32NM_006732 
    4485MST1macrophage stimulating 1 (hepatocyte growth factor-like)3p21U28054 
    5527PPP2R5Cprotein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B', gamma isoform14q32U37352 
    9341VAMP3vesicle-associated membrane protein 3 (cellubrevin)1p36.23U64520 
    335APOA1apolipoprotein A-I11q23-q24X00566 
    3480IGF1Rinsulin-like growth factor 1 receptor15q26.3X04434 
    1363CPEcarboxypeptidase E4q32.3X51405 
    933CD22CD22 molecule19q13.1X98405 
    3162HMOX1heme oxygenase (decycling) 122q12|22q13.1Z82244 
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